BloodEkoCreated: 2017/07/24 11:36:16 UTC-07:00 (7 years and 215 days ago)
Edited: 2017/08/01 11:36:14 UTC-07:00 (7 years and 207 days ago)
Likes: 1
Denizen Version: build 189 (1.10)
Script Version: 1.2
Sounds are optimized for 1.10.
Now with bungeecord support!
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#Created 24.07.17 - 31.07.17 |
#doorbell by BloodEko |
# |
#Easy way to add a doorbell |
# |
#Permission: doorbell.use |
# Access to the /doorbell command |
# |
# Usage: /doorbell |
# /doorbell help |
#Use /doorbell set while looking at a button |
#to assign your doorbell. |
#Breaking or /doorbell disable, delete it again|
#When players click the doorbell, owner gets |
#notified. |
type: version
author: BloodEko
name: doorbell
usage: /doorbell syntax
version: 1.2
id: 132
type: yaml data
# true or false
# requires a proper bungeecord setup
# how to setup:
bungee: false
type: command
name: doorbell
usage: /doorbell help|set|disable|off|on|info
description: Sets and disables doorbells.
permission: doorbell.use
permission message: You don't have permission to use this command.
# /doorbell
- choose <context.args.get[1]>:
- case help:
- narrate "/doorbell help<&nl><&7>- Displays this help page."
- narrate "/doorbell set<&nl><&7>- Converts a placed button to a doorbell."
- narrate "/doorbell disable<&nl><&7>- Removes your doorbell."
- narrate "/doorbell info<&nl><&7>- Displays information about a placed doorbell or your own doorbell."
- narrate "/doorbell off<&nl><&7>- Disables your doorbell for 12h."
- narrate "/doorbell on<&nl><&7>- Activates your doorbell again."
- case set:
- if <li@stone_button|wood_button.contains[<pl.location.cursor_on.material>]> && <server.has_flag[doorbell.<player.location.cursor_on>]> {
- narrate "<&4>This button is already a doorbell!"
} else if !<server.has_flag[doorbell.<player>]> {
- narrate "<&2>Created a new doorbell!"
- flag server doorbell.<player.location.cursor_on>:<player>
- flag server doorbell.<player>:<player.location.cursor_on>
else {
- narrate "<&4>You already have a doorbell!"
- case info:
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.<player.location.cursor_on>]> {
- narrate "<&2>This doorbell is owned by <&6><server.flag[doorbell.<player.location.cursor_on>]>"
else if <server.has_flag[doorbell.<player>]> {
- narrate "<&2>Your doorbell is located at <&6><server.flag[doorbell.<player>].as_location.simple>"
else {
- narrate "<&2>You have no doorbell."
- case disable:
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.<player>]> {
- narrate "<&2>Disabled your doorbell."
- define location "<server.flag[doorbell.<player>]>"
- flag server doorbell.<player>:!
- flag server doorbell.<def[location]>:!
else {
- narrate "<&2>You have no doorbell."
- case off:
- narrate "<&2>Disabled your doorbell. (12h)"
- define location "<server.flag[doorbell.<player>]>"
- flag server doorbell.disabled.<def[location]> duration:d@12h
- case on:
- define location "<server.flag[doorbell.<player>]>"
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.disabled.<def[location]>]> {
- narrate "<&2>Activated your dorbell again."
- flag server doorbell.disabled.<def[location]>:!
} else {
- narrate "<&9>Your doorbell is already on."
- default:
- narrate "<&4>/doorbell help|set|disable|off|on|info"
type: world
on player breaks wood_button:
- inject locally doorbell_break
on player breaks stone_button:
- inject locally doorbell_break
on player right clicks wood_button:
- inject locally doorbell_event_<s@doorbell_bungee.yaml_key[bungee]||off>
on player right clicks stone_button:
- inject locally doorbell_event_<s@doorbell_bungee.yaml_key[bungee]||off>
- if !<server.has_flag[doorbell.<context.location>]> queue clear
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.cooldown.<context.location>]> queue clear
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.disabled.<context.location>]> {
- narrate "Seems like this doorbell isn't activated at the moment."
- queue clear
- flag server doorbell.cooldown.<context.location> duration:d@4s
- if <server.flag[doorbell.<context.location>].as_player.is_online> {
- narrate "Ring ring ..." targets:<player.location.find.entities[player].within[10]>
- playsound <player.location> sound:BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
- playsound <server.flag[doorbell.<context.location>]> sound:BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
- narrate "<&6><&l>Somebody has used your doorbell!" targets:<server.flag[doorbell.<context.location>]>
else {
- narrate "Seems like nobody is there."
- if !<server.has_flag[doorbell.<context.location>]> queue clear
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.cooldown.<context.location>]> queue clear
- if <server.has_flag[doorbell.disabled.<context.location>]> {
- narrate "Seems like this doorbell isn't activated at the moment."
- queue clear
- flag server doorbell.cooldown.<context.location> duration:d@4s
- narrate "Ring ring ..." targets:<player.location.find.entities[player].within[10]>
- playsound <context.location> sound:BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
- define player <server.flag[doorbell.<context.location>]>
- define back_to_player <player>
- define back_to <bungee.server>
- bungee <bungee.list_servers> {
- if <def[player].as_player.is_online> {
- playsound <def[player]> sound:BLOCK_NOTE_PLING
- narrate "<&6><&l>Somebody has used your doorbell!" targets:<def[player]>
- bungee <def[back_to]> {
- narrate "He must have heared it for sure!" targets:<def[back_to_player]>
- if !<server.has_flag[doorbell.<context.location>]> queue clear
- define user <server.flag[doorbell.<context.location>]>
- narrate "<&2>Disabled the doorbell from <&6><def[user]>"
- flag server doorbell.<def[user]>:!
- flag server doorbell.<context.location>:!
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