Staff Pick: dBroadcast
Talamar1Created: 2015/10/27 03:57:47 UTC-07:00 (9 years and 121 days ago)
Edited: 2019/05/26 06:13:09 UTC-07:00 (5 years and 274 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2015/11/08 01:36:09 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 109 days ago)
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Script Version: 1.0
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# dBroadcasting system
# Allows for colorized broadcasts
# Users require op or dbroadcast.command permission
# Broadcasts are stored in dBroadcasts_saves.yml and is
# Editable and reloadable.
# Created by Talamar1
type: world
debug: false
on server start:
- if <server.has_file[dbroadcast_saves.yml]> {
- announce "<red><&lb>dBroadcast<&rb> <green>Loading Broadcast Config File"
- yaml load:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
else {
- announce "<red><&lb>dBroadcast<&rb> <green>Creating Broadcast Config File"
- yaml create id:dbroadcast_saves
- yaml savefile:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
- run InitdBroadcast delay:10t
on dbc command:
- determine passively fulfilled
- if !<context.server> && !<player.has_permission[dbroadcast.command]> {
- narrate "<&6>You do not have permission to use the dbroadcast command."
- queue clear
- if <el@val[add].is[==].to[<context.args.get[1]>]> {
- inject dbroadcast_command_add
else if <context.args.get[1].matches[^(rem|remove|del|delete)$]> {
- inject dbroadcast_command_remove
else if <el@val[list].is[==].to[<context.args.get[1]>]> {
- inject dbroadcast_command_list
else if <el@val[reload].is[==].to[<context.args.get[1]>]> {
- inject dbroadcast_command_reload
else {
- narrate "<&6>/dBc add <<>timer<>> <<>message<>>"
- narrate "<&6>/dBc remove <<>dbid<>>"
- narrate "<&6>/dBc list"
- narrate "<&6>/dBc reload"
type: task
debug: false
- while true {
- define broadcasts <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist]||li@>
- if <def[broadcasts].size> > 0 {
- foreach %broadcasts% {
- if <[<yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.timer]>].is[==].to[0]> {
- announce "<yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.message]>"
- wait 1m
type: task
debug: false
- if <context.args.get[3].is[==].to[null]||true> {
- narrate "<&6>/dBc add <<>timer<>> <<>message<>>"
- narrate "<&6>Timer - Amount of time between rebroadcasts"
- narrate "<&6>Message - message you want broadcasts"
- queue clear
- if <context.args.get[2][LESS].than[5]||true> {
- narrate "<gold>dBroadcast Invalid time argument"
- narrate "<gold>Value must be greater than 5"
- queue clear
- define dBtimer <context.args.get[2].as_int>
- define dBmsg <context.args.get[3].to[<context.args.size>].as_string>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&0].with[<&0>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&1].with[<&1>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&2].with[<&2>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&3].with[<&3>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&4].with[<&4>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&5].with[<&5>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&6].with[<&6>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&7].with[<&7>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&8].with[<&8>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&9].with[<&9>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&a].with[<&a>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&b].with[<&b>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&c].with[<&c>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&d].with[<&d>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&e].with[<&e>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&f].with[<&f>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&k].with[<&k>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&l].with[<&l>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&m].with[<&m>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&n].with[<&n>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&o].with[<&o>]>
- define dBmsg <def[dBmsg].replace[&r].with[<&r>]>
- narrate "Timer %dBtimer%"
- narrate "Message %dBmsg%"
- define bcount <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist].size||0>
- yaml set bclist.<def[bcount].add[1].as_int>.timer:%dBtimer% id:dbroadcast_saves
- yaml set bclist.<def[bcount].add[1].as_int>.message:%dBmsg% id:dbroadcast_saves
- yaml savefile:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
type: task
debug: false
- if <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist][more].than[0]||null> == true {
- foreach <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist]> {
- narrate "Key<&co> %value% <&co> <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.timer]> <&co> <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.message]> "
type: task
debug: false
- if <server.has_file[dbroadcast_saves.yml]> {
- narrate "<red><&lb>dBroadcast<&rb> <green>Loading Broadcast Config File"
- yaml load:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
else {
- narrate "<red><&lb>dBroadcast<&rb> <green>Creating Broadcast Config File"
- yaml create id:dbroadcast_saves
- yaml savefile:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
type: task
debug: true
- define bcid <context.args.get[2].as_int>
- if <def[bcid].is[LESS].than[1]||false> || <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].contains[bclist.%bcid%].not> {
- narrate "<gold>dBroadcast Invalid broadcast id number"
- narrate "<gold>Check IDs with /bc list"
- queue clear
- yaml set bclist.%bcid%:! id:dbroadcast_saves
- yaml create id:temp_broadcast
- if <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist].size||0> != 1 {
- yaml savefile:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:dbroadcast_saves
else {
- foreach <yaml[dbroadcast_saves].list_keys[bclist]> {
- yaml set bclist.%loop_index%.timer:<yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.timer]> id:temp_broadcast
- yaml set bclist.%loop_index%.message:<yaml[dbroadcast_saves].read[bclist.%value%.message]> id:temp_broadcast
- yaml savefile:dbroadcast_saves.yml id:temp_broadcast
- yaml unload id:temp_broadcast
- inject dbroadcast_command_reload
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