Staff Pick: SQLAPI v0.1.3-BETA
AnthonyCreated: 2015/04/14 09:59:14 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 317 days ago)
Edited: 2015/04/29 10:27:04 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 302 days ago)
Likes: 1
Staff pick as of: 2015/04/19 14:16:56 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 312 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.6-b1573
Script Version: 1.0
SQLAPI is a library or API for Denizen scripters to easily implement SQL in their scripts. It is intended to supplement the denizen flag system for those who require data to be shared across a network of servers since Denizen currently has no cross server flag capability.
The SQL backend functions are almost /completely/ handled by SQLManager. Automatically goes into offline caching mode if the sql database goes offline!
--- BETA RELEASE! -----> This is a BETA release of SQLAPI. It has near complete functionality! Using it at this point should be done for experimental and planning purposes only. The API is not thoroughly documented so you are expected to actually read the script and understand how it works and what it offers! The API offered should be considered relatively stable at this point, so building a system using it should be safe.
Repo - Generally stable releases
GitHub - Bleeding code
Repo - Generally stable releases
GitHub - Bleeding code
For bleeding-edge code, bug reports, code contributions, and feature requests, visit the
GitHub projectUsage instructions and changelog are in the script header.
You can also find me |Anthony| on
# C h a n g e l o g
# - v0.1.3 - 4/29/15
# --- Implement the event system
# ----- Scripts are encouraged to use the event system and NOT the command system
# --- Break up the sqlflag command into its constituent parts
# ----- Results in a flagString parser
# --- Add fancy linewrapp and formatted message system
# ----- Run almost all messages through the message system
# - v0.1.2 - 4/28/15
# --- List index manipulations
# ----- Insert: Inserts additional values starting at the specified index
# ----- Set: Inserts additional values replacing the specified index
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_Expiration].context[owner|flag]>
# ----- Returns a Duration of the time remaining on the flag
# ----- Returns d@0t if the flag does not expire
# ----- Does not return if the flag is expired or is not set
# ----- Owner can be server, or any valid <player>, <npc>, or <entity> object
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_ListFlags].context[owner]||null>
# ----- List all unexpired flags for <owner>
# ----- Owner can be server, or any valid <player>, <npc>, or <entity> object
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
# ----- List all owners of the specified type that have the specified flag set.
# ----- Valid types are player, npc, and entity
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetCurrentFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
# ----- List all owners of the specified type that have the specified flag set.
# ----- Valid types are player, npc, and entity
# ----- Will only return owner objects for those (players) that are online or (npcs or entities) that are spawned.
# - v0.1.1 - 4/26/15
# --- Make <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlag].context[owner|flag]||null> handle lists natively
# --- Set list function works, may be expanded/revised at a later date
# --- Added Include and Remove list functions
# - v0.1.1 - 4/25/15
# --- Don't store escaped values in the db
# - v0.1.1 - 4/21/15
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlag].context[owner|flag]||null>
# ----- Returns the flag value
# ----- Does not return if the flag doesn't exist or is expired.
# - v0.1.1 - 4/20/15
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[owner]||null>
# ----- Specify an owner object and it returns the type.
# ----- Return values are player, entity, npc, server, and thisPlayer.
# ----- Does not return on invalid input. Notify console instead
# ----- 'thisPlayer' is a literal string and should be handled in the calling script. It's intended for the sqlflag command so the literal string 'player' can be used to denote the person issuing the command.
# --- Simplified the context required for GetFlagRecord, FlagExists, IsExpired, and HasFlag procedure scripts. Now only require the owner and flag context
# - - - Eg.: <proc[SQLAPI_HasFlag].context[owner|flag]>
# - v0.1.1 - 4/20/15
# --- sqlflag command
# ----- Allows setting/editing/deleting flags in game with a command
# ----- Currently only the set flag code is written. Don't try to do any list flags or removing flags yet!
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[tablename|owner|flag]||null>
# ----- Returns a raw flag record li@flagName|flagValue|expiriation
# ----- Returns "SQLAPI OFFLINE" if the db is offline
# ----- Really only meant for internal usage. There will be more user friendly options available in the future.
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_FlagExists].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# ----- Boolean tag to check if a flag exists
# ----- Does not return if the db is offline
# ----- Really only meant for internal usage.
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_IsExpired].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# ----- Boolean tag to check if a flag exists
# ----- Does not return if the flag does not exist OR the db is offline.
# ----- Really only meant for internal usage.
# --- Added <proc[SQLAPI_HasFlag].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# ----- Boolean tag to check if a object has a flag.
# ----- Returns true if the flag exists and is not expired.
# ----- Returns false if the flag does not exist or is expired.
# ----- Does not return if the db is offline.
# - v0.1 - 4/13/15
# --- Initial commit
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# |
# D e n i z e n S Q L A P I |
# |
# An API for scripters to easily implement SQL |
# |
# |
# |
# Author: |Anthony| |
# Version: 0.1.3 |
# dScript Version: 0.9.6-dev-199 |
# |
# Dependencies: |
# - SQLManager: |
# - ConfigFileGenerator: |
# |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# SQLAPI is a library or API for Denizen scripters to easily implement SQL
# in their scripts. It is intended to supplement the denizen flag system for
# those who require data to be shared across a network of servers since
# Denizen currently has no cross server flag capability.
# The SQL backend functions are almost /completely/ handled by SQLManager.
# Automatically goes into offline caching mode if the sql database goes
# offline!
# -- Setup
# 1. Create an empty SQL database on your server. You can name it anything you
# like. The default name is SQLAPI.
# Consult your operating system manual or other online documentation for
# instructions how to install and setup an sql server if needed. That is
# beyond the scope of this documentation.
# 2. Install SQLManager.dscript following the instructions provided. SQLAPI
# Will not load if SQLManager is not installed!
# 3. Install sqlapi.dscript to you Denizen scripts folder and type:
# /denizen reload scripts
# 4. From console or in game (with sqlapi.admin permission) type:
# /sqlapi --restart
# This will extract the config file to /Denizen/SQLAPI/config.yml
# SQLAPI will begin the connection attempt process, but will fail until
# you edit the config.yml file with valid connection information.
# 5. Edit the config.yml file with valid connection information for your SQL
# database created in step 1. If you have edit config.yml before the
# connection attempt cycle expires, SQLAPI will proceed with setup, if not
# you will need to repeat step 4.
# 6. SQLAPI is now installed! Rejoice!
# -- Permissions
# Admin permission: sqlapi.admin
# API Guidelines and Explanation
# -- Notes
# - SQLAPI utilizes the events system for setting/editing/deleting sql flags.
# - Learn more about the events command:
# - The events command in Denizen lacks the ability to handle lists directly
# in the context section. You MUST use the .escaped tag when supplying a
# list value!
# -- Setting/Editing/Deleting Flags
# Working with SQL flags is easy! You must specify the type, flagName,
# and flagValue context fields when you do. The duration field is optional. The
# owner field is not used for the server type flags.
# Full Example:
# - event 'sqlflag set' 'context:owner|<playerObject>|flagName|myFlag|flagValue|potato|duration|5s'
# -- Context Fields
# ~ Type
# There are four (4) flag types available through SQLAPI.
# - Type Values
# - server - Global flags with no owner
# - player - Player specific flags
# - npc - NPC specific flags
# - entity - Entity specific flags (not fully implemented)
# Example:
# 'context:type|player'
# ~ Owner
# The owner field is required for player, npc, and entity flag types, but is
# NOT required for server type flags. The owner field must contain a valid
# entity object for that particular flag type. A player type flag must have
# a <player> object in the owner field. An NPC flag must have an <npc> object
# in the owner field. An entity flag must have an <entity> object in the owner
# field.
# Example:
# 'context:owner|<player>'
# ~ FlagName
# The flagName field is where you declare the name of your flag. Flag names
# MUST be unique. Setting a flag value on an existing flag will overwrite it.
# Players, NPCs, and entities all have their own flag associations, which
# means that player A and player B can both have a flag named 'potato' with no
# conflicts.
# Flag names are limited to roughly 21,844 UTF-8 characters. You should have
# plenty of room for exotic flag names.
# Example:
# 'context:flagName|potato'
# ~ FlagValue
# The flagValue field is where you store the value of your flag. It can hold
# any string, integer, decimal, boolean, or list value you like. It has a
# theoretical limit of 5,592,404 UTF-8 characters.
# When working with a list flagValue, you must escape the whole list. This is
# required to overcome a limitation with the events command. Your data will be
# stored and returned to you correctly. You may also choose to use your own
# delimiter. You will be responsible for recreating your lists when you
# retrieve the value.
# Example:
# - define list 'li@a|b|c'
# - event 'sqlflag set' 'context:type|server|flagName|myFlag|flagValue|<def[list].escaped>'
# ~ Duration
# The duration field is an optional field for all flags. Setting a duration
# on a flag will make the flag available for specific amount of time. The
# value for the duration field can be provided in any of the following
# formats: T=ticks, M=minutes, S=seconds, H=hours, D=days, W = Weeks.
# Not using a unit will imply seconds.
# Example:
# - event 'sqlflag set' 'context:duration|10s'
# C h a n g e l o g
# - v0.1.3 - 4/29/15
# - Implement the event system
# - Scripts are encouraged to use the event system and NOT the command system
# - Break up the sqlflag command into its constituent parts
# - Results in a flagString parser
# - Add fancy linewrapp and formatted message system
# - Run almost all messages through the message system
# - v0.1.2 - 4/28/15
# - List index manipulations
# - Insert: Inserts additional values starting at the specified index
# - Set: Inserts additional values replacing the specified index
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_Expiration].context[owner|flag]>
# - Returns a Duration of the time remaining on the flag
# - Returns d@0t if the flag does not expire
# - Does not return if the flag is expired or is not set
# - Owner can be server, or any valid <player>, <npc>, or <entity> object
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_ListFlags].context[owner]||null>
# - List all unexpired flags for <owner>
# - Owner can be server, or any valid <player>, <npc>, or <entity> object
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
# - List all owners of the specified type that have the specified flag set.
# - Valid types are player, npc, and entity
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetCurrentFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
# - List all owners of the specified type that have the specified flag set.
# - Valid types are player, npc, and entity
# - Will only return owner objects for those (players) that are online or
# (npcs or entities) that are spawned.
# - v0.1.1 - 4/27/15
# - Correctly distinguish between existent and expired flags when editing lists
# - Math functions. Can now increment, decrement, multiply, and divide flags
# - v0.1.1 - 4/26/15
# - Make <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlag].context[owner|flag]||null> handle lists natively
# - Set list function works, may be expanded/revised at a later date
# - Added Include and Remove list functions
# - v0.1.1 - 4/25/15
# - Don't store escaped values in the db
# - v0.1.1 - 4/21/15
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlag].context[owner|flag]||null>
# - Returns the flag value
# - Does not return if the flag doesn't exist or is expired.
# - v0.1.1 - 4/20/15
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[owner]||null>
# - Specify an owner object and it returns the type.
# - Return values are player, entity, npc, server, and thisPlayer.
# - Does not return on invalid input. Notify console instead
# - 'thisPlayer' is a literal string and should be handled in the calling
# script. It's intended for the sqlflag command so the literal string
# 'player' can be used to denote the person issuing the command.
# - Simplified the context required for GetFlagRecord, FlagExists, IsExpired,
# and HasFlag procedure scripts. Now only require the owner and flag context
# Eg.: <proc[SQLAPI_HasFlag].context[owner|flag]>
# - v0.1.1 - 4/20/15
# - sqlflag command
# - Allows setting/editing/deleting flags in game with a command
# - Currently only the set flag code is written. Don't try to do any list
# flags or removing flags yet!
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[tablename|owner|flag]||null>
# - Returns a raw flag record li@flagName|flagValue|expiriation
# - Returns "SQLAPI OFFLINE" if the db is offline
# - Really only meant for internal usage. There will be more user friendly
# options available in the future.
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_FlagExists].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# - Boolean tag to check if a flag exists
# - Does not return if the db is offline
# - Really only meant for internal usage.
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_IsExpired].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# - Boolean tag to check if a flag exists
# - Does not return if the flag does not exist OR the db is offline.
# - Really only meant for internal usage.
# - Added <proc[SQLAPI_HasFlag].context[tablename|owner|flag]>
# - Boolean tag to check if a object has a flag.
# - Returns true if the flag exists and is not expired.
# - Returns false if the flag does not exist or is expired.
# - Does not return if the db is offline.
# - v0.1 - 4/13/15
# - Initial commit
# TODO - Future Feature Fluff
type: world
speed: 0
debug: false
set_list: '&pipe'
include: '->'
remove: '<-'
increment: '++|+'
decrement: '--|-'
multiply: '**|*'
divide: '&fs&fs|&fs'
clear: '&exc'
on server start:
- run locally start delay:1t
on sqlflag set:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped||true>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally set_flag
on sqlflag set_index:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define index '<c.index.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_int||1>'
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped||true>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally set_index_flag
on sqlflag clear:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- inject locally clear_flag
on sqlflag include:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally include_flag
on sqlflag insert_index:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define index '<c.index.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_int||1>'
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped||true>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally insert_index_flag
on sqlflag remove:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally remove_flag
on sqlflag increment:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_decimal||1>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally increment_flag
on sqlflag decrement:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_decimal||1>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally decrement_flag
on sqlflag multiply:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_decimal||1>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally multiply_flag
on sqlflag divide:
- define owner '<c.owner>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
- if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagName '<c.flagName.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% == null || <def[flagName].length> == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flagName!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<c.flagValue.unescaped.sql_escaped.as_decimal||1>'
- define expiration '<c.expiration.sql_escaped.as_duration.in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]||0>'
- inject locally divide_flag
on sqlapi command:
- if !<player.permission[sqlapi.admin]||false> && !<player.is_op> && !<c.server> {
- queue clear
- determine passively FULFILLED
- define arg1 '<c.args.get[1].escaped||null>'
- if <def[arg1].is[==].to[--restart]> {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&d>Restarting System!'
- define isRelaod ''
- inject locally start
on sqlflag command:
- define time '<server.current_time_millis>'
- if !<player.permission[sqlapi.admin]||false> && !<player.is_op> && !<c.server> {
- queue clear
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <c.args.size> < 2 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>/sqlflag <<>owner<>> flagName(<&lb>#<&rb>)(<&co>action)(<&co>value) (duration<&co>duration)'
- queue clear
- define owner '<parse:<c.args.get[1]||null>>'
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if %type% == null {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify valid flag holder!'
- queue clear
else if %type% == thisPlayer {
- if <c.server> {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Must specify valid player object from console!"
- queue clear
- define type 'player'
- define owner '<player>'
else if %type% != server {
- define owner '<def[owner].as_%type%>'
- define flagString '<c.args.get[2]>'
- inject locally parse_FlagString
- define duration '<c.args.get[3]||null>'
- if <def[duration].starts_with[d<&co>]> || <def[duration].starts_with[duration<&co>]> {
- define expiration '<def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration||null>'
- if %expiration% == null {
- announce to_console '<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> <def[expiration].split[<&co>].get[2]||null> is not a valid duration!'
- define expiration '0'
else {
- define expiration '<def[expiration].in_milliseconds.add_int[<server.current_time_milliseconds>]>'
else {
- define expiration '0'
# - announce "Narrate values"
# - narrate "<&2>==="
# - narrate "size %size%"
# - narrate "owner %owner% %type% <def[owner].uuid>"
# - narrate "flag %flagName%"
# - narrate "action %action%"
# - narrate "flagvalue %flagvalue%"
# - narrate "expiration %expiration%"
- inject locally %action%_flag
- inject locally msg_%action%
- narrate "Time taken<&co> <server.current_time_millis.sub_int[%time%]>ms"
- queue clear
- define actions '<script.list_keys[action_map]>'
- foreach %actions% {
- define map '<script.yaml_key[action_map.%value%].as_list||li@>'
- if <def[map].contains_any[%action%]||false> {
- define action '<def[value].to_lowercase>'
- foreach stop
- if %actions% !contains %action% {
- define action 'set'
- define preparse '<def[flagString].escaped.split[&co]||null>'
- define size '<def[preparse].size>'
- define flagName '<def[preparse].get[1].unescaped.to_lowercase.sql_escaped||null>'
- if %flagName% contains <&lb> {
- define index '<def[flagName].after[<&lb>].replace[<&rb>]>'
- define flagName '<def[flagName].before[<&lb>]>'
- if <def[index].length> == 0 || %index% !matches number {
- define index:!
- if %size% > 2 {
- define size 'extra'
- inject locally parse_flagString_%size%
- define flagValue 'true'
- define action 'set'
- define action '<def[preparse].get[2]||null>'
- inject locally parseAction
- if <li@set|clear|increment|decrement|multiply|divide> contains %action% {
- if %action% == set {
- define flagValue '<def[preparse].get[2].unescaped.sql_escaped>'
- if <def[index].exists> {
- define action 'set_index'
else if %action% != clear {
- narrate "set value to 1"
- define flagValue '1'
else {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Must specify a flag value for %action% flag action!'
- queue clear
- define flagValue '<def[flagString].after[<def[preparse].get[2].unescaped><&co>].sql_escaped||null>'
- define action '<def[preparse].get[2]||null>'
- inject locally parseAction
- if <def[index].exists> {
- if li@set|set_list contains %action% {
- define action 'set_index'
else if %action% == include {
- define action 'insert_index'
- if %action% == set {
- define flagValue '<def[flagString].after[<def[preparse].get[1].unescaped><&co>].sql_escaped||null>'
else if <li@increment|decrement|multiply|divide> contains %action% {
- if %flagValue% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagValue% is not a valid number!'
- queue clear
- ^define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- ^define scriptName '<>'
- ^inject locally reloadYaml instantly
- ^inject locally loadData instantly
- ^if %useSql% {
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Must be configured to use MySQL!" to_console
- inject locally unload
- queue stop
# Verify SQLManager is installed and ready
- ^if !<server.list_scripts.parse[name].contains[SQLManager]> {
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> SQLManager not installed!" to_console
- inject locally unload
- queue stop
- ^repeat %retry% {
- if !<yaml.list.contains[SQLManager_Offline]> {
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Could not connect to SQLManager!" to_console
- if %loop_index% == %retry% {
- inject locally unload
- queue stop
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Will attempt again in %retryDelay%..." to_console
- wait %retryDelay%
# This checks the status as set by SQLManager to not duplicate restart
# processes. This is the only time this script needs to set the status.
# The SQLManager will handle every other situation.
- ^define status '<yaml[SQLManager_Offline].read[Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status]||null>'
- ^if <def[status].is[==].to[connecting]> {
- announce "<&b>SQLManager<&co><&c> Already attempting to reconnect to %db% database!" to_console
- queue stop
else {
- yaml set 'id:SQLManager_Offline' 'Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status:connecting'
- yaml 'savefile:SQLManager/cache.yml' 'id:SQLManager_Offline'
- ^if <def[isReload].exists||false> {
- run s@SQLManager p:restart delay:1t def:%yamlName%|%scriptName%|%db%
- queue clear
- ^inject s@SQLManager
- ^announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&a> System loaded!" to_console
- queue stop
# Reloads the yaml files and generates default files if they don't exist.
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&3> Loading system config files..." to_console
- if !<server.has_file[SQLAPI/config.yml]> {
- if <player> != null {
- flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:true
- run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:SQLAPI|Configurations|false|false|false instantly
- flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:!
else {
- run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:SQLAPI|Configurations instantly
- if <yaml.list.contains[SQLAPI_config]> yaml unload 'id:SQLAPI_config'
- yaml 'load:SQLAPI/config.yml' 'id:SQLAPI_config'
- inject s@SQLAPI_SQLTables
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&a> System config files Loaded!" to_console
- ^define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- ^define scriptName '<>'
- ^define useSql '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.useSql]||false>'
- ^define retry '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.retry]||3>'
- ^define retryDelay '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.retryDelay]||10s>'
- ^define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- ^define PlayerSQLFLagsTable '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.PlayerSQLFLags]||dsqlapi_playersqlflags>'
- ^define NPCSQLFLagsTable '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.NPCSQLFLags]||dsqlapi_npcsqlflags>'
- ^define EntitySQLFLagsTable '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.EntitySQLFLags]||dsqlapi_entitysqlflags>'
- ^define ServerSQLFLagsTable '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.ServerSQLFLags]||dsqlapi_serversqlflags>'
- ^if <yaml.list.contains[SQLAPI_config]> {
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&3> Unloading config.yml file..." to_console
- yaml unload 'id:SQLAPI_config'
- ^if <yaml.list.contains[SQLAPI_SQLTables]> {
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&3> Unloading SQLAPI_SQLTables file..." to_console
- yaml unload 'id:SQLAPI_SQLTables'
- ^announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> System disabled..." to_console
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define flagExists '<proc[SQLAPI_FlagExists].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||offline>'
- if %flagExists% == offline {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> System Offline! Can not remove %flagName% for %owner%!"
- queue clear
- if !%flagExists% {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%owner% does not set %flagName%!'
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- define statement "DELETE FROM %tableName% WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- define statement "DELETE FROM %tableName% WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
# - sql id:%db% "update:<def[statement]>" save:id
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define flagExists '<proc[SQLAPI_FlagExists].context[%owner%|%flagName%]>'
- if %flagExists% == offline {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> System Offline! Can not set %flagName% for %owner% to %flagValue% in %tableName%!"
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> System Offline! Can not set index %index% %flagName% for %owner% to %flagValue% in %tableName%!"
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% && !%isExpired% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].starts_with[|]> {
- define flagVal '<def[flagVal].as_list>'
- define flagValue '<&pipe><def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>].set[%flagValue%].at[%index%].replace[li@]>'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not set %flagName% for %owner% to %flagValue% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% && !%isExpired% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].starts_with[|]> {
- define flagVal '<def[flagVal].as_list>'
- define flagValue '<&pipe><def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>].replace[li@]><&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not include %flagValue% in %flagName% for %owner% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% && !%isExpired% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].starts_with[|]> {
- define flagVal '<def[flagVal].as_list>'
- define flagValue '<&pipe><def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>].replace[li@]><&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not insert %flagValue% at index %index% for %flagName% for %owner% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% && !%isExpired% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].starts_with[|]> {
- define flagVal '<def[flagVal].as_list>'
- define flagValue '<&pipe><def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>].insert[%flagValue%].at[%index%].replace[li@]>'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
else {
- define flagValue '<&pipe>%flagValue%'
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not remove %flagValue% from %flagName% for %owner% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define flagExists 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- if !%flagExists% {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%owner% does not set %flagName%!'
- queue clear
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped.as_list||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].as_list.contains_any[%flagValue%]> {
- define flagValue '<&pipe><def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>].exclude[%flagValue%].replace[li@]>'
else {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagName% does not contain any %flagValue% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- if <def[flagValue].is[==].to[<&pipe>]> {
- define delete 'true'
else {
- define delete 'false'
- if %type% == server {
- if %delete% {
- define statement "DELETE FROM %tableName% WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %delete% {
- define statement "DELETE FROM %tableName% WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- if %flagValue% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagValue% is not a valid number! Not incrementing %flagName% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not increment %flagName% for %owner% by %flagValue% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if %flagVal% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Not incrementing %flagName% for %owner%! Current value %flagVal% is not numeric!'
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value + '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value + '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- if %flagValue% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagValue% is not a valid number! Not decrementing %flagName% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not decrement %flagName% for %owner% by %flagValue% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if %flagVal% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Not decrementing %flagName% for %owner%! Current value %flagVal% is not numeric!'
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value - '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value - '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- if %flagValue% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagValue% is not a valid number! Not multiplying %flagName% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not multiply %flagName% for %owner% by %flagValue% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if %flagVal% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Not multiplying %flagName% for %owner%! Current value %flagVal% is not numeric!'
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value * '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value * '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
- if %flagValue% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>%flagValue% is not a valid number! Not dividing %flagName% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- if %flagValue% == 0 {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Can not divide by 0! Not dividing %flagName% for %owner%!'
- queue clear
- define yamlName 'SQLAPI'
- define scriptName 'SQLAPI'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flagName%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>System Offline! Can not divide %flagName% for %owner% by %flagValue% in %tableName%!'
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define flagExists 'true'
- define expires '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expires% == 0 || %expires% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define isExpired 'false'
else {
- define isExpired 'true'
else {
- define flagExists 'false'
- define isExpired 'true'
- if %flagExists% {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if %flagVal% !matches decimal {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&c>Not dividing %flagName% for %owner%! Current value %flagVal% is not numeric!'
- queue clear
- if %type% == server {
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value / '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[type].is[==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- if %flagExists% {
- if %isExpired% {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "UPDATE %tableName% SET expiration = '%expiration%', value = value / '%flagValue%' WHERE flag='%flagName%' AND uuid='%uuid%';"
else {
- define statement "INSERT INTO %tableName% (uuid, flag, value, expiration) VALUES ('%uuid%', '%flagName%', '%flagValue%', '%expiration%');"
- inject s@SQLManager_Offline p:managedUpdateStatement
# Command messages
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Set <def[flagName].unescaped> to <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`]> for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Cleared <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner%'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Set list flag <def[flagName].unescaped> to <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`].after[`]> for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Set <def[flagName].unescaped> list to <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`].after[`]> starting at index %index% for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Included <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`].after[`]> in <def[flagName].unescaped> list for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Included <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`].after[`]> in <def[flagName].unescaped> list starting at index %index% for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- if <def[flagValue].is[==].to[<&pipe>]> {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Cleared <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner%'
else {
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Removed <def[flagValue].replace[|].with[`].after[`]> from <def[flagName].unescaped> list for %owner%<tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Increased <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner% by <def[flagValue].unescaped><tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Decreased <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner% by <def[flagValue].unescaped><tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Multiplied <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner% by <def[flagValue].unescaped><tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
- run s@SQLAPI_Msg delay:1t 'def:<&7>Divided <def[flagName].unescaped> for %owner% by <def[flagValue].unescaped><tern[<def[expiration].is[==].to[0]>]:<&dot>||<&dot> Expires in <def[duration].split[<&co>].get[2].as_duration.formatted><&dot>>'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[owner]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner
- define owner "<parse:<def[owner]>>"
- inject locally <def[owner].type||null>
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Must specify valid owner object!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&c> Can not parse %owner%"
- determine 'player'
- determine 'entity'
- determine 'npc'
- if %owner% == server {
- determine 'server'
else if %owner% == player {
- determine 'thisPlayer'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[owner|flag]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if li@player|entity|npc|server !contains %type% {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Invalid type specified in flag lookup!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&b>Attempted<&co> %owner% %type% %flag%"
- queue clear
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- if !<proc[SQLManager_ConnectionCheck].context[%db%]> {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Database Offline!"
- yaml set 'id:SQLManager_Offline' 'Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status:offline'
- yaml 'savefile:SQLManager/cache.yml' 'id:SQLManager_Offline'
- run s@SQLManager p:restart def:SQLAPI|SQLAPI|%db%
- determine 'SQLAPI OFFLINE'
- if %owner% == server {
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT flag,value,expiration FROM %tablename% WHERE flag='%flag%';" save:record
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[owner][==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT flag,value,expiration FROM %tablename% WHERE flag='%flag%' AND uuid='%uuid%';" save:record
- define record '<entry[record].result>'
- if <def[record].size> == 1 {
- determine '<entry[record].result.get[1].split[/]||null>'
- if <def[record].size> != 0 {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>%tablename% has <def[record].size> records of %flag% for %uuid%!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Only returning the first record!"
- determine '<entry[record].result.get[1].split[/]||null>'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_FlagExists].context[owner|flag]>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flag%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- determine 'true'
- determine 'false'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_IsExpired].context[owner|flag]>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flag%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define expiration '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||null>'
- if %expiration% == 0 || %expiration% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- determine 'false'
- determine 'true'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_Expiration].context[owner|flag]>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flag%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define expiration '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||null>'
- if %expiration% == 0 {
- determine '<el@val[0].as_duration>'
- if %expiration% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- determine '<el@val[<def[expiration].sub_int[<server.current_time_millis>].div[1000]>s].as_duration>'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_HasFlag].context[owner|flag]>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flag%]||null>'
- if '<def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]>' {
- queue clear
- if %record% != null {
- define expiration '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expiration% == 0 || %expiration% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- determine 'true'
- determine 'false'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlag].context[owner|flag]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner|flag
- define record '<proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagRecord].context[%owner%|%flag%]||null>'
- if %record% == null || <def[record].equals_case_sensitive[SQLAPI OFFLINE]> {
- queue clear
- define expiration '<def[record].get[3].unescaped||0>'
- if %expiration% == 0 || %expiration% > <server.current_time_millis> {
- define flagVal '<def[record].get[2].unescaped||null>'
- if <def[flagVal].starts_with[|]> {
- define flagVal '<def[flagVal].as_list>'
- determine '<def[flagVal].get[2].to[<def[flagVal].size>]>'
else {
- determine '%flagVal%'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_ListFlags].context[owner]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: owner
- define type '<proc[SQLAPI_ParseOwner].context[%owner%]||null>'
- if li@player|entity|npc|server !contains %type% {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Invalid type specified in flag lookup!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&b>Attempted<&co> %owner% %type%"
- queue clear
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- if !<proc[SQLManager_ConnectionCheck].context[%db%]> {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Database Offline!"
- yaml set 'id:SQLManager_Offline' 'Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status:offline'
- yaml 'savefile:SQLManager/cache.yml' 'id:SQLManager_Offline'
- run s@SQLManager p:restart def:SQLAPI|SQLAPI|%db%
- determine 'SQLAPI OFFLINE'
- define now '<server.current_time_millis>'
- if %owner% == server {
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT flag FROM %tablename% WHERE expiration>'%now%' OR expiration='0';" save:record
else {
- define uuid '<tern[<def[owner][==].to[npc]>]:<def[owner].id>||<def[owner].uuid>>'
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT flag FROM %tablename% WHERE uuid='%uuid%' AND (expiration>'%now%' OR expiration='0');" save:record
- determine '<entry[record].result.parse[before[/]]>'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_GetFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: type|flag
- if li@player|entity|npc !contains %type% {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Invalid type specified in flag lookup!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&b>Attempted<&co> %owner% %type%"
- queue clear
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- if !<proc[SQLManager_ConnectionCheck].context[%db%]> {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Database Offline!"
- yaml set 'id:SQLManager_Offline' 'Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status:offline'
- yaml 'savefile:SQLManager/cache.yml' 'id:SQLManager_Offline'
- run s@SQLManager p:restart def:SQLAPI|SQLAPI|%db%
- determine 'SQLAPI OFFLINE'
- define now '<server.current_time_millis>'
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT uuid FROM %tablename% WHERE flag='%flag%' AND (expiration>'%now%' OR expiration='0');" save:record
- determine '<entry[record].result.parse[before[/]].parse[as_%type%]>'
# Usage: <proc[SQLAPI_GetCurrentFlagged].context[type|flag]||null>
type: procedure
debug: false
definitions: type|flag
- if li@player|entity|npc !contains %type% {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Invalid type specified in flag lookup!"
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&b>Attempted<&co> %owner% %type%"
- queue clear
- define tableName '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.tables.%type%SQLFLags]||dsqlapi_%type%sqlflags>'
- define db '<yaml[SQLAPI_config].read[config.MySQL.database]||SQLAPI>'
- if !<proc[SQLManager_ConnectionCheck].context[%db%]> {
- announce to_console "<&b>SQLAPI<&co> <&c>Database Offline!"
- yaml set 'id:SQLManager_Offline' 'Offline_Cache.databases.%db%.status:offline'
- yaml 'savefile:SQLManager/cache.yml' 'id:SQLManager_Offline'
- run s@SQLManager p:restart def:SQLAPI|SQLAPI|%db%
- determine 'SQLAPI OFFLINE'
- define now '<server.current_time_millis>'
- sql id:%db% "query:SELECT uuid FROM %tablename% WHERE flag='%flag%' AND (expiration>'%now%' OR expiration='0');" save:record
- if %type% == player {
- determine '<entry[record].result.parse[before[/]].parse[as_%type%].filter[is_online]>'
else {
- determine '<entry[record].result.parse[before[/]].parse[as_%type%].filter[is_spawned]>'
# Turn a long string into a list of smaller strings
type: procedure
definitions: string|targetLen
speed: 0
debug: false
- define stringLen '<def[string].length>'
- if <def[stringLen].is[MORE].than[%targetLen%]> {
- define lines 'li@'
- while <def[stringLen].is[MORE].than[0]> {
- define low '<def[increment].add[1].as_int||1>'
- define hi '<def[increment].add[<def[targetLen].add[1]>].as_int||%targetLen%>'
- define pass '<el@val[%string%].substring[%low%,%hi%]>'
- if <def[pass][==].to[%stringLen%]> {
- define lines '<def[lines].include[<el@val[%pass%]>]||<def[lines]>>'
- while stop
else {
- define brake '<def[pass].last_index_of[ ]>'
- define increment '<def[increment].add[%brake%]||%brake%>'
- define passtrim '<el@val[<def[pass].substring[1,<t[<def[brake].is[MORE].than[0]>]:%brake%||<def[pass].length>>]>]>'
- define lines '<def[lines].include[<el@val[%passtrim%]>]||<def[lines]>>'
- define stringLen '<def[stringLen].sub[%brake%]>'
- if <def[loop_index].is[MORE].than[10]> {
- while stop
- determine '<def[lines].as_list>'
else {
- determine '<def[string].as_list>'
type: item
speed: 0
debug: false
material: i@human_skull
display name: "<&4> [<&6>SQPAPI<&4>]"
- <&5>Click for Help
- ^define text '<&4>[<&6>SQPAPI<&4>]'
- ^define hover '<&chr[007B]><i@SQLAPI_Msg.json><&chr[007D]>'
- ^define click '/SQPAPI help'
- ^define button "text:'%text%',clickEvent:<&chr[007B]>action:run_command,value:'%click%'<&chr[007D]>,hoverEvent:<&chr[007B]>action:show_item,value:'%hover%'<&chr[007d]>"
- ^define spacer "text:' '"
- ^define color '<&f>'
- ^define colorCheck '<def[1].substring[1,2]>'
- ^if <def[colorCheck].starts_with[<&ss>]> {
- define colorCheck '<def[colorCheck].replace[<&ss>]>'
- if <def[colorCheck].matches[[0-9a-fA-Fk-oK-OrR]]> {
- define color '<&%colorCheck%>'
- ^if <player.is_player||false> {
- define lines '<proc[SQLAPI_LineWrap].context[%1%|45]>'
- foreach <def[lines]> {
- define msg "text:'%color%<def[value].replace[`].with[<&pipe>]>'"
- execute as_server "tellraw <> <&chr[007B]>text:'',extra:[<&chr[007B]>%button%<&chr[007D]>,<&chr[007B]>%spacer%<&chr[007D]>,<&chr[007B]>%msg%<&chr[007D]>]<&chr[007D]>"
- ^announce to_console "<&4><&lb><&6>SQPAPI<&4><&rb> %1%"
# #
# Configuration Files #
# #
# These are the default config files. They will be used to build the default #
# config file and data storage files. #
# #
# #
type: yaml data
debug: false
useSql: false
keepAlive: 5m
retry: 3
retryDelay: 10s
host: localhost
port: 3306
username: root
password: password
database: SQLAPI
PlayerSQLFLags: dsqlapi_playersqlflags
NPCSQLFLags: dsqlapi_npcsqlflags
EntitySQLFLags: dsqlapi_entitysqlflags
ServerSQLFLags: dsqlapi_serversqlflags
# #
# SQL Table Structure #
# #
# This is where the table structure is defined. It would be best if you do #
# not touch anything in this section! #
# #
# #
# This script gets injected from the SQLManager on system start. It sets up some
# data it needs and loads the table structure so it's ready for the SQLManager.
type: task
debug: false
- define sqlScriptName '<>'
- define sqlFile '<script.relative_filename>'
- if <yaml.list.contains[%sqlScriptName%]> yaml unload 'id:%sqlScriptName%'
- yaml 'load:%sqlFile%' fix_formatting 'id:%sqlScriptName%'
- if !<yaml.list.contains[%sqlScriptName%]> {
- announce "<&c>SQLAPI<&co><&b> An error occurred while loading %sqlScriptname%!" to_console
- announce "<&b>SQLAPI<&co><&3> Aborting..." to_console
- inject s@%scriptName% p:unload
- queue stop
uuid: varchar(36)
flag: BLOB
expiration: BIGINT
uuid: varchar(36)
flag: BLOB
expiration: BIGINT
uuid: varchar(36)
flag: BLOB
expiration: BIGINT
flag: BLOB
expiration: BIGINT
View History