Staff Pick: BedHome
BerufengCreated: 2015/12/19 13:34:37 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 68 days ago)
Edited: 2016/01/06 21:50:36 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 50 days ago)
Likes: 0
Staff pick as of: 2015/12/24 16:09:28 UTC-08:00 (9 years and 63 days ago)
Denizen Version: Dev #423
Script Version: 1.0.1
A very simple script to allow players to type /bed to be teleported to their beds. Also allows their bed location to be changed at any time of day.
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View raw scriptBedHome:
type: command
name: bedhome
description: Returns you to your bed.
usage: /bedhome
- bed
- home
- if <player.bed_spawn||null> != null {
- teleport <player> <player.bed_spawn>
- wait 1t
- narrate "<&2>You have been teleported to your bed."
} else {
- narrate "<&2>No bed was found."
type: world
on player right clicks bed_block:
- adjust <player> bed_spawn_location:<player.location.cursor_on>
- narrate "<&2>Your bed location has been set."
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