Paste #15422: constants

Date: 2015/05/02 07:05:58 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment

    default contants:

    Entity Type: player
    Age: adult

    Weapon: none
    Health: 10
    Strength: 1
    Armor: 1
    Aggro Range: 5
    Movement Speed: 1

    Respawn Delay: 30

    Drop Loot on Death: true

    Scoreboard: bosskills

    Engage: damage

    Current Phase: One|Two

    #Handles First Phase
    P1 HP: 100
    Aura: none
    Special Attack: none

    #Handles Second Phase
    P2 HP: 40
    Aura: flame
    Special Attack: Blaze
    Special Attack Delay: 20s
    interact scripts:
    - azFight Script

        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click
        - trigger name:proximity toggle:true "radius:<npc.constant[Aggro Range]>"
        - trigger name:damage toggle:true

        - execute as_server "npc sel <>"
        - execute as_server "npc type <npc.constant[Entity Type]>"
        - execute as_server "trait sentry"
        - execute as_server "sentry health <npc.constant[Health]>"
        - execute as_server "sentry respawn <npc.constant[Respawn Delay]>"
        - execute as_server "sentry strength <npc.constant[Strength]>"
        - execute as_server "sentry armor <npc.constant[Armor]>"
        - execute as_server "sentry range <npc.constant[Aggro Range]>"
        - if "npc.constant[Weapon]" != none execute as_server "sentry equip <npc.constant[Weapon]"npc.constant[Weapon]">

        #Flags the NPC with the current Boss Phase
        - flag npc "Enabled Boss Stages:<npc.constant[Current Phase]>"