Staff Pick: Denizen mail system
BlackCoyoteCreated: 2014/11/28 22:50:36 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 89 days ago)
Edited: 2014/12/28 16:42:57 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 59 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2014/12/02 21:48:04 UTC-08:00 (10 years and 85 days ago)
Denizen Version: 0.9.6
Script Version: 1.0
A denizen powered ripoff of the essentials mail system.
put in server, reload, and good to go.
/mail help
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View raw script"lumimails":
type: world
debug: false
on mail command:
- inject locally 'path:lumimailer'
on mails command:
- inject locally 'path:lumimailer'
on lumimail command:
- inject locally 'path:lumimailer'
on lumimails command:
- inject locally 'path:lumimailer'
- if <context.args.get[1]> == send || <context.args.get[1]> == new || <context.args.get[1]> == create {
- if <player.has_flag[<>ismuted]> {
- narrate "<&c>You can't do this when muted."
- determine fulfilled
- queue clear
- if <context.args.get[2]> == null {
- narrate "<&c>Please specify a player or a group!"
- narrate "<&c>/lumimail send [player/g:group] [message]"
- determine fulfilled
- queue clear
- if '<context.args.get[2].starts_with[g:]>' {
- if <player.has_permission[lumimails.groupmail]> {
- define grouptype '<context.args.get[2].replace[g:]>'
- foreach <server.list_players> {
- if <%value%.in_group[%grouptype%]> {
- if <%value%.is_online> run tellmail as:<%value%>
- if <%value%f.flag[lumimails].as_list> !contains '<&e><>-<&6> <context.args.get[3].to[500].replace[li@].replace[|].with[ ]>' flag %value% 'LUMIMAILS:->:<&e><>-<&6> <context.args.get[3].to[500].replace[li@].replace[|].with[ ]>'
- narrate "<&6>You sent your mail to all players in the group <&e>%grouptype%"
} else {
- narrate "<&c>You do not have the permission to do this."
} else if <context.args.get[2]> == 'all' {
- if <player.has_permission[lumimails.groupmail]> {
- foreach <server.list_players> {
- if <%value%.is_online> run tellmail as:<%value%>
- if <%value%f.flag[lumimails].as_list> !contains '<&e><>-<&6> <context.args.get[3].to[500].replace[li@].replace[|].with[ ]>' flag %value% 'LUMIMAILS:->:<&e><>-<&6> <context.args.get[3].to[500].replace[li@].replace[|].with[ ]>'
- narrate "<&6>You sent your mail to all players that have been on this server before."
} else {
- narrate "<&c>You do not have the permission to do this."
} else {
- define player <context.args.get[2]>
- if <server.list_players> contains <p@%player%> {
- if <p@<%player%.is_online>> run tellmail as:p@%player%
- flag p@%player% 'LUMIMAILS:->:<&e><>-<&6> <context.args.get[3].to[500].replace[li@].replace[|].with[ ]>'
- narrate "<&6>You sent your mail to <&e>%player%."
} else {
- narrate "<&e>%player%<&c> has not been on this server before."
} else if <context.args.get[1]> == read || <context.args.get[1]> == view {
- if <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size> !> 0 || <player.flag[LUMIMAILS]> == null {
- narrate "<&6>You have no mails in your inbox."
} else {
- define mailnumber <context.args.get[2]||1>
- if %mailnumber% == null {
- define currentmail <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.get[1]>
} else if %mailnumber% != 0 && '<m:%mailnumber%>' == 0.0 {
- narrate "<&c>Please specify which mail you want to read with a number!"
- narrate "<&c>/lumimail read [<&ns>]"
- determine fulfilled
- queue clear
} else if %mailnumber% !> <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size> {
- define currentmail <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.get[%mailnumber%]>
} else {
- narrate "<&6>You don't have that many mails in your inbox!"
- determine fulfilled
- queue clear
- narrate '<&6>%currentmail%'
- run scoreboardmailviewer def:%mailnumber%|<el@val[%currentmail%].strip_color>
} else if <context.args.get[1]> == list || <context.args.get[1]> == inbox {
- if <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size> > 8 {
- define lumimaillistcounter 1
- narrate "<&6>You have <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size> mails in your inbox."
- run scoreboardmaillist def:<player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size>
- foreach <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.get[1].to[9]> {
- narrate "<&6>%lumimaillistcounter%<&co> <el@val[%value%].substring[1,35]>..."
- define lumimaillistcounter <el@val[<m:%lumimaillistcounter%+1>].as_int>
- narrate "<&6>And <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size.sub[9].as_int> more."
} else if <player.flag[LUMIMAILS]> == null {
- narrate "<&6>You have no mails in your inbox."
} else {
- define lumimaillistcounter 1
- narrate "<&6>You have <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size> mails in your inbox."
- foreach <player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list> {
- narrate "<&6>%lumimaillistcounter%<&co> <el@val[%value%].substring[1,35]>..."
- define lumimaillistcounter <el@val[<m:%lumimaillistcounter%+1>].as_int>
- run scoreboardmaillist def:<player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size>
} else if <context.args.get[1]> == clear || <context.args.get[1]> == delete || <context.args.get[1]> == inbox {
- define mailnumber <context.args.get[2]>
- if %mailnumber% == null {
- flag LUMIMAILS:!
- narrate "<&6>You cleared your inbox."
- run removescoreboardwithcheck def:<>maillist as:<player>
} else if %mailnumber% != 0 && '<m:%mailnumber%>' == 0.0 {
- flag LUMIMAILS:!
- narrate "<&6>You cleared your inbox."
- run removescoreboardwithcheck def:<>maillist as:<player>
} else {
- define deletingmail '<player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.get[%mailnumber%]>'
- narrate %deletingmail%
- flag 'LUMIMAILS:<-:%deletingmail%'
- narrate "<&6>You removed mail %mailnumber% from your inbox."
- run removescoreboardwithcheck def:<>mail%mailnumber%
- run scoreboardmaillist def:<player.flag[LUMIMAILS].as_list.size>
} else {
- narrate "<&6>/mail send [player] [message]"
- narrate "<&6>/mail list"
- narrate "<&6>/mail read [<&ns>]"
- narrate "<&6>/mail clear (<&ns>)"
- determine fulfilled
type: world
debug: false
on player logs in:
- run tellmail as:<player> delay:5s
type: task
debug: false
- wait 2
- ^narrate "<&6>================================================="
- ^narrate "<&e>You have <t[<player.has_flag[lumimails]>]:<player.flag[lumimails].as_list.size>||no> mail<t[<player.flag[lumimails][MORE].than[1]>]:s||> in your inbox!"
- narrate "<&6>================================================="
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