Staff Pick: Change Painting Command
CromisCreated: 2015/05/09 06:34:31 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 293 days ago)
Edited: 2015/05/30 14:17:25 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 271 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2015/05/18 13:42:11 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 283 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.6-b1575
Script Version: 1.0
Change_Painting is a command that allows you to change the painting you are looking at to the name of the painting you input in chat.
It is as simple as looking at a painting and typing "/painting donkeykong" to change the painting you are looking at to the donkeykong painting.
Players need the Cromis.Painting permission to use this command
Known issues: If the painting does not have enough room around it to turn into a bigger painting it will not change.
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View raw scriptPainting:
type: command
debug: false
name: painting
description: Switches the painting you are looking at
usage: /painting
permission: Cromis.Painting
permission message: Sorry, <>, you can't use my command because you don't have the permission '<permission>'!
- define arg_size <context.args.size>
- if %arg_size% < 1 {
- narrate "<gold>Correct usage /painting nameofpainting"
} else {
- define arg1 <c.args.get[1]>
- adjust <player.location.cursor_on.find.entities[painting].within[5].get[1]> painting:<def[arg1]>
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