Paste #14046: Edit of P#14031 Torch Light

Date: 2015/02/26 18:59:44 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# +----------------------
# | Torch Light
# |
# | Light from your torch without placing it!
# +----------------------
# @author mcmonkey
# @denizen-version 0.9.6
# @version 1.1
# Installation:
# Just drop it in your scripts folder :)
# Usage:
# Hold a torch and run around!
# +----------------------

    type: world
    debug: false
        on player steps on block:
        - if <player.has_flag[torch_light_prev]> {
          - light <context.previous_location> reset
          - flag player torch_light_prev:!
        - if <> == torch {
          - light <context.location.add[0,1,0]> 14
          - flag player torch_light_prev
        on player quits:
        - if <player.has_flag[torch_light_prev]> {
          - light <context.previous_location> reset
          - flag player torch_light_prev:!