Near Spawn Nag
Gershon12Created: 2017/05/08 13:21:51 UTC-07:00 (7 years and 292 days ago)
Edited: 2017/05/08 13:37:40 UTC-07:00 (7 years and 292 days ago)
Likes: 0
Denizen Version: 101
Script Version: 1
Are some of your players clueless?
Do some of them build near your spawn and get griefed?
Do they complain about being griefed all the time?
Then this is the script for you!
Every 5 minutes, if a player is near the worlds spawn point it will send them a nag message to move away!
- Change "SurvivalWorld" to whatever world you want
- Change the ".mod[5]" to however many minutes you want the message to be sent, 5 for 5 minutes, 3 for 3 minutes etc.
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View raw scriptgrief_warning:
type: world
debug: false
on system time minutely:
- if <context.minute.mod[5].is[==].to[0]> {
- foreach <server.list_online_players> {
- if <def[value].world.equals_case_sensitive[w@SurvivalWorld]> {
- if <w@SurvivalWorld.spawn_location.distance[<def[value].location>]> < 150 {
- narrate targets:%value% "<&4><&l>Warning: <&c>You are close to this worlds spawn and may be griefed, please move further away!"
- playsound <def[value].location> sound:successful_hit
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