Staff Pick: dTravelers
mcmonkeyCreated: 2015/01/10 14:20:06 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 46 days ago)
Edited: 2015/01/10 14:20:06 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 46 days ago)
Likes: 2
Staff pick as of: 2015/01/10 14:20:27 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 46 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.3
Script Version: 1.0
# | dTravelers 2.1: NPCs to help you travel around the world!
# | WARNING: dTravelers 2 location save data is incompatible with original dTravelers save data!
# It is also incompatible with copies of the original dTravelers script!
# However, unlocked names will stay.
# | 2.1:
# ... make it actually work now! (Only ops could use 2.0 ! oops!)
# | 2:
# Updated, reworked, etc. Travel locations saved globally now, new commands, can link areas by permission rather than unlock, and so on.
# | 1:
# Original dTravelers
# | To create a dTraveler:
# /npc create [Name] ## [Name] is the name of the NPC
# /npc assign --set dtraveler_assign ## All literal
# /dtraveler name [NameOfTravelLocation] ## OPTIONAL. [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location to link to this NPC.
# | To create a travel location:
# /dtraveler add [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is what you want to call this location
# ## Remember not to make two of the same name!
# ## Note: the location will be placed precisely where you are standing
# | To remove a travel location:
# /dtraveler remove [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location you want to remove
# | To go to a travel location without using an NPC:
# /dtravel goto [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location you want to go to
# | Player interaction:
# Click on a dTraveler to unlock it.
# You can speak the name of any travel location to a traveler to go there.
# You can also say 'list' to a traveler to see what locations you've unlocked.
# | Commands:
# /dtraveler add [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Adds a travel location
# /dtraveler remove [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Removes a travel location
# /dtravel goto [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Teleports you to a travel location
# /dtraveler name [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Links an NPC to a travel location
# /dtraveler unname ## Unlinks an NPC from its travel location
# | Permissions:
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.add ## Use the 'add' and 'remove' commands
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.goto ## Use the 'goto' command
# ## Use the 'name' and 'unname' commands
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.[NameOfLoc] ## Permits travel to a given travel location even if you haven't unlocked it
Download script |
View raw script# | dTravelers 2.1: NPCs to help you travel around the world!
# | WARNING: dTravelers 2 location save data is incompatible with original dTravelers save data!
# It is also incompatible with copies of the original dTravelers script!
# However, unlocked names will stay.
# | 2.1:
# ... make it actually work now! (Only ops could use 2.0 ! oops!)
# | 2:
# Updated, reworked, etc. Travel locations saved globally now, new commands, can link areas by permission rather than unlock, and so on.
# | 1:
# Original dTravelers
# | To create a dTraveler:
# /npc create [Name] ## [Name] is the name of the NPC
# /npc assign --set dtraveler_assign ## All literal
# /dtraveler name [NameOfTravelLocation] ## OPTIONAL. [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location to link to this NPC.
# | To create a travel location:
# /dtraveler add [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is what you want to call this location
# ## Remember not to make two of the same name!
# ## Note: the location will be placed precisely where you are standing
# | To remove a travel location:
# /dtraveler remove [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location you want to remove
# | To go to a travel location without using an NPC:
# /dtravel goto [NameOfTravelLocation] ## [NameOfTravelLocation] is the name of the location you want to go to
# | Player interaction:
# Click on a dTraveler to unlock it.
# You can speak the name of any travel location to a traveler to go there.
# You can also say 'list' to a traveler to see what locations you've unlocked.
# | Commands:
# /dtraveler add [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Adds a travel location
# /dtraveler remove [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Removes a travel location
# /dtravel goto [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Teleports you to a travel location
# /dtraveler name [NameOfTravelLocation] ## Links an NPC to a travel location
# /dtraveler unname ## Unlinks an NPC from its travel location
# | Permissions:
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.add ## Use the 'add' and 'remove' commands
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.goto ## Use the 'goto' command
# ## Use the 'name' and 'unname' commands
# denizen.scripts.dtravelers.[NameOfLoc] ## Permits travel to a given travel location even if you haven't unlocked it
type: world
on dtraveler command:
- determine passively fulfilled
- IF <player> == "null" {
- announce to_console format:dtraveler_format_warning "<&4>Only players can use this command!"
- queue clear
- if <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.goto]> != "true" && <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.add]> != "true" && <player.has_permission[]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> == 2 && <context.args.get[1]> == "add" {
- run dtraveler_command_add instantly def:<context.args.get[2]>
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> == 2 && <context.args.get[1]> == "remove" {
- run dtraveler_command_remove instantly def:<context.args.get[2]>
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> == 2 && <context.args.get[1]> == "goto" {
- run dtraveler_command_goto instantly def:<context.args.get[2]>
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> == 2 && <context.args.get[1]> == "name" {
- run dtraveler_command_name instantly def:<context.args.get[2]>
- queue clear
- if <context.args.size> == 1 && <context.args.get[1]> == "unname" {
- run dtraveler_command_unname instantly
- queue clear
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "Incorrect command arguments..."
- narrate "<&c>/dtraveler add [NameOfTravelLocation]"
- narrate "<&c>/dtraveler remove [NameOfTravelLocation]"
- narrate "<&c>/dtraveler goto [NameOfTravelLocation]"
type: task
- if <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.goto]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- flag server dtraveler_cutoff:false
- repeat <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].size> {
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_cutoff:true
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag player dtraveler_target:<server.flag[dtraveler_locations].get[%value%]>
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% run dtraveler_task_travel delay:1t
# Note: Repetition above is intentional for complex reasons.
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_cutoff]> == "true" {
- queue clear
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "That travel location doesn't exist!"
type: task
- if <player.has_permission[]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- if <player.selected_npc> == "null" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You must have a selected NPC to use this command."
- queue clear
- flag server dtraveler_cutoff:false
- repeat <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].size> {
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_cutoff:true
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag <player.selected_npc> dtraveler_name:%1%
# Note: Repetition above is intentional for complex reasons.
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_cutoff]> == "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "NPC successfully linked to travel location '<&b>%1%<&2>'."
- queue clear
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "That travel location doesn't exist!"
type: task
- if <player.has_permission[]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- if <player.selected_npc> == "null" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You must have a selected NPC to use this command."
- queue clear
- flag <player.selected_npc> dtraveler_name:null
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "NPC successfully unlinked from any travel locations."
type: task
- if <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.add]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- flag server dtraveler_cutoff:false
- repeat <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].size> {
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_cutoff:true
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_cutoff]> == "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "That travel location already exists!"
- queue clear
- flag server dtraveler_location_names:->:%1%
- flag server dtraveler_locations:->:<player.location>
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "Added travel location '<&b>%1%<&2>'!"
type: task
- if <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.remove]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "You do not have permission to use this command."
- queue clear
- flag server dtraveler_cutoff:false
- repeat <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].size> {
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_cutoff:true
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_locations[%value%]:<-
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> == %1% flag server dtraveler_location_names[%value%]:<-
# Note: Repetition above is intentional for complex reasons.
- if <server.flag[dtraveler_cutoff]> == "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "Travel location successfully removed."
- queue clear
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_warning "That travel location doesn't exist!"
type: assignment
on assignment:
- TRIGGER name:click state:true
- TRIGGER name:chat state:true
interact scripts:
- 10 dtraveler_interact_main
type: interact
click trigger:
- if <npc.flag[dtraveler_name]> != "null" && <player.flag[dtraveler_named_<npc.flag[dtraveler_name]>]> != "true" {
- flag player dtraveler_named_<npc.flag[dtraveler_name]>:true
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "You've found a new travel location!"
- playsound <player.location> level_up
- chat "<&2>Hello there, <>!"
- wait 1
- if <npc.flag[dtraveler_name]> != "null" {
- chat "<&2>I'm <&b><><&2>, the official travel master of <&b><npc.flag[dtraveler_name]><&2>!"
else {
- chat "<&2>I'm <&b><><&2>, an official serverwide travel master!"
- wait 2
- chat "<&2>My job is to take you places you've been before. Simply name the place and I'll get you there."
- ^flag player dtraveler_hasresponded:false
- run dtraveler_task_hello delay:10s
chat trigger:
trigger: "I need to see a /list/ of what places I've unlocked..."
- ^flag player dtraveler_hasresponded:true
- wait 1
- flag player dtraveler_temptext:<&2>
- foreach <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].aslist> {
- flag player dtraveler_temp:%value%
- if <proc:dtraveler_proc_cantravel> flag player "dtraveler_temptext:<player.flag[dtraveler_temptext]>%value%, "
- if <player.flag[dtraveler_temptext].length> < 4 {
- chat "<&2>Well, I'm sorry. It seems you haven't unlocked any travel locations yet."
else {
- chat "<&2>If I've heard right, you've been to the following locations<&co>"
- narrate "<player.flag[dtraveler_temptext]>"
- wait 2
- if <player.flag[dtraveler_temptext].length> >= 4 chat "<&2>So... which one would you like to go to?"
trigger: "/REGEX:.+/"
- ^flag player dtraveler_hasresponded:true
- wait 1
- ^flag player dtravel_success:false
- ^repeat <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].size> {
- flag player dtraveler_temp:<server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]>
- ^if <context.message> contains <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]> && <proc:dtraveler_proc_cantravel> {
- ^chat "<&2>To <server.flag[dtraveler_location_names].get[%value%]>? Alright then..."
- ^flag player dtraveler_target:<server.flag[dtraveler_locations].get[%value%]>
- ^run dtraveler_task_travel delay:1t
- ^flag player dtravel_success:true
- ^if <player.flag[dtravel_success]> != "true" {
- ^chat "<&2>You haven't unlocked such a location."
- wait 1
- if <player.flag[dtravel_success]> != "true" {
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "If you've forgotten where you've been, just say <&b>list<&2> to the travel master!"
type: procedure
- if <player.flag[dtraveler_named_<player.flag[dtraveler_temp]>]> == "true" { - determine "true" }
else if <player.has_permission[denizen.scripts.dtravelers.<player.flag[dtraveler_temp]>]> { - determine "true" } else { - determine "false" }
type: task
- if <player.flag[dtraveler_hasresponded]> == "true" {
- queue clear
- if <player.location.distance[<npc.location>]> > 20 {
- queue clear
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "If you've forgotten where you've been, just say <&b>list<&2> to the travel master!"
type: task
- narrate format:dtraveler_format_valid "Traveling..."
- ^playsound <player.location> portal_travel
- ^playeffect <player.location> large_explode
- ^cast blindness duration:5s
- cast confusion duration:8s
- wait 1
- teleport <player> <player.flag[dtraveler_target]>
- ^playsound <player.location> portal_travel
- playeffect <player.location> large_explode
type: format
format: "<&7>[<&2>dTravelers<&7>]: <&c><text>"
type: format
format: "<&7>[<&2>dTravelers<&7>]: <&2><text>"
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