Staff Pick: Simple Cuboid
sander758Created: 2015/11/20 06:17:09 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 97 days ago)
Edited: 2016/07/12 12:44:27 UTC-07:00 (8 years and 227 days ago)
Likes: 3
Staff pick as of: 2015/11/20 06:19:42 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 97 days ago)
Denizen Version: Dev 402
Script Version: Version 1
Simple cuboid is used to simplify the maintenance of denizen cuboids. Just make sure you are OP or got the right permissions indicated in at the top of the script.
Ingame just type /chelp for a list of commands or check them here!
/cpreview (name)
/cnew [name]
/cremove [name]
/clist [number]
/cteleport [name]
Just copy this script and add it in your denizen scripts folder and your good to go!
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View raw script#Simple cuboid by sander758
# /ctool - simplecuboid.tool
# /cpreview - simplecuboid.preview
# /cnew -
# /clist - simplecuboid.list
# /cremove - simplecuboid.remove
# /cteleport - simplecuboid.teleport
type: item
material: i@stone_axe
display name: <gold>Cuboid Tool
- "<gray>Left click to set postion 1"
- "<gray>Right click to set postion 2"
type: world
debug: false
on system time hourly:
- webget ""
on system time minutely:
- execute as_server "denizen save"
on chelp command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- narrate "<gold>Simple cuboid plugin by sander758"
- narrate "<yellow> - /chelp <gray>Displays the cuboid commands"
- narrate "<yellow> - /ctool <gray>Get the tool"
- narrate "<yellow> - /cpreview <gold>(<yellow>name<gold>) <gray>Shows the outline of the specified cuboid. If no cuboid specified the outline of the current selected locations will be visible"
- narrate "<yellow> - /cnew <gold>[<yellow>name<gold>] <gray>Create a new cuboid"
- narrate "<yellow> - /clist <gold>[<yellow>number<gold>] <gray>List of all cuboids"
- narrate "<yellow> - /cremove <gold>[<yellow>name<gold>] <gray>Remove a cuboid"
- narrate "<yellow> - /cteleport <gold>[<yellow>name<gold>] <gray>Teleport to the center of the specified cuboid"
on ctool command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[simplecuboid.tool]> {
- give cuboid_tool qty:1
- narrate "<gold>Giving cuboid tool"
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on cpreview command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[simplecuboid.preview]> {
- if <context.args.get[1]||nope> == nope {
- if <pl.has_flag[cuboidToolLoc1]> && <pl.has_flag[cuboidToolLoc2]> {
- if <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc1]> == <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc2]> {
- narrate "<gold>Displaying the outline of the current selected locations"
- define loc1 <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc1].as_location>
- define loc2 <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc2].as_location>
- define locations <cu@%loc1%|%loc2%.outline>
- async {
- repeat 5 {
- foreach <def[locations]> {
- playeffect <def[value].as_location.add[0.5,-0.5,0.5]> effect:red_dust data:0 offset:0 qty:1
- wait 10t
} else {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>Please select 2 locations in the same world"
} else {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>Please select 2 valid locations"
} else {
- if <context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.notable_name||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red><context.args.get[1]> doesnt exist"
} else {
- narrate "<gold>Displaying the outline of <yellow><context.args.get[1]>"
- define locations <context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.outline>
- async {
- repeat 5 {
- foreach <def[locations]> {
- playeffect <def[value].as_location.add[0.5,-0.5,0.5]> effect:red_dust data:0 offset:0 qty:1
- wait 10t
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on cnew command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[]> {
- if <context.args.get[1]||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>No cuboid name specified"
} else {
- if <pl.has_flag[cuboidToolLoc1]> && <pl.has_flag[cuboidToolLoc2]> {
- if <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc1]> == <pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc2]> {
- if <context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.notable_name||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<gold>Created a new cuboid as <red><context.args.get[1]>"
- note cu@<pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc1].split[l@].get[2]>|<pl.flag[cuboidToolLoc2].split[l@].get[2]> as:<context.args.get[1]>
} else {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>That name already exists"
} else {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>Please select 2 locations in the same world"
} else {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>Please select 2 valid locations"
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on clist command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[simplecuboid.list]> {
- narrate "<gold>Amount of cuboids: <yellow><server.list_notables[cuboids].size>"
- narrate "<gold>List:"
- define page <context.args.get[1]||1>
- define first <def[page].mul_int[10].add_int[1].sub_int[10]>
- define last <def[page].mul_int[10]>
- foreach <server.list_notables[cuboids].alphanumeric.get[%first%].to[%last%]> {
- narrate "<yellow>- <def[value].split[cu@].get[2]>"
- narrate "<gold>Page <yellow><context.args.get[1]||1><gold> of <yellow><server.list_notables[cuboids].size.div_int[10].add_int[1]> <gold>/clist [<yellow>number<gold>]"
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on cremove command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[simplecuboid.remove]> {
- if <context.args.get[1]||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>No cuboid name specified"
} else {
- if <context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.notable_name||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red><context.args.get[1]> doesnt exist"
} else {
- narrate "<gold>Removed <red><context.args.get[1]><gold> cuboid"
- note remove as:<context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.notable_name>
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on cteleport command:
- determine passively FULFILLED
- if <player.is_op> || <player.has_permission[simplecuboid.teleport]> {
- if <context.args.get[1]||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red>No cuboid name specified"
} else {
- if <context.args.get[1].as_cuboid.notable_name||nope> == nope {
- narrate "<dark_red>Error: <red><context.args.get[1]> doesnt exist"
} else {
- narrate "<gold>Teleporting to the center of <yellow><context.args.get[1]>"
- teleport <context.args.get[1]>
} else {
- narrate "<red>You dont have permission for that command!"
on player right clicks block with cuboid_tool:
- narrate "<gold>Set location 2 on <context.location>"
- flag player cuboidToolLoc2:<context.location>
on player left clicks block with cuboid_tool:
- narrate "<gold>Set location 1 on <context.location>"
- flag player cuboidToolLoc1:<context.location>
on player breaks block:
- if <pl.item_in_hand.simple> == i@CUBOID_TOOL {
- determine passively CANCELLED
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