Staff Pick: ChestGuard (Bodyguards)
MwthornCreated: 2015/05/24 17:33:30 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 277 days ago)
Edited: 2015/05/27 06:14:19 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 275 days ago)
Likes: 1
Staff pick as of: 2015/05/24 18:39:41 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 277 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.6
Script Version: 1.1
Written by Mwthorn
Credits for the original Bodyguards goes to Cromis
You can find that script here:
This version currently only has 1 bodyguard available. But this bodyguard have a "easier" way to give commands to.
Chest Guard is basically a bodyguard system (like the original). The main differences are that you are using a chest-inventory instead of the chat to give commands and orders to either the shop or your bodyguard(s).
This version for now allows you to have infinite bodyguards (which may be a problem for some servers) unless you change the price to a higher value.
- All players MUST have the permission:
(I'll try to fix this requirement if possible in the future)
(If this permission is not added. No orders will function)
Though my version has its pros and cons... I basically wanted to use chest-inventory instead of using chat to send commands to a bodyguard (same goes with the shop)
Command to setup the shop:
/npc assignment --set ChestGuardMain
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View raw script# Written by Mwthorn
# Credits for the original Bodyguards goes to Cromis
# You can find that script here:
# This version currently only has 1 bodyguard available. But this bodyguard have a "easier" way to give commands to.
# Chest Guard is basically a bodyguard system (like the original). The main differences are that you are using a chest-inventory instead of the chat to give commands and orders to either the shop or your bodyguard(s).
# This version for now allows you to have infinite bodyguards (which may be a problem for some servers) unless you change the price to a higher value.
# - All players MUST have the permission:
# (I'll try to fix this requirement if possible in the future)
# (If this permission is not added. No orders will function)
# Though my version has its pros and cons... I basically wanted to use chest-inventory instead of using chat to send commands to a bodyguard (same goes with the shop)
# Command to setup the shop:
# /npc assignment --set ChestGuardMain
# Version 1.1
type: world
debug: false
# Main events
on player join:
- if <player.has_flag[ChestGuardPlayerLimit]> {
- narrate "<blue>You currently have <player.flag[ChestGuardPlayerLimit] bodyguards."
} else {
- flag player ChestGuardPlayerLimit:0
on player quit:
- execute as_server "denizen save"
on server starts:
- execute as_server "denizen reload -a"
on reload scripts:
# How much it cost to buy the weak bodyguard.
- flag server ChestGuardCost1:5000
# The amount of Bodyguards allowed per player.
- flag server ChestGuardLimit:1
# Shop Menu
on player clicks ChestGuardBuy1 in ChestGuardShop:
- if <player.flag[ChestGuardPlayerLimit].as_int> >= <server.flag[ChestGuardLimit]> {
- narrate "<red>You have reached the limit of bodyguards. (<server.flag[ChestGuardLimit]>)"
} else {
- if <> < <server.flag[ChestGuardCost1]> {
- narrate "<red>You do not have enough money."
} else {
- take money qty:<server.flag[ChestGuardCost1]>
- flag player ChestGuardPlayerLimit:++
- ^execute as_server "npc create &aBodyGuard --at <player.location.x>:<player.location.y>:<player.location.z>:<>"
- ^execute as_server "trait sentry"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip STONE_SWORD"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_HELMET"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_CHESTPLATE"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_LEGGINGS"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_BOOTS"
- ^execute as_server "sentry respawn 120"
- ^execute as_server "sentry follow 3"
- ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry healrate 10"
- ^execute as_server "sentry health 20"
- ^execute as_server "sentry strength 5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry range 10"
- ^execute as_server "sentry target add entity:monster"
- ^execute as_server "sentry target add entity:slime"
- ^execute as_server "npc assignment --set ChestGuardBody1"
- ^execute as_server "npc owner <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry ignore add player:<>"
- ^narrate "<green>You have succesfully purchased a bodyguard!"
- determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardBuy2 in ChestGuardShop:
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardBuy3 in ChestGuardShop:
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardClose in ChestGuardShop:
- inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
# Guard Menu
on player clicks ChestGuardFollow in ChestGuardMenu:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry follow 2"
- ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.4"
- ^execute as_server "npc speed 1.4"
- ^narrate "<green>The Guard is now following you."
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardStand in ChestGuardMenu:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry guard"
- ^execute as_server "sentry spawn"
- ^narrate "<green>The Guard will now stay at its current position."
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardBow in ChestGuardMenu:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip bow"
- ^execute as_server "sentry attackrate 1.5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry strength 4"
- ^execute as_server "sentry range 25"
- ^narrate "<green>The Guard will now use a bow."
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardSword in ChestGuardMenu:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip STONE_SWORD"
- ^execute as_server "sentry strength 5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry range 10"
- ^narrate "<green>The Guard will now use a sword."
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardRefresh in ChestGuardMenu:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip STONE_SWORD"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_HELMET"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_CHESTPLATE"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_LEGGINGS"
- ^execute as_server "sentry equip LEATHER_BOOTS"
- ^execute as_server "sentry respawn 120"
- ^execute as_server "sentry follow 3"
- ^execute as_server "sentry speed 1.5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry healrate 10"
- ^execute as_server "sentry health 20"
- ^execute as_server "sentry strength 5"
- ^execute as_server "sentry range 10"
- ^execute as_server "sentry target add entity:monster"
- ^execute as_server "sentry target add entity:slime"
- ^execute as_server "npc assignment --set ChestGuardBody1"
- ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
- ^execute as_server "sentry ignore add player:<>"
- ^narrate "<green>Guard succesfully updated!"
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
## Flag npc ??
# - if <npc.flag[Guarding]> == true {
# - ^flag player.selected_npc "Guarding:false"
# - ^execute as_server "sentry guard"
# - ^execute as_server "sentry spawn"
# - ^narrate "<green>The Guard will now stay at its current position."
# } else {
# - ^flag player.selected_npc "Guarding:true"
# - ^execute as_server "sentry guard <>"
# - ^narrate "<green>The Guard is now following you."
# }
on player clicks ChestGuardRemove in ChestGuardMenu:
- inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^inventory open d:in@ChestGuardConfirm1
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardClose in ChestGuardMenu:
- inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardNo in ChestGuardConfirm1:
- inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^inventory open d:in@ChestGuardMenu
- ^determine cancelled
# Confirm menu
on player clicks ChestGuardYes in ChestGuardConfirm1:
- execute as_player "npc select"
- ^execute as_server "npc select <>"
- ^execute as_server "npc remove"
- flag player ChestGuardPlayerLimit:--
- give money qty:<server.flag[ChestGuardCost1].div[2]>
- ^narrate "<green>The Guard has been removed and you have been refunded <&ds><server.flag[ChestGuardCost1].div[2]>."
- ^inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
on player clicks ChestGuardClose in ChestGuardConfirm1:
- inventory close d:<context.inventory>
- ^determine cancelled
type: assignment
debug: false
interact scripts:
- 10 ChestGuardSales
type: interact
click trigger:
- ^narrate "<green><>: Hello <> Welcome to my shop."
- ^inventory open d:in@ChestGuardShop
type: assignment
debug: false
interact scripts:
- 10 ChestGuardOrders
type: interact
click trigger:
- ^if <npc.owner> != <player> {
- ^narrate "<green>Sorry. I'm not your owner."
} else {
- ^narrate "<green>What would you like me to do?"
- ^inventory open d:in@ChestGuardMenu
type: inventory
inventory: CHEST
title: <red>Bodyguard Shop Menu
size: 9
Weak: i@ChestGuardBuy1
Medium: i@ChestGuardBuy2
Heavy: i@ChestGuardBuy3
Close: i@ChestGuardClose
- "[Weak] [Medium] [Heavy] [] [] [] [] [] [Close]"
type: inventory
inventory: CHEST
title: <red>Bodyguard Menu
size: 9
Follow: i@ChestGuardFollow
Stand: i@ChestGuardStand
Close: i@ChestGuardClose
Sword: i@ChestGuardSword
Remove: i@ChestGuardRemove
Update: i@ChestGuardRefresh
Bow: i@ChestGuardBow
- "[Follow] [Stand] [Sword] [Bow] [] [] [Update] [Remove] [Close]"
type: inventory
inventory: CHEST
title: <red>Remove bodyguard?
size: 9
Accept: i@ChestGuardYes
Decline: i@ChestGuardNo
Close: i@ChestGuardClose
- "[Accept] [] [] [] [Close] [] [] [] [Decline]"
type: item
material: BARRIER
display name: <green>Close
- <yellow>Closes the menu.
type: item
material: IRON_INGOT
display name: <green>Weak Bodyguard
- <yellow>Costs <&ds><server.flag[ChestGuardCost1]>
type: item
material: GOLD_INGOT
display name: <red>Comming Soon
- <yellow>Work in progress...
type: item
material: DIAMOND
display name: <red>Comming Soon
- <yellow>Work in progress...
type: item
material: WOOD_PLATE
display name: <green>Follow
- <yellow>Makes the guard follow you.
type: item
material: STONE_PLATE
display name: <green>Hold
- <yellow>Makes the guard stand still.
type: item
material: BOW
display name: <green>Bow
- <yellow>Makes the guard equip a bow.
type: item
material: STONE_SWORD
display name: <green>Sword
- <yellow>Makes the guard equip a sword.
type: item
material: PAPER
display name: <green>Dismiss
- <yellow>Permanently removes the guard.
- <yellow>Refunds half the price. (<&ds><server.flag[ChestGuardCost1].div[2]>)
type: item
material: REDSTONE
display name: <green>Refresh
- <yellow>Updates your guard.
type: item
material: EYE_OF_ENDER
display name: <green>Yes
- <yellow>Accept
type: item
material: ENDER_PEARL
display name: <green>No
- <yellow>Decline
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