Paste #71861: Untitled Paste

Date: 2020/07/03 19:51:31 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player joins:
        - if !<player.has_flag[alignmentSet]>:
            - wait 2m
            - inventory open d:AlignmentGUI
            - narrate "You have been exploring"
            - narrate "some time now and feel"
            - narrate "like you need a purpose."

    debug: true
    type: inventory
    title: "<&0><&l>Alignment"
    inventory: CHEST
    size: 9
    - "[] [] [] [AlignmentGUI_slot1] [AlignmentGUI_slot2] [AlignmentGUI_slot3] [] [] []"

    type: item
    material: iron_ingot
    display name: "<&7><&l>Neutral"
    - "<&f>Oathbreakers that go by their"
    - "<&f>own will. Occassionally used by the"
    - "<&f>Neutral God for her own amusement"

    type: item
    material: gold_ingot
    display name: "<&e><&l>Good"
    - "<&f>Defend <&d>The Worlds <&f>and"
    - "<&f>Fight for whats right"

    type: item
    material: netherite_ingot
    display name: "<&4><&l>Evil"
    - "<&f>Destroy all that is good"
    - "<&f>and rein havoc upon <&d>The Worlds"

    type: world
        on player clicks in AlignmentGUI priortiy:100:
        - determine passively cancelled
        on player drags in AlignmentGUI priortiy:100:
        - determine passively cancelled

        after player clicks AlignmentGUI_slot1 in AlignmentGUI:
        - inventory close
        - flag <player> alignmentSet
        - flag <player> alignment_Good
        - narrate <&e><&l>Good
        - narrate "<&6>You have become chosen the path of Righteousness."
        - narrate "<&6>You are now under the protection of the 2 <&e>Good"
        - narrate "<&6>Gods. They will protect you when evil stirs about."
        - narrate "<&6>As a worshipper of the holy names, you have a <&f>10"
        - narrate "<&f>percent <&6>chance to instantly get up from a dying"
        - narrate "<&6>state, as well as igniting the undead."
        - narrate "<&6>Remember, you will be called to fight along"
        - narrate "<&6>the flag of good and defend <&d>The Worlds<&6> from"
        - narrate "<&6>the worlds worst threats."

        after player damaged:
        - if <player.has_flag[alignment_Good]>:
            - if <> <= 0.100000002:
                - if <[0].to[10]> == 10:
                    - execute as_server "reviveme revive <>"
                    - wait 1t
                    - cast ABSORPTION d:10 no_ambient hide_particles amplifier:3
                    - narrate "You have been spared another chance at life"
        after player damages entity:
        - if <player.has_flag[alignment_Good]>:
            - define Entity <context.entity>
            - if <[Entity].is_monster>:
                - burn <[Entity]> duration:2s

        after player clicks AlignmentGUI_slot2 in AlignmentGUI:
        - inventory close
        - flag <player> alignmentSet
        - flag <player> alignment_Neutral
        - narrate <&7><&l>Neutral
        - narrate "You have chosen to stay neutral. You don't obey"
        - narrate "to the higher beings and choose to role your own way."
        - narrate "You either flip flop between the sides or stay your own"
        - narrate "faction of rule. You are at times ignored by the <&e>Good"
        - narrate "god, but not by the <&4>Evil <&f>god. The <&7>Neutral<&f> god"
        - narrate "will, at times, ask you to do something. You may decline with no"
        - narrate "punishment, but know your missing out on valuable rewards."

        after player clicks AlignmentGUI_slot3 in AlignmentGUI:
        - inventory close
        - flag <player> alignmentSet
        - flag <player> alignment_Evil
        - narrate <&4><&l>Evil
        - narrate "<&c>You have chosen to open your heart to darkness."
        - narrate "<&c>You are now obied by the rule of the 2 <&4>Evil <&c>gods."
        - narrate "<&c>They will command you to do their bidding"
        - narrate "<&c>and demand favors. Through Favors will you be granted"
        - narrate "<&c>powers that are feared by all. While in The Nether,"
        - narrate "<&c>you gain a strength boost along with fire resistence."
        - narrate "<&c>You also don't lose your items in The Nether"
        - narrate "<&c>Your main goal is to seek the destruction of"
        - narrate "<&d>The Worlds<&c> By destroying a world, Your power grows"
        - narrate "<&c>Ever so illuminous"

        after player changes world:
        - if <player.has_flag[alignment_Evil]>:
            - if <[nether]>:
                - narrate "You feel the Nether's core fuel you"
                - cast FIRE_RESISTANCE d:999999 no_ambient hide_particles no_icon amplifier:0
                - cast INCREASE_DAMAGE d:999999 no_ambient hide_particles no_icon amplifier:0
            - else:
                - narrate "You lose the Nether's power"
                - cast FIRE_RESISTANCE remove <player>
                - cast INCREASE_DAMAGE remove <player>

        on player death in:world_nether:
        - if <player.has_flag[alignment_Evil]>:
            - determine KEEP_INV