Paste #37078: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/10/20 18:38:03 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player breaks block:
        - define chunkspot <context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.z>,<>
#names the chunk location for reference later ^  
        - if <server.has_file[database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>.yml]>
        - yaml "load:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>.yml" id:<def[chunkspot]>
        - define uuid <yaml[<def[chunkspot]>].read[uuid]>
#loads the chunk data if it exists ^
#vaporwave v  if the chunk is already defined v      
        - if <player.in_group[player]>
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - if <def[uuid]> != <player.uuid>
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, please use your own chunk."
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, find some free land."
#if the chunk isn't defined v            
                - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                    - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, please use your own chunk."
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                    - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml create id:<player.uuid>
                    - yaml id:<player.uuid> set chunkspot:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml "savefile:database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>" id:<player.uuid>
                    - narrate "<&5><&l><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now yours, /NPM help for help."
                    - flag player chunkreset duration:1w
#midwave v if the chunk is already defined v       
        - if <player.in_group[player+]> || <player.in_group[builder]>
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player].world[global]>
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here,this is a PLAYER chunk."
#if the chunk isn't defined v             
                - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now in PUBLIC domain."
#highwave v if the chunk is defined v        
        - if <player.in_group[architect]> || <player.in_group[pro]> || <player.in_group[champion]> || <player.in_group[1htb38vn28v8vn10b8al]> || <player.in_group[4mv8b0vm18bv03m8vm10bjene8gi]>
            - narrate "<&4>If in highwave"
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - narrate "<&4>If chunkspot exists" 
                - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player].world[global]>
                    - narrate "<&4>If you don't have the timer"
                    - if !<player.has_flag[highvaportimer]>
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You are building in a PLAYER chunk."
                        - flag <player> highvaportimer duration:10m
#if the chunk isn't defined v
                - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now in PUBLIC domain."
        on player places block:
        - define chunkspot <context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.z>,<>
#names the chunk location for reference later ^  
        - if <server.has_file[database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>.yml]>
        - yaml "load:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>.yml" id:<def[chunkspot]>
        - define uuid <yaml[<def[chunkspot]>].read[uuid]>
#loads the chunk data if it exists ^
#vaporwave v  if the chunk is already defined v      
        - if <player.in_group[player]>
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - if <def[uuid]> != <player.uuid>
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, please use your own chunk."
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, find some free land."
#if the chunk isn't defined v            
                - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                    - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here, please use your own chunk."
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                    - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml create id:<player.uuid>
                    - yaml id:<player.uuid> set chunkspot:<def[chunkspot]>
                    - yaml "savefile:database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>" id:<player.uuid>
                    - narrate "<&5><&l><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now yours, /NPM help for help."
                    - flag player chunkreset duration:1w
#midwave v if the chunk is already defined v       
        - if <player.in_group[player+]> || <player.in_group[builder]>
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player].world[global]>
                    - determine passively cancelled
                    - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You cannot build here,this is a PLAYER chunk."
#if the chunk isn't defined v             
                - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now in PUBLIC domain."
#highwave v if the chunk is defined v        
        - if <player.in_group[architect]> || <player.in_group[pro]> || <player.in_group[champion]> || <player.in_group[1htb38vn28v8vn10b8al]> || <player.in_group[4mv8b0vm18bv03m8vm10bjene8gi]>
            - if <yaml.list.contains[<def[chunkspot]>]>
                - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player].world[global]>
                    - if !<player.has_flag[highvaportimer]>
                        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>You are building in a PLAYER chunk."
                        - flag <player> highvaportimer duration:10m
#if the chunk isn't defined v
                - yaml create id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - yaml id:<def[chunkspot]> set uuid:<player.uuid>
                - yaml "savefile:database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>" id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is now in PUBLIC domain."
        on system time 12:00:
#initiate reboot ^ reboot v
        - announce "<&4>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - foreach <server.list_players.filter[in_group[player]]>
            - if !<player.has_flag[chunkreset]>
                - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                    - yaml "load:database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>" id:<player.uuid>
                    - adjust server delete_file:database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>.yml
                    - adjust server delete_file:database/NPMchunks/<yaml[<player.uuid>].read[chunkspot]>.yml
                    - adjust <yaml[<player.uuid>].read[chunkspot]> regenerate
        - announce "<&c>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - execute as_server "save-all"
        - announce "<&d>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - foreach <server.list_players.filter[in_group[player].not]>
            - if <server.has_file[database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>]>
                - adjust server delete_file:database/NPMbasics/<player.uuid>.yml
        - announce "<&5>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&1>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&9>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&3>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&2>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&a>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&e>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - wait 2s
        - announce "<&6>THE SERVER IS RESTARTING"
        - kick <server.list.players> reason:<&d><&l><&o>Average reboot time: ~25 seconds
        - execute as_server "stop"
        on chunk unloads:
        - define chunkspot <context.chunk.x>,<context.chunk.z>,<>
        - if <server.has_file[database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>]>
            - define uuid <yaml[<def[chunkspot]>].read[uuid]>
            - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player]>
                - yaml unload id:<def[chunkspot]>
                - yaml unload id:<def[uuid]>
                - yaml unload id:<def[chunkspot]>
    type: command
    name: domain
    description: Gives the domain of the chunk you're in
    usage: /domain
    - define chunkspot <context.location.chunk.x>,<context.location.chunk.z>,<>
    - if <server.has_file[database/NPMchunks/<def[chunkspot]>>
        - define uuid <yaml[<def[chunkspot]>].read[uuid]>
        - if <def[uuid].as_player.in_group[player]>
            - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This is a PLAYER chunk owned by <def[uuid].as_player>."
            - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This is a PUBLIC chunk."
        - narrate "<&5><&lt>NoPlotsMe<&gt>This chunk is unowned."
    type: command
    name: npmhelp
    description: Gives help with NoPlotsMe
    usage: /NPM help
    - narrate "<&4>IMPLEMENT SOON"