Paste #20286: tommy

Date: 2015/09/23 07:25:57 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: interact
      Click Trigger:
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: Finaly you woke up"
        - wait 1
        - chat "&cYou&f: W-What... Happend.."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: Don't you remember?"
        - wait 1
        - chat "&cYou&f: No, i don't remember anything..."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: That's bad.."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&cYou&f: W-Well.. What do we do now?.."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: I don't know."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&cYou&f: M-Maybe we could... search for a town?.."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: Yes. But where to start? I can't see a thing as long as my eye can see.."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&cYou&f: I know. B-But we cant stay here the rest of our life."
        - wait 1
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: You're right. Lets start moving. Try to find a Cave or something where we can set up camp."
        - wait 1
        - narrate "< gives <> some steak."
        - give steak QTY:6
        - zap 2
      Click Trigger:
        - chat "&3Tommy&f: Go Find the cave!"