Ditems Blacksmith
NoiknezCreated: 2016/09/09 17:44:08 UTC-07:00 (8 years and 105 days ago)
Edited: 2016/09/11 05:12:38 UTC-07:00 (8 years and 104 days ago)
Likes: 1
Denizen Version: Version 0.9.8
Script Version: Script Version 2
A blacksmith script to use specifically and only with Denizen items
Of course you can change the text, and the money to adapt it to yours need
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View raw scriptNPC_Blacksmith:
type: assignment
interact scripts:
- 10 Blacksmith
on assignment:
- trigger name:chat toggle:true radius:2
- trigger name:click toggle:true
type: interact
click trigger:
- narrate "<npc.name> : Greeting, i am <npc.name>, i can repair your Ditem for 0,10 money"
- wait 2
- narrate "<npc.name> : To begin hold the item that you want to repair in your hand, and confirm me by saying <&9>Yes or <&9>No"
chat trigger:
trigger: '/yes/'
- if <pl.item_in_hand.scriptname||null> && <pl.item_in_hand.is_repairable||null> == null {
- narrate "<npc.name> : If you want me to repair your Ditem, you must hold it in your hand"
- queue clear
else {
- ^adjust <pl.item_in_hand> durability:0 save:item_reparation
- ^take <pl.item_in_hand>
- ^money take qty:0.10
- ^inventory set d:<player.inventory> o:i@<entry[item_reparation].result> slot:<pl.item_in_hand.slot>
- ^narrate "<npc.name> : <pl.item_in_hand.display_name> <&7>--><gold> Repair done!"
- random {
- narrate "<npc.name> : Goodbye !"
- narrate "<npc.name> : See you soon !"
- queue clear
trigger: '/no/'
- random {
- narrate "<npc.name> : Ok !"
- narrate "<npc.name> : Ok then !"
- queue clear
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