Staff Pick: Npc skin from url
MerguCreated: 2018/11/24 21:35:46 UTC-08:00 (6 years and 91 days ago)
Edited: 2019/01/24 23:01:20 UTC-08:00 (6 years and 30 days ago)
Likes: 2
Staff pick as of: 2018/11/24 21:37:10 UTC-08:00 (6 years and 91 days ago)
Denizen Version: 1.0.3
Script Version: 1.2
Drop this into your scripts folder to add a new --url/-u flag to /npc skin. Supports setting a url skin from both in-game and the console. Optionally specify `slim` on the end if the file is meant for a slim player model.
Usage examples:
/npc skin --url
/npc skin --url slim
The url must point to a valid skin file.
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View raw script# Allows a player to set an npc's skin with a url using /npc skin [-u/--url] <url> (slim)
# Just drop this file into the Denizen/scripts folder and you're done!
type: world
debug: false
on npc command:
- if <c.args.get[1].to_lowercase||null> != skin:
- queue clear
- if !<li@-u|--url.contains[<c.args.get[2].to_lowercase||null>]>:
- queue clear
- determine passively fulfilled
- define url <c.args.get[3]||null>
- define model <c.args.get[4].to_lowercase||empty>
- if <c.server>:
- define npc <server.selected_npc||null>
- else:
- define npc <player.selected_npc||null>
- if <def[npc]> == null:
- narrate "<&a>You must have an NPC selected to execute that command."
- queue clear
- if <def[npc].entity_type> != PLAYER:
- narrate "<&a>You must have a player-type NPC selected."
- queue clear
- if <def[url]> == null:
- narrate "<&a>You must specify a valid skin URL."
- queue clear
- if <def[model]> != empty && <def[model]> != slim:
- narrate "<&e><def[model]><&a> is not a valid skin model. Must be <&e>slim<&a> or empty."
- queue clear
- narrate "<&a>Retrieving the requested skin..."
- define key <util.random.uuid>
# Our own custom ~5s timeout since the builtin hangs
- run skin_url_task def:<def[key]>|<def[url]>|<def[model]> id:<def[key]> instantly
- while <queue.exists[<def[key]>]>:
- if <def[loop_index]> > 20:
- queue q@<def[key]> clear
- narrate "<&a>The request timed out. Is the url valid?"
- queue clear
- wait 5t
# Quick sanity check - ideally this should never be true
- if !<server.has_flag[<def[key]>]>:
- queue clear
- if <server.flag[<def[key]>]> == null:
- narrate "<&a>Failed to retrieve the skin from the provided link. Is the url valid?"
- flag server <def[key]>:!
- queue clear
- yaml loadtext:<server.flag[<def[key]>]> id:response
- if !<yaml[response].contains[data.texture]>:
- narrate "<&a>An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the skin data. Please try again."
- else:
- narrate "<&e><def[npc].name><&a>'s skin set to <&e><def[url]><&a>."
- adjust <def[npc]> skin_blob:<yaml[response].read[data.texture.value]>;<yaml[response].read[data.texture.signature]>
- flag server <def[key]>:!
- yaml unload id:response
type: task
debug: false
definitions: key|url|model
- define req ""
- if <def[model]> == slim:
- define req "<def[req]>?model=slim"
- ~webget <def[req]> "post:url=<def[url]>" timeout:5s save:res
- flag server <def[key]>:<entry[res].result||null>
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