Staff Pick: TopBalanceSigns
GrandPartyMaskCreated: 2017/07/25 21:31:31 UTC-07:00 (7 years and 213 days ago)
Edited: 2019/05/26 06:41:23 UTC-07:00 (5 years and 274 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2018/11/06 19:50:57 UTC-08:00 (6 years and 109 days ago)
Denizen Version: Developmental 196
Script Version: 0.1.3
TopBalanceSigns is a simple script meant to allow server owners to display the people with the largest balance on any set of signs.
/topbalancesign help
- Displays the help list of commands.
/topbalancesign set [#]
- Makes a sign a TopBalanceSign, with the optional #th place argument.
/topbalancesign remove
- Removes the TopBalanceSign property from a sign.
/topbalancesign list [#]
- Lists all existing TopBalanceSigns.
/topbalancesign update
- Updates all TopBalanceSigns with current balances. This command is automatically run ever 4 seconds.
/topbalancesign togglenick
- Toggles between nicknames and usernames.
/topbalancesign can be abbreviated to /tbs or /topbalsign.
- Allows access to the TopBalanceSign commands.
WARNING: This script will not work without Vault and an economy plugin!
- 26 May 2019: Continued support for this script in general is tenuous. When a GitHub repo is opened, a feature request may be opened to further support for this script.
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View raw scripttop_balance_sign_cmd:
type: command
debug: false
name: topbalancesign
description: Makes a sign display the user with the highest balance (money).
usage: /topbalancesign (help #|set #|remove|update|list|togglenick)
- tbs
- topbalsign
allowed help:
- determine <player.is_op||<player.has_permission[topbalancesign.use]||<context.server>>>
tab complete:
- if <player.is_op||<player.has_permission[topbalancesign.use]||<context.server>>>
- define argList li@help|set|remove|update|list|togglenick
- if <context.args.size> == 0
- determine <def[argList]>
else if <context.args.size> == 1 && !<li@set|remove.contains[<context.args.get[1]>]>
- determine <def[argList].filter[starts_with[<context.args.get[1]>]]>
- if <context.server>
- narrate '<&c>You must use this command in-game!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if !<player.is_op||<player.has_permission[topbalancesign.use]>>
- queue clear
- if !<li@wall_sign|sign_post.contains[<player.location.cursor_on[5]>]> && !<li@help|update|list|togglenick.contains[<context.args.get[1]||null>]>
- narrate '<&c>You must be looking at a sign to run this command!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> > 1 && <li@help|update|list|togglenick.contains[<context.args.get[1]||null>]>
- narrate '<&c>Too many arguments!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
else if <context.args.size> > 2 && !<li@help|update|list|togglenick.contains[<context.args.get[1]||null>]>
- narrate '<&c>Too many arguments!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- define loc_display <player.location.cursor_on[5].simple>
- run top_balance_sign_task 'def:true|<context.args.get[1]>|<def[loc_display]>|<context.args.get[2]||null>' 'player:<player>'
type: task
debug: false
speed: 0
definitions: rfc|act|loc|page
- choose '<def[act]>':
- case 'help':
- narrate '<&6><&l>TopBalanceSign Help<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign help<&7><&co> Displays this help page.<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign set #<&7><&co> Sets a sign to display the #th highest balance.<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign remove<&7><&co> Removes a TopBalanceSign.<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign update<&7><&co> Updates all TopBalanceSigns.<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign list #<&7><&co> Lists current TopBalanceSigns.<&r><&nl><&e>/topbalancesign togglenick<&7><&co> Toggles whether to display nicknames or usernames.'
- case 'remove':
- define loc_retrieve <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.map_get[<def[loc]>]||null>
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.contains[<def[loc]>/<def[loc_retrieve]>]>
- flag server 'top_balance_sign.locations:<-:<def[loc]>/<def[loc_retrieve]>'
- if <def[rfc]>
- narrate '<&a>Removed TopBalanceSign sign at <def[loc]>!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- sign '|||' <def[loc]>
- queue clear
- case 'update':
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.size||0> == 0
- if <def[rfc]>
- narrate '<&c>There are no TopBalanceSigns!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.toggle_nick]||false>
- define name_type name.display
- define name_type name
- foreach <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list>
- define tb_player <server.list_players.sort_by_number[money].reverse.get[<def[value].split[/].get[2]>]>
- sign '<&6><&l>[Top Balance]<&r>|<&e>= #<def[value].split[/].get[2]> <&e>=<&r>|<&a><def[tb_player].%name_type%><&r>|<&2>Right click to see balance!<&r>' '<def[value].split[/].get[1]>'
- if <def[rfc]>
- narrate '<&a>Updated all TopBalanceSigns!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- case 'list':
- define disp_list <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1]>
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.size||0> == 0
- narrate '<&c>There are no TopBalanceSigns!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if <def[page].as_decimal||null> == null
- define page 1
else if <def[page].mod[1]> != 0 || <def[page]> <= 0
- define page 1
- define disp_list <def[disp_list].get[<def[page].mul[10].sub[9]>].to[<def[page].mul[10]>]||null>
- if <def[disp_list]> == null
- define page 1
- define disp_list <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1].get[1].to[10]>
- narrate '<&e>== <&6><&l>List of TopBalanceSigns (<def[page]>/<server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1].size.div[10].round_up>)<&r> <&e>==<&r><&nl>- <def[disp_list].separated_by[<&nl>- ]><&nl><&7>To see more locations, use /topbalancesign list #'
- queue clear
- case 'togglenick':
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.toggle_nick]||false>
- flag server 'top_balance_sign.toggle_nick:false'
- define stat Disabled
- flag server 'top_balance_sign.toggle_nick:true'
- define stat Enabled
- if <def[rfc]>
- narrate '<&a><def[stat]> nicknames for all TopBalanceSigns.' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- default:
- if <def[page].as_decimal||null> == null
- define page 1
else if <def[page].mod[1]> != 0 || <def[page]> <= 0
- define page 1
- if <def[page]> > <server.list_players.size>
- narrate '<&c>You can<&sq>t create a TopBalanceSign for a user who doesn<&sq>t exist!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.contains[<def[loc]>/<def[page]>]>
- narrate '<&c>This is already a TopBalanceSign for #<def[page]>!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- queue clear
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1].contains[<def[loc]>]>
- define rem_loc '<server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1].find_all[<def[loc]>]>'
- flag server 'top_balance_sign.locations:<-:<server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get[<def[rem_loc]>]>'
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.toggle_nick]||false>
- define name_type name.display
- define name_type name
- define tb_player <server.list_players.sort_by_number[money].reverse.get[<def[page]>]>
- flag server 'top_balance_sign.locations:->:<def[loc]>/<def[page]>'
- if <def[rfc]>
- narrate '<&a>Set a sign at <def[loc]> as a TopBalanceSign!' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
- sign '<&6><&l>[Top Balance]<&r>|<&e>= #<def[page]> <&e>=<&r>|<&a><def[tb_player].%name_type%><&r>|<&2>Right click to see balance!<&r>' '<def[loc]>'
- queue clear
type: format
debug: false
format: '<&a>[<&2><&l>TopBalanceSigns<&r><&a>]<&r> <text>'
type: world
debug: false
on system time minutely:
- repeat 14
- run top_balance_sign_task 'def:false|update'
- wait '4s'
on player breaks sign_post:
- inject locally 'events.on player breaks wall_sign'
on player breaks wall_sign:
- run top_balance_sign_task 'def:true|remove|<context.location.simple>' 'player:<player>'
on player right clicks sign_post:
- inject locally 'events.on player right clicks wall_sign'
on player right clicks wall_sign:
- if <server.flag[top_balance_sign.locations].as_list.get_sub_items[1].contains[<context.location.simple>]>
- define tb_player <context.location.sign_contents.get[3].strip_color>
- narrate '<&f><def[tb_player]> has $<def[tb_player]>.' 'format:top_balance_sign_format'
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