Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 81 language explanations...
NameScript Syntax
DescriptionThe syntax of Denizen is broken into multiple abstraction layers.

At the highest level, Denizen scripts are stored in script files, which use the '.dsc' suffix

Denizen script syntax is approximately based on YAML configuration files,
and is intended to seem generally as easy to edit as a YAML configuration.
However, several key differences exist between the Denizen script syntax and YAML syntax.
In particular, there are several changes made to support looser syntax rules
and avoid some of the issues that would result from writing code directly into a plain YAML file.

Within those 'script files' are 'script containers', which are the actual unit of separating individual 'scripts' apart.
(Whereas putting containers across different files results in no actual difference:
file and folder separation is purely for your own organization, and doesn't matter to the Denizen parser).
Each script container has a 'type' such as 'task' or 'world' that defines how it functions.

Within a script container are individual script paths, such as 'script:' in a 'task' script container,
or 'on player breaks block:' which might be found within the 'events:' section of a 'world' script container.
These paths are the points that might actually be executed at any given time.
When a path is executed, a 'script queue' is formed to process the contents of that script path.

Within any script path is a list of 'script entries', which are the commands to be executed.
These can be raw commands themselves (like 'narrate') with their arguments,
or commands that contain additional commands within their entry (as 'if' and 'foreach' for example both do).
GroupDenizen Scripting Language