Ban Hammer
jumpsplat120Created: 2016/07/13 21:28:17 UTC-07:00 (8 years and 226 days ago)
Edited: 2016/07/13 21:28:17 UTC-07:00 (8 years and 226 days ago)
Likes: 0
Denizen Version: 1617
Script Version: 1
It's very simple, it's a banhammer (a nether brick titled 'Banhammer'). Left click to ban someone, right click to unban the most immediate person. To obtain the ban hammer, simply use /banhammer, /hammer, or /bh.
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View raw script#~Banhammer Script v1 by Jumpsplat120
#/hammer, /bh or /banhammer to give yourself the Banhammer.
#I wouldn't suggest using it as a guide on how to code :p
type: world
#The hammer is a custom nether brick. Only usable if an OP, otherwise does literally nothing.
on player damages entity with:HammerItem:
- if <context.damager.is_op> {
- if <context.damager> matches player {
- if <context.entity> matches player {
- flag <context.damager> banPlayer:<context.entity>
- flag <context.damager> banPlayerName:<>
- ban add <context.entity> "reason:You were hit with the banhammer!"
- narrate "You banned <>! Right click with the banhammer to unban them."
else {
- determine cancelled
on player right clicks with HammerItem:
- if <player.is_op> {
- Narrate "You have unbanned <player.flag[banPlayerName]>."
- ban remove <player.flag[banPlayer]>
#The custom Hammer. If you want to change what it looks like, change the material
type: item
#Change this if you want the item to look different
material: i@nether_brick_item
display name: <reset>Banhammer
- <reset>Left click to ban someone.
- <reset>Right click to unban the most recent person.
#The command to give yourself the Ban Hammer. Only runs if you are OP.
Hammer Command:
type: command
name: Banhammer
description: Run this command to give yourself the banhammer item. (Command & item does nothing if you are not OP'd)
usage: /Banhammer OR /bh OR /hammer
- bh
- hammer
- if !<player.is_op||<context.server>> {
- narrate "<red>You do not have permission for that command."
- queue clear
else {
- give HammerItem
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