Staff Pick: Headshot Multiplier (w/ actionbar support)
ozzzzzCreated: 2015/01/05 13:41:54 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 51 days ago)
Edited: 2015/01/17 19:28:02 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 39 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2015/02/03 18:34:56 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 22 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT
Script Version: 1.0
When an entity is shot in the head by a player the damage is multiplied by 1.15.
The extra damage is displayed to the damager in a chat message(I use TitleManager with this script to show it in the actionbar).
If you use TitleManager on your server, I recommend changing line9 to:
- ^execute as_server "tm amsg <> &f&lHeadshot! &a(+<context.damage.mul[1.25].sub[<context.damage>].as_int> damage)"
Original script idea creditted to Entez
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View raw scriptHeadshot Monitor:
type: world
debug: false
on entity damaged by arrow:
- ^if <context.damager.is_player> {
- ^if <context.projectile.location.y> >= <context.entity.eye_location.y.sub[0.05]> && <context.projectile.location.y> <= <context.entity.eye_location.y.add[0.70]> {
- ^playeffect <context.entity.eye_location> effect:CRIT qty:5 offset:0.3 data:0.4
- ^narrate t:<context.damager> "<&f><&l>Headshot! <&a>(+<context.damage.mul[1.25].sub[<context.damage>].as_int> damage)"
- ^determine <context.damage.mul[1.15]>
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