Paste #69578: Denizen Debug Logs From oh no

Date: 2020/05/25 08:27:27 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_242
Up-time: 11h 56m
Server Version: Paper version git-Paper-313 (MC: 1.15.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.80-SNAPSHOT (Build 643), CraftBukkit: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4816-DEV)
Active Plugins (38): CoreProtect: 2.14.4, LagAssist: 2.20.1, Itemizer: 3.6, BarAPI: 3.5, PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.6, 
PacketListenerApi: 3.7.6-SNAPSHOT, VillagerOptimiser: 1.1.2, CrackShot: 0.98.9, 
GlowAPI: 1.4.11-SNAPSHOT, spark: 1.3.2, TangledMaze: 1.0.0, Multiverse-Core: 4.1.0-b775, 
ProtocolLib: 4.5.0, LibsDisguises: 10.0.12, FastAsyncWorldEdit: 1.15.2, DisguiseSkins: 1.2, 
MCNicks: 1.0, VoidGenerator: 1.5.6, EnchantPlus: 1.3.4, Multiverse-Portals: 4.1.0-b805, 
SSHD: 2.0.0, Vault: 1.7.2-b107, WorldEdit: 1.15-235;5be11c5, Essentials:, 
HolographicDisplays: 2.4.1, Citizens: 2.0.26-SNAPSHOT (build 1970), CrackShotPlus: 1.9, 
MythicMobs: 4.9.1-3295, DiscordSRV: 1.18.4, EssentialsChat:, Multiverse-NetherPortals: 4.1.0-b763, 
Cannons: 2.5.5, WorldEditSelectionVisualizer: 2.0.4, Denizen: 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT (build 4816-DEV), 
MythicMobsExtension: 1.52a-SNAPSHOT, Sentinel: 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 353), Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 618), 
MythicArtifacts: 0.1.27-SNAPSHOT
Loaded Worlds (6): world, world_nether, world_the_end, Bucket, Superflat, Empty
Online Players (4): KrazeeTobi(KrazeeTobi), Jose behind the slaughter(Jose_95), Speeder323(Speeder323), 
Offline Players: 10
Mode: online

15:27:21 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@TestBot/p@Jose_95 ---------+ 
15:27:21 [INFO]  
15:27:21 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Interact script is TestAssignmentInteract. Current step for this script is: 1 
15:27:21 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
15:27:21 [INFO] +- Parsing CLICK trigger: n@TestBot/p@Jose_95 ---------+ 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_UtcCasinoLease' with player 'Jose_95' and NPC '1141/TestBot'... 
15:27:21 [INFO] +- Queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_UtcCasinoLease' Executing: (line 15) CHAT "<&a>[TestBot] <&f>Beep Boop." ---------+ 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
15:27:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@ n@1141 (TestBot)'  targets='li@ p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)'  
                   message='[TestBot] Beep Boop.'  range='5' 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'TestBot'. 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with '[TestBot] Beep Boop.'. 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'TestBot'. 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[target].name> with 'Jose_95'. 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with '[TestBot] Beep Boop.'. 
15:27:21 [INFO] +- Queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_UtcCasinoLease' Executing: (line 16) ZAP 1 ---------+ 
15:27:21 [INFO] +> Executing 'ZAP': Player='p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)'  script='s@testassignmentinteract (INTERACT)'  
15:27:21 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'testassignmentinteract' in queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_UtcCasinoLease' while executing command 'ZAP' in 
                   file 'scripts/jose magic/Scripting/TestBot.dsc' on line '16' with player 'p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)' 
                   with NPC 'n@1141 (TestBot)'!
     Error Message: Zapping to own current step! 
15:27:21 [INFO]  Completing queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_UtcCasinoLease' in 498ms. 
15:27:23 [INFO] +- Getting interact script: n@TestBot/p@Jose_95 ---------+ 
15:27:23 [INFO]  
15:27:23 [INFO] +> [InteractScri...] Interact script is TestAssignmentInteract. Current step for this script is: 1 
15:27:23 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
15:27:23 [INFO] +- Parsing CLICK trigger: n@TestBot/p@Jose_95 ---------+ 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_QuiteFallsPhotograph' with player 'Jose_95' and NPC '1141/TestBot'... 
15:27:23 [INFO] +- Queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_QuiteFallsPhotograph' Executing: (line 15) CHAT "<&a>[TestBot] <&f>Beep Boop." ---------+ 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <&a> with ''. 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
15:27:23 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHAT': talkers='li@ n@1141 (TestBot)'  targets='li@ p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)'  
                   message='[TestBot] Beep Boop.'  range='5' 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'TestBot'. 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with '[TestBot] Beep Boop.'. 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[talker].name> with 'TestBot'. 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[target].name> with 'Jose_95'. 
15:27:23 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[message]> with '[TestBot] Beep Boop.'. 
15:27:24 [INFO] +- Queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_QuiteFallsPhotograph' Executing: (line 16) ZAP 1 ---------+ 
15:27:24 [INFO] +> Executing 'ZAP': Player='p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)'  script='s@testassignmentinteract (INTERACT)'  
15:27:24 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'testassignmentinteract' in queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_QuiteFallsPhotograph' while executing command 'ZAP' 
                   in file 'scripts/jose magic/Scripting/TestBot.dsc' on line '16' with player 'p@8eca7279-ced5-41e8-a7d1-2ea777be078b (Jose_95)' 
                   with NPC 'n@1141 (TestBot)'!
     Error Message: Zapping to own current step! 
15:27:24 [INFO]  Completing queue 'TESTASSIGNMENTINTERACT_QuiteFallsPhotograph' in 487ms. 
15:27:25 [INFO] +> [] CHAT: Speeder323: hey ism