Staff Pick: Maintenance Manager
STiCoryCreated: 2015/01/13 17:58:13 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 43 days ago)
Edited: 2016/01/20 20:08:28 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 36 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2015/02/03 18:33:33 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 22 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.7-SNAPSHOT (build 1606)
Script Version: 1.1
A script that doesn't allow players to login when maintenance mode is enabled.
To setup, simply add the permission denizen.maintenance to the groups that you want to be able to toggle the maintenance mode, and denizen.maintenance.bypass to the groups that you want to be able to login regardless of the maintenance mode. For instance I gave both permissions to the same groups as I feel if they can run the command, they should have the power to be able to bypass it, but your server may be different!
To use, simply run the command /maintenance
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View raw scriptmaintnenace_kick:
type: world
debug: false
on player join:
#Add the permission denizen.maintenance.bypass to those who you want to log in regardless of maintenance mode
- if <player.is_op> && <server.has_flag[maintenance]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<&4>Maintenance mode is currently enabled."
- queue clear
else if <player.has_permission[denizen.maintenance.bypass]> && <server.has_flag[maintenance]> {
- wait 1
- narrate "<&4>Maintenance mode is currently enabled."
- queue clear
else if <server.has_flag[maintenance]> {
- wait 10t
- execute as_server "kick <> Sorry, undergoing maintenance, check back later, or check with us on!"
- queue clear
type: command
debug: false
name: maintenance
description: Toggle maintenance mode
usage: /maintenance
permission: denizen.maintenance
permission message: "<&c>Sorry you don't have the Denizen command permission."
allowed help:
- determine <player.has_permission[denizen.maintenance]>
#Add the permission denizen.maintenance to your permissions file if you want them to be able to use /maintenance
- if !<player.has_permission[denizen.maintenance]||<context.server>> {
- narrate "Sorry you don't have the Denizen command permission."
- queue clear
else if !<server.has_flag[maintenance]> {
- flag server maintenance
- narrate "<&4>Maintenance mode enabled!"
- queue clear
else if <server.has_flag[maintenance]> {
- flag server maintenance:!
- narrate "<&2>Maintenance mode disabled!"
- queue clear
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