Staff Pick: dIRCBot Tag Parser
Fortifier42Created: 2015/07/19 07:07:48 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 222 days ago)
Edited: 2015/10/18 19:17:55 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 130 days ago)
Likes: 1
Staff pick as of: 2015/07/19 17:16:02 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 221 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.7
Script Version: 2
This allows you to use your dIRC Bot as an IRC tag parser, allowing you to parse any tag, just as you would in a script.
It is entirely configurable, with the ability to specify your own server, channel, Bot-Name, etc. Simply change the config in the file!
Due to current dIRCBot limitations, I am unable to safely check if there is already an IRC connection established, this is why there is not an "auto-connect" feature, however this could easily be implemented with a on server start event.
Hopefully updates to come in the future :D
For this to work you will need dIRCBot, found here:
If your server is running a permissions plugin, give the people you want access to the /irc commands the "irc.admin" permission.
....'/irc join' to join the server and channel!
....'/irc quit' to leave the server and channel!
....'/irc send <message>' to send a message to the IRC channel as the bot.
..From the IRC:
..By default we use:
....'>tag <tags>' to parse tags.
....'>version <plugin>/Spigot/Bukkit/{Denizen}' to check the version of a plugin or server system.
....'>ram' to check the amount of ram the server is using.
....'>tps' to check the server's recent ticks per second values.
....'>count' to see how many 'tags' have been parsed
....'>help' to view the in-IRC help.
..Admins can use:
....'>restart' to restart the server.
....'>reload' to reload server scripts.
....'>command' to execute a command from console.
For security, at this stage quitting/sending messages etc is not available from the IRC.
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## _ _____ __ ___ _____ ___ ##
## __| | \_ \ /__\ / __\ /__ \ __ _ __ _ / _ \ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ##
## / _` | / /\/ / \// / / / /\/ / _` | / _` | / /_)/ / _` || '__|/ __| / _ \| '__| ##
## | (_| |/\/ /_ / _ \ / /___ / / | (_| || (_| | / ___/ | (_| || | \__ \| __/| | ##
## \__,_|\____/ \/ \_/ \____/ \/ \__,_| \__, | \/ \__,_||_| |___/ \___||_| ##
## |___/ ##
## Made by Fortifier42 ##
debug: false
type: format
format: "<&sp><&7>[<&a>IRC<&7>] <&3><text>"
type: yaml data
# Change this to change the name your bot will display with in the IRC Channel!
#Probably a good idea to change this so you don't get conflicts between other bots/users.
botname: "Tag-Parser"
# Change the following line to change the join command argument(s)!
# At this stage, it does not change the /help irc output. :(
- join
- connect
- start
# Change the following line to change the quit command argument(s)!
# At this stage, it does not change the /help irc output. :(
- quit
- leave
- exit
- disconnect
- stop
# Change the following line to change the msg command argument(s)!
# At this stage, it does not change the /help irc output. :(
- send
- say
- tell
- msg
- message
# Change the following line to change the irc server to join!
server: ""
# Change the following line to change the channel the bot will join!
channel: "#denizen-dev"
# Admins (Access to special commands)
- Fortifier
# Change the following line to change what the prefix should be for in-irc commands
prefix: ">"
# Change the in-irc commands here
# To parse tags
- tag
- tags
- t
# To check server versions
- version
- vers
- ver
- v
# To check server RAM
- memory
- mem
- ram
# Get help!
- help
- h
# Check server TPS
- timings
- timing
- tps
- lag
# Check number of tags parsed
- parsed
- count
- total
# Reload Denizen scripts
- reloadscripts
- reload
- scripts
# Restart the server
- restart
# Execute a server command
- command
- cmd
- execute
- ex
# Set this to "" to stop logging all together, or change the file which IRC actions will be logged to.
# Currently only /irc send <message> and tag parsing are logged.
# This is from the server's base directory
logfile: plugins/Denizen/logs/ircbot.log
debug: false
type: command
name: irc
usage: /irc <<>(join/quit/msg <<>message<>>)<>>
permission: irc.admin
description: Used to connect, leave and send messages to IRC.
- if <context.args.size> == 0 {
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "<&c><script.yaml_key[usage]>"
- queue clear
- define cmd <context.args.get[1]>
- if <context.args.size> == 1 {
- if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[cmds.join].contains[<def[cmd]>]> {
- ~irc connect ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]>
- irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "USER <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[botname]> <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[botname]>_ <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[botname]>__ <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[botname]>"
- irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NICK <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[botname]>"
- irc join ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]>
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "Joined the IRC."
- queue clear
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[cmds.quit].contains[<def[cmd]>]> {
- ~irc leave ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]>
- ~irc quit ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]>
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "Left the IRC."
- queue clear
else {
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "<&c>Invalid command!"
- queue clear
else {
- if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[cmds.msg].contains[<def[cmd]>]> {
- define msg "<context.args.get[2].to[<context.args.size>].space_separated||null>"
- if <def[msg]> == null {
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "<&c>No message has been specified."
- queue clear
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> <def[msg]>
- narrate format:IRC_Chat "Sent message: <&f><&sq><def[msg]><&sq>"
- if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[logfile]> == "" queue clear
- log "<||Console> sent <&sq><def[msg]><&sq>" file:<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[logfile]>
debug: false
type: world
on irc message:
- if <> != "ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]>" || <context.message.starts_with[<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[prefix]>].not> {
- queue clear
- define Msg <context.message.after[<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[prefix]>].escaped.trim>
- define Args <def[Msg].split[<&sp>]>
- define Cmd <def[Args].get[1]||null>
- if <def[Cmd]> == null || <def[Cmd]> == "" {
- queue clear
- define Admin <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[admins].contains[<context.speaker>]>
## Tag Parse section
- if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.tag].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> {
- define tags <def[Msg].after[<def[Cmd]>].unescaped>
- if <def[tags]> == "" queue clear
- define parsed "<parse.substring[1,300]:<def[tags]>>"
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&r><&co> the tag <&sq><&b><def[tags]><&r><&sq> fills with <&sq><&b><def[parsed]><&r><&sq>"
- if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[logfile]> == "" queue clear
- log "<context.speaker> parsed <def[tags]>" file:<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[logfile]>
- flag server ParseCount:++
## Version Checking section
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.version].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> {
- define Choice <def[Msg].after[<def[Cmd]>].trim>
- if <def[Choice]> == "denizen" || <def[Choice]> == "" {
- define Version "Denizen Version '<&b><server.denizen_version><&9>'"
else if <def[Choice]> == "spigot" {
- define Version "Spigot Version '<&b><server.version><&9>'"
else if <def[Choice]> == "bukkit" {
- define Version "Bukkit Version '<&b><server.bukkit_version><&9>'"
else {
- define Plugin <server.list_plugins.filter[name.starts_with[<def[Choice]>]].get[1]||null>
- if <def[plugin]> == null {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&c><&co> this server is not running that plugin!"
- queue clear
- define Version "<def[Plugin].name> Version '<&b><def[Plugin].version><&9>'"
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&co> <&9>this server is running <def[Version]>."
## Memory Checking section
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.memory].contains[<def[Args].get[1]>]> {
- define Used <server.ram_allocated.sub[<server.ram_free>].div[1048576].round>
- define Total <server.ram_max.div[1048576]>
- define Usage "<&a><def[Used]><&9>/<&a><def[Total]><&9>MB"
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&9><&co> The server is currently using <def[Usage]> RAM."
## TPS Checking section
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.tps].contains[<def[Args].get[1]>]> {
- define TPS <server.recent_tps.parse[round_to[2]]>
- define TPS "<&r>1m ago - <def[TPS].get[1]><&9>, <&r> 5m ago - <def[TPS].get[2]><&9>, <&r> 15m ago - <def[TPS].get[3]><&9>"
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&9><&co> The 3 most recent TPS values are: <def[TPS]>"
## Parse Count section
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.count].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&9><&co> I have parsed a total of <&r><server.flag[ParseCount].as_int||0><&9> tags!"
## Help section
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[].contains[<def[Args].get[1]>]> {
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>Hi <&1><context.speaker><&4> I am a Denizen Tag-Parsing bot, developed by <&1>Fortifier42<&4> of <&1><&4>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>I have a number of commands available for you to use which all start with '<&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[prefix]><&4>'"
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To parse a tag, use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.tag].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4> <<>tags<>>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To check a plugin or server version, use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.version].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4> followed by the name of the plugin or service."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To check the server's current RAM usage, use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.memory].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To see how many tags I have parsed, use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.count].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4>."
- if <def[Admin]> {
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To execute a command on the server use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.execute].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]> <<>command (arguments)<>><&4>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To restart the server use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.restart].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To reload the Denizen scripts running on the server use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.restart].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4>."
- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&4>To access this help again, use the commands <&1><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[].separated_by[<&4> or <&1>]><&4>."
## Restart Server
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.restart].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> && <def[Admin]> {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&c><&co> Restarting Server. Expect reconnection in ~ 1 Minute."
- wait 2s
- execute as_server "restart"
## Reload Scripts
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.reload].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> && <def[Admin]> {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&c><&co> Reloading Scripts."
- flag global Reloading
- execute as_server "denizen reload scripts"
#- ~irc raw ircserver@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]> "NOTICE <context.speaker> :<&c>Reloaded Scripts."
## Execute Command
else if <s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[triggers.execute].contains[<def[Cmd]>]> && <def[Admin]> {
- define Cmd <def[Msg].after[<def[Cmd]>]>
- if <def[Cmd].contains_any[stop|restart|irc]> {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&c><&co> This command is prohibited!"
- queue clear
- execute as_server <def[Cmd].unescaped> silent save:Cmd
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&9><&co> Command executed!"
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<context.speaker><&9><&co> Output<&co> <&c><entry[Cmd].output.space_separated>"
on reload scripts:
- if <server.has_flag[Reloading].not> queue clear
- if <context.haderror> {
- irc message ircchannel@<s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[server]><s@IRC_Config.yaml_key[channel]> "<&c>Error while reloading scripts!"
- flag global Reloading:!
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