Temporary Torches
Gleavie09Created: 2016/11/18 01:29:04 UTC-08:00 (8 years and 99 days ago)
Edited: 2016/11/18 01:30:59 UTC-08:00 (8 years and 99 days ago)
Likes: 0
Denizen Version: 1.0.1
Script Version: 1.0
Very simple script for servers that like to add an exploration element. Instead of having one person explore a cave and light the shit out of it, you can now allow all of your users to explore them.
Simply load the script and you're good to go. I've added in a bypass for users that have the "builder" flag, so that structures can be built without the extinguish timer.
As a little bonus I've added in the extinguish sound at the end of the wait timer to add some authenticity.
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# Temp Torches #
type: world
debug: false
on player places torch:
- if <player.has_flag[builder]> {
- queue clear
- else {
- narrate "<&e>Your torch will burn out in 5 minutes."
- wait 5m
- if <context.location.material.name.is[==].to[torch]> {
- modifyblock <context.location> air
- playsound location:<context.location> sound:block.fire.extinguish volume:0.5 custom
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