#This script is designed to work with the Quests Citizens, MythicDrops and PEX plugins which are dependencies for this script. You can use other permissions plugins, but will need# #to edit the script (instructions are in the script itself). Mythic drops is so the reward items can have sockets. This script works as-is and doesn't require any kind of #
#configuration on the admin's part, but can be customized. Simply drop this into your Scripts folder.
#The point is to offer more functionality to Quest Points that are awarded when completing quests using the quests plugin. Quest Points can now earn players special Titles and # #rewards for reporting their deeds to designated NPCs or # "Bards". #
#They may use the /repcheck command to check on their quest points, title they should have, when they are eligible for new titles and whether or not they need to speak to a bard. # #This will also "initiate" a player into the system or they can talk to a bard. #
#/resetrep will allow players to reset their reputation. #
#Detailed instructions and use are within the script. #
######Reset Reputation Command /resetrep########
####To Do: Allow for OPs to specify players.####
type: command
name: resetrep
usage: /resetrep
description: Reset Quest Points and Reputation Flags
permission: denizen.resetrep
- execute as_op "questadmin reset <player.name>"
- execute as_op "ex flag player myth:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player legend:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player hero:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player celebrity:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player champion:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player unsung:!"
- execute as_op "ex flag player unknown:!"
####Reputation Check Command /repcheck################################################################################
#This commnand is used for players to check their current status. "Tell the bards of your deeds" will only come up if the player has enough quest pointst to gain a new title and #have not spoken with the bard since they became eligible. If a player has never spoken with a bard, this command will grant them the starting title. If you wish to use another #plugin to grant this title you will need to replace the command to change a player's suffix listed below. There is only one such line for the /repcheck command.
type: command
name: repcheck
usage: /repcheck
description: Check your reputation!
- if <player.quests.points> < 251 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unknown:<&r> A new comer or complete recluse, no one knows you exist."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>250 Quest Points!"
- flag player unknown
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&7>Unknown"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> < 251 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unknown:<&r> A new comer or complete recluse, no one knows you exist."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>250 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 250 && <player.quests.points> < 501 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unsung:<&r> No more a hero than the next person."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>500 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 250 && <player.quests.points> < 501 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unsung:<&r> No more a hero than the next person."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>250 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Unsung aspire to be."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>750 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[champion]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Average Joes aspire to be."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>750 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Very few have not heard of your recent exploits and many within your profession look to you as a role model."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1500 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[hero]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Very few have not heard of your recent exploits and many within your profession look to you as a role model."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1500 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your travels having taken you to the end of the world and back again."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>2000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[legend]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your travels having taken you to the end of the world and back again."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>2000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- narrate "Tell the bards of your deeds to increase your reputation!"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth for only a walking god could accomplish so much."
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- narrate "<&c>Current Quest Points:<&r> <player.quests.points>"
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth for only a walking god could accomplish so much."
- queue clear
####Reputation NPC Assignment####
#Assign this to any NPC you wish for players to report to to gain a new title and the awards that go with it. Again if you wish to use a different permission system than pex, you #will need to edit each and every line that includes "- execute as_op "pex user...." There are a lot of them. Each new title that is given to the player, also flags the player. #These flags can be used in other denizen scripts, such as quests written in denizen or denizen scripts being executed by the Quests plugin itself. These could be used for a #variety of applications and are simply the name of the title itself, e.g. "unkown", "unsung", "champion" etc.
#One such example are quests that unfold differently if a character has or had a certain title at one point.
type: assignment
on assignment:
- trigger name:click state:true
on click:
- if <player.quests.points> < 251 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unknown:<&r> A new comer or complete recluse, no one knows you exist."
- flag player unknown
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&7>Unknown<&r>"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> < 251 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&7>Unknown:<&r> A new comer or complete recluse, no one knows you exist."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>250 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 250 && <player.quests.points> < 501 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the Bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "Hmm it seems you're nothing more than an <&7>Unsung<&r> No more a hero than the next person,"
- narrate "but you are moving up in the world and with fame often comes fortune!"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&7>Unsung<&r>"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 1000"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 250 && <player.quests.points> < 501 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the Bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "Hmm it seems you're nothing more than an <&7>Unsung<&r> No more a hero than the next person,"
- narrate "but you are moving up in the world and with fame often comes fortune!"
- flag player unsung
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 1000"
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&7>Unsung<&r>"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 250 && <player.quests.points> < 501 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> {
- narrate "You tell the Bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "Hmm it seems you're nothing more than an <&7>Unsung<&r> No more a hero than the next person."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>500 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[unkown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Unsung aspire to be."
- narrate "It seems you had a lot to get off your chest!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 3000"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&9>Champion"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!<&r>"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false&& <player.has_flag[champion]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Unsung aspire to be."
- narrate "It seems you had a lot to get off your chest!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 3000"
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&9>Champion<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Unsung aspire to be."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 2000"
- flag player champion
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&9>Champion<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 500 && <player.quests.points> < 751 && <player.has_flag[champion]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Local Champion:<&r> A name amongst the locals, the one the Unsung aspire to be."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>750 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[unkown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "It's amazing I am only hearing of this now!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 6000"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&5>Celebrity<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "It's amazing I am only hearing of this now!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 6000"
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&5>Celebrity<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "It's amazing I am only hearing of this now!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 5000"
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&5>Celebrity<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "About time your name spreads beyond your home!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 3000"
- flag player celebrity
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&5>Celebrity<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 750 && <player.quests.points> < 1001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&a>Celebrity:<&r> Your name has spread beyond your home as others speak of your exploits."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- narrate "How I've been left out of the loop is beyond me!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 10000"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&c>Hero<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- narrate "How I've been left out of the loop is beyond me!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 10000"
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&c>Hero<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- narrate "How I've been left out of the loop is beyond me!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 9000"
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&c>Hero<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- narrate "Sounds like there's some deeds even I had missed!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 7000"
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&c>Hero<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 4000"
- flag player hero
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&c>Hero<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&c>Hero title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@heroreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1000 && <player.quests.points> < 1501 && <player.has_flag[hero]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&9>Hero:<&r> Your exploits travel far and wide."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>1500 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "A hidden legend, soon to be sung the world over!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 15000"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "A hidden legend, soon to be sung the world over!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 15000"
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "A hidden legend, soon to be sung the world over!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 14000"
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "Amazing that I am only hearing many of these stories now!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 12000"
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "And still inspiring more tales!"
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 9000"
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&c>Hero title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@heroreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 5000"
- flag player legend
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&3>Legend<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&3>Legend title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@legendreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> > 1500 && <player.quests.points> < 2001 && <player.has_flag[legend]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&6>Legend:<&r> Your tales are told around the campfire, your deeds heard throughout the world."
- narrate "The next title requires over <&c>2000 Quest Points!"
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[unknown]> == false && <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 21000"
- flag player unknown
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 <player.has_flag[unsung]> == false && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 21000"
- flag player unsung
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[champion]> == false && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 20000"
- flag player champion
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&9>Champion title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@championreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[celebrity]> == false && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 18000"
- flag player celebrity
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[hero]> == false && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "To only call you Champion would be an insult."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 15000"
- flag player hero
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&c>Hero title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@heroreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[legend]> == false && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 11000"
- flag player legend
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&3>Legend title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@legendreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[myth]> == false {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- execute as_op "eco give <player.name> 6000"
- flag player myth
- execute as_op "pex user <player.name> suffix <&f>|the|<&6>Myth<&r>"
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- wait 1
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
- queue clear
- if <player.quests.points> >= 2001 && <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- narrate "You tell the bard of your deeds."
- wait 1
- narrate "<&c>Mythical:<&r> Your fans worship you, your exploits are considered myth, the deeds of a walking god."
- narrate "It shames me to think I am only hearing these tales now."
- narrate "Your Reputation is at maximum."
- queue clear
####Reputation Reward Menus####
#Below is the inventoriesfor the rewards. If you wish to add different rewards you will need to make sure to add them to one of the inventory slots below. This is step one for #adding items. Step two and three are below.
type: inventory
title: Champion
size: 9
- "[] [] [i@champaxei] [i@champlancei] [i@champscepteri] [i@champscythei] [i@champswordi] [] []"
type: inventory
title: Celebrity
size: 9
- "[] [] [] [] [i@celebrityi] [] [] [] []"
type: inventory
title: Hero
size: 9
- "[] [] [] [i@cheroset] [i@gheroset] [i@lheroset] [] [] []"
type: inventory
title: Legend
size: 9
- "[] [] [i@legendaxei] [i@legendclubi] [i@legendscythei] [i@legendspeari] [i@legendswordi] [] []"
type: inventory
title: Myth
size: 9
- "[] [] [i@mythaxei] [i@mythscythei] [i@mythspeari] [i@mythstaffi] [i@mythswordi] [] []"
#This is the inventory handler for the rewards. If you wish to add in your own items, you will need to add an appropriate "on click" event. This can be easily done by copying an existing on click event for the title in question. Simply replace the item name on the "on click" event itself, as well as the "- give" command directly below it.
#This is step two of adding custom items, step three is below.
type: world
on player clicks in championreward:
- determine cancelled
on player drags in championreward:
- determine cancelled
on player clicks in celebrityreward:
- determine cancelled
on player drags in celebrityreward:
- determine cancelled
on player clicks in heroreward:
- determine cancelled
on player drags in heroreward:
- determine cancelled
on player clicks in legendreward:
- determine cancelled
on player drags in legendreward:
- determine cancelled
on player clicks in mythreward:
- determine cancelled
on player drags in mythreward:
- determine cancelled
on player left clicks champaxei in championreward:
- give champaxei
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks champlancei in championreward:
- give champlancei
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks champscepteri in championreward:
- give champscepteri
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks champscythei in championreward:
- give champscythei
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks champswordi in championreward:
- give champswordi
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[celebrity]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&5>Celebrity title!"
- inventory open d:in@celebrityreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks celebrityi in celebrityreward:
- give celebrityi
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[hero]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&c>Hero title!"
- inventory open d:in@heroreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks cheroset in heroreward:
- give cheroheadi
- give cherofeeti
- give cherochesti
- give cherolegsi
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[legend]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&3>Legend title!"
- inventory open d:in@legendreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks gheroset in heroreward:
- give gheroheadi
- give gherofeeti
- give gherochesti
- give gherolegsi
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[legend]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&3>Legend title!"
- inventory open d:in@legendreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks lheroset in heroreward:
- give lheroheadi
- give lherochesti
- give lherolegsi
- give lherofeeti
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[legend]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&3>Legend title!"
- inventory open d:in@legendreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks legendaxei in legendreward:
- give legendaxei
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks legendclubi in legendreward:
- give player legendclubi
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks legendscythei in legendreward:
- give legendscythei
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks legendspeari in legendreward:
- give legendspeari
- inventory close
- if <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks legendswordi in legendreward:
- give legendswordi
- inventory close\
- if <player.has_flag[myth]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<player.name> please choose an award for the <&6>Myth title!"
- inventory open d:in@mythreward
} else {
- inventory close
on player left clicks mythaxei in mythreward:
- give mythaxei
- inventory close
on player left clicks mythspeari in mythreward:
- give mythspeari
- inventory close
on player left clicks mythstaffi in mythreward:
- give mythstaffi
- inventory close
on player left clicks mythscythei in mythreward:
- give mythscythei
- inventory close
on player left clicks mythswordi in mythreward:
- give mythswordi
- inventory close
## Reputation Items
#These are the items proper that are awarded when a player earns a new title. This is where you can add in your own custom items, using the format below. Make the name of the item is unique and is the one used in Steps one and two.
## Champion
type: item
material: i@GOLD_SWORD
display Name: '<&9>Champion<&sq>s Sword <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 4
- Durability: 4
- 'A weapon befitting of a Champion.'
- '<&7>This sword has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_AXE
display Name: '<&9>Champion<&sq>s Axe <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 4
- Durability: 4
- 'A weapon befitting of a Champion.'
- '<&7>This axe has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_HOE
display Name: '<&9>Champion<&sq>s Scepter <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 4
- Durability: 4
- 'A weapon befitting of a Champion.'
- '<&7>This scepter has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_PICKAXE
display Name: '<&9>Champion<&sq>s Scythe <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 4
- Durability: 4
- 'A weapon befitting of a Champion.'
- '<&7>This scythe has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_SPADE
display Name: '<&9>Champion<&sq>s Lance <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 4
- Durability: 4
- 'A weapon befitting of a Champion.'
- '<&7>This lance has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Celebrity
type: item
material: i@bow
display name: "<&5>Rising Star <&b>(Reputation)"
- Arrow_Fire: 1
- Arrow_Damage: 3
- Arrow_Knockback: 3
- Arrow_Infinite: 1
- Loot_Bonus_Mobs: 5
- Durability: 3
- 'Your arrows fly high like'
- 'your rising fame and glory.'
- '<&7>This bow has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Hero
## Boots
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Slippers<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 3
- protection_fall: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Look at these wee lil<&sq> boots!'
- '<&7>These slippers have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@LEATHER_BOOTS
display name: "<&c>Heroic Footgear<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 4
- protection_fall: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Look at these stompers!'
- '<&7>This footgear has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_BOOTS
display name: "<&c>Heroic Greaves<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 5
- protection_fall: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Look at these ass-kickers!'
- '<&7>These greaves have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Leggings
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Tights<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 3
- protection_fire: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Look at them gams!'
- '<&7>These tights have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Chaps<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 4
- protection_fire: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Now in assless!'
- '<&7>These chaps have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a &2Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_LEGGINGS
display name: "<&c>Heroic Legplates<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 5
- protection_fire: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Complete with extra knee-padding!'
- '<&7>These legplates have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Chestplate
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Vestment<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 3
- thorns: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Rose thorns have been sewn in these robes!'
- '<&7>These robes have a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Jacket<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 4
- thorns: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Barbed wire wraps around this jacket!'
- '<&7>This jacket has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Breastplate<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 5
- thorns: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Spiked for added protection!'
- '<&7>This breastplate has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Helmet
type: item
display name: "<&c>Heroic Hood<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 3
- oxygen: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Imbued with magical respiration!'
- '<&7>This hood has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@LEATHER_HELMET
display name: "<&c>Heroic Skullcap<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 4
- oxygen: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Installed with a gillyweed dispenser!'
- '<&7>This skullcap has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@GOLD_HELMET
display name: "<&c>Heroic Crown<&b> (Reputation)"
- protection_environmental: 5
- oxygen: 3
- Durability: 5
- 'Snorkle included!'
- '<&7>This crown has a socket!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Legend
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_SWORD
display Name: '<&3>Thuáºn Thiên <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 6
- Fire_Aspect: 2
- Durability: 3
- Knockback: 1
- 'This legendary blade liberated an'
- 'entire people from oppression and'
- 'tyrannical rule lasting almost 10'
- 'long years.'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_AXE
display Name: '<&3>Gesta Herewardi <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 6
- Fire_Aspect: 2
- Durability: 3
- Knockback: 1
- 'This legendary axe was weilded by'
- 'a man who led a rebellion against'
- 'an army of overwhelming numbers.'
- 'It was gifted to the leader by a'
- 'man whose sirname was <&sq>Lightfoot<&sq>.'
- 'Whether this has any correlation'
- 'with Lightfoot Industries has yet'
- 'to be confirmed.'
- '<&7>This axe has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_HOE
display Name: "<&3>Dagda <&b>(Reputation)"
- Damage_All: 6
- Fire_Aspect: 2
- Durability: 3
- Knockback: 1
- "This legendary club was said to"
- "be able to kill nine men in a"
- "single blow and it was once able"
- "to return the dead to life, but"
- "cracked during the Transitioning"
- "lowering its magical potency."
- "<&7>This club has sockets!"
- "<&2>(Socket)"
- "<&2>(Socket)"
- "<&2>(Socket)"
- "<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)"
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_SPADE
display Name: '<&3>Jiuchidingpa <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 6
- Fire_Aspect: 2
- Durability: 3
- Knockback: 1
- 'This legendary spear was said to'
- 'have belonged to a pig-like man'
- 'who wielded it in such a dazzling'
- 'display that it appeared to darken'
- 'the sky. Literally translated as'
- 'the <&sq>Nine-Toothed Rake<&sq>.'
- '<&7>This spear has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display Name: '<&3>Kamaitachi <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 6
- Fire_Aspect: 2
- Durability: 3
- Knockback: 1
- 'This legendary scythe was said to'
- 'be fashioned from the claws of an'
- 'ancient weasle-like creature that'
- 'rode atop of dust devils and'
- 'eviscerated their prey with its'
- 'devastatingly curved blade-like'
- 'claws.'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
## Myth
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_SWORD
display Name: '<&6>Kusanagi-no-Tsurgi <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 8
- Damage_Undead: 5
- Fire_Aspect: 5
- Durability: 5
- Knockback: 3
- 'This mythic blade was said to'
- 'kill the eight-headed serpent,'
- 'Yamata-no-Orochi. Literally'
- 'translated as Grass Cutting Sword.'
- '<&7>This sword has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_AXE
display Name: '<&6>Parashu <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 8
- Damage_Undead: 5
- Fire_Aspect: 5
- Durability: 5
- Knockback: 3
- 'This mythic battle-axe was said'
- 'to belong to a goddess known'
- 'only as The Destroyer. It was'
- 'once used to annihilate an entire'
- 'caste of people.'
- '<&7>This axe has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_HOE
display Name: '<&6>Ruyi Jingu Bang <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 8
- Damage_Undead: 5
- Fire_Aspect: 5
- Durability: 5
- Knockback: 3
- 'This mythic staff belonged to a'
- 'god-like entity who took the'
- 'appearance of a humanoid monkey.'
- 'It is said to have the ability to'
- 'alter its size from a tiny needle'
- 'to a mighty pillar.'
- '<&7>This staff has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
material: i@DIAMOND_SPADE
display Name: '<&6>Gungnir <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 8
- Damage_Undead: 5
- Fire_Aspect: 5
- Durability: 5
- Knockback: 3
- 'This mythic spear is described'
- 'as being so well balanced that'
- 'it could strike any target, no'
- 'matter the skill or strength of'
- 'the wielder.'
- '<&7>This spear has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display Name: '<&6>Father Time <&b>(Reputation)'
- Damage_All: 8
- Damage_Undead: 5
- Fire_Aspect: 5
- Durability: 5
- Knockback: 3
- 'This mythic scythe was said to'
- 'have belonged to the God of Time'
- 'himself. It was once used to'
- 'castrate the God of Gods.'
- '<&7>This scythe has sockets!'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&2>(Socket)'
- '<&7>Find a <&2>Socket Gem<&7> to fill a <&2>(Socket)'
type: item
display name: "<&6>Heroic Chain Set"
- "Click here to choose the"
- "Heroic Chainmail Set."
type: item
material: i@gold_chestplate
display name: "<&6> Heroic Gold Set"
- "Click here to choose the"
- "Heroic Gold set."
type: item
material: i@leather_chestplate
display name: "<&6> Heroic Leather Set"
- "Click here to choose the"
- "Heroic Leather Set."