Paste #6420: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/05 21:28:42 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: task
        - ^flag server sword_rank_count:8
        - ^flag server sword_rank10:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank8:11000
        - ^flag server sword_rank7:3500
        - ^flag server sword_rank6:1200
        - ^flag server sword_rank5:400
        - ^flag server sword_rank4:150
        - ^flag server sword_rank3:40
        - ^flag server sword_rank2:20
        - ^flag server sword_rank1:1
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_name:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_name:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank8_name:Killer
        - ^flag server sword_rank7_name:Ripper
        - ^flag server sword_rank6_name:Cutthroat
        - ^flag server sword_rank5_name:Hitman
        - ^flag server sword_rank4_name:Gladiator
        - ^flag server sword_rank3_name:Swordsman
        - ^flag server sword_rank2_name:Soldier
        - ^flag server sword_rank1_name:Ruffian
        - ^flag server sword_rank0_name:no<&sp>rank
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_enchant1:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_enchant1:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank8_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.toss
        - ^flag server sword_rank7_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.forceful
        - ^flag server sword_rank6_enchant1: EnchantmentAPI.enchant.repulse
        - ^flag server sword_rank5_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.knockup
        - ^flag server sword_rank4_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.wither
        - ^flag server sword_rank3_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.weakness
        - ^flag server sword_rank2_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.fervor
        - ^flag server sword_rank1_enchant1:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.berserking
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_enchant2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_enchant2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank8_enchant2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank7_enchant2:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.gravity
        - ^flag server sword_rank6_enchant2:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.pull
        - ^flag server sword_rank5_enchant2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank4_enchant2:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.slowing
        - ^flag server sword_rank3_enchant2:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.blind
        - ^flag server sword_rank2_enchant2:EnchantmentAPI.enchant.dash
        - ^flag server sword_rank1_enchant2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_desc1:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_desc1:!
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank8_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Toss<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Right click to grab the target enemy and start carrying them. Right click again to launch them in the direction you are facing with a speed equal to the enchantment level.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank7_desc1:!
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank6_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Pull<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Pulls the target enemy towards you. ([10 - level] second cooldown)'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank5_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Knockup<&r><&d> enchantment for swords and bows. <&8>Has a (2.5 + 2.5 * level)% chance to knock the target up in the air on hit.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank4_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Slowing<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Applies tier 2 slow on hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank3_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Blind<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Applies tier 2 wither to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank2_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Dash<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Dashes forward upon right click and damages all enemies passed through by 1 hitpoint times the level. (5 second cooldown)'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank1_desc1:Unlocked the <&n>Berserking<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Grants bonus damage on hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_desc2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_desc2:!
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank8_desc2:+35XP for every mob killed with a desc3.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank7_desc2:Unlocked the <&n>Forceful<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>On hit, deals 1 damage to all enemies within a (5 + level) block radius of the target and pushes them back slightly.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank6_desc2:Unlocked the <&n>Repulse<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Pushes away all enemies within 10 blocks. ([10 - level] second cooldown)'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank5_desc2:+20XP for every mob killed with a desc3.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank4_desc2:Unlocked the <&n>Wither<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Applies tier 2 wither to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank3_desc2:Unlocked the <&n>Weakness<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Applies tier 2 weakness to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank2_desc2:Unlocked the <&n>Fervor<&r><&d> enchantment for swords. <&8>Applies tier 2 speed to you for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds on hit.'
        - ^flag server sword_rank1_desc2:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank10_desc3:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank9_desc3:!
        - ^flag server sword_rank8_desc3:!
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank7_desc3:+30XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank6_desc3:+25XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - ^flag server sword_rank5_desc3:'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank4_desc3:+15XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank3_desc3:+10XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - ^flag server 'sword_rank2_desc3:+5XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - ^flag server sword_rank1_desc3:!