Paste #17350: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/07/03 19:03:50 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "block" "<>" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: DEFINE 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO definition='location'  value='null' 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO queue='BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons'  
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO ERROR in script 'BENDERBLOCKS'! Tag 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Filled tag <n@283.flag[remaining_blocks].as_list.random> with 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO random]' for tag 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Unfilled attributes '[flag[remaining_blocks], as_list, 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Filled definition %npc% with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "location" "<%npc%.flag[remaining_blocks].as_list.random>" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: DEFINE 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO ComparedTo='Element(0)' --> OUTCOME='true' 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Comparable='Element(null)', Operator='MORE', 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO based on text length 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO ERROR! Comparing text as if it were a number - calculating 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO ERROR in script 'BENDERBLOCKS'! Tag 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Filled tag <n@283.flag[remaining_blocks].as_list.size.as_int> 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO as_int]' for tag 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Unfilled attributes '[flag[remaining_blocks], as_list, size, 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Filled definition %npc% with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO * 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "<entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities>" "desti... * snip! 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "duration:100" "-" "push" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "<entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities.location>" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "%location%" "save:%location%_block" "-" "look" "<npc>" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "e@falling_block,%block%[velocity=<%npc%.location.block.add[0,5,0]>]" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "block" "<>" "-" "spawn" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "<%npc%.flag[remaining_blocks].as_list.random>" "-" "define" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "{" "-" "define" "location" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO "<%npc%.flag[remaining_blocks].as_list.size.as_int>" ">" "0" 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: IF 
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:44 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO definition='bender_type'  value='null' 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO queue='BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons'  
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO Filled definition %3% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO "bender_type" "%3%" 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: DEFINE 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO definition='particles'  value='null' 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO queue='BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons'  
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO Filled definition %2% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO "particles" "%2%" 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: DEFINE 
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:43 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Completing queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews' in 3951ms. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO value='n@283' 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO queue='BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons'  definition='npc'  
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'DEFINE': 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Filled tag <n@283.as_npc> with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Filled definition %1% with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO "npc" "<%1%.as_npc>" 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons' Executing: DEFINE 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Starting TimedQueue 'BENDERBLOCKS_ControllerAlsoReasons'... 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Adding definition %3% as null 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Adding definition %2% as null 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Adding definition %1% as n@283 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO definitions='li@n@283|null|null' 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'RUN': script='BENDERBLOCKS(TASK)'  
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Filled definition %bender_type% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Filled definition %particles% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Filled definition %npc% with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO "s@BenderBlocks" "def:%npc%|%particles%|%bender_type%" 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews' Executing: RUN 
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:42 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:41 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:41 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:41 [Server] INFO java.lang.NullPointerException
03.07 18:54:41 [Server] WARN Task #38 for SortingHat v1.3 generated an exception
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO delay='d@30t' 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'WAIT': queue='BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews'  
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: WAIT/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "d@1.5s" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews' Executing: WAIT 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Action/Value='REMOVE(null)'  npc='n@283' 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='REMAINING_BLOCKS'  
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Filled definition %location% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Filled definition %npc% with 'n@283'. 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "%npc%" "remaining_blocks:<-:%location%" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews' Executing: FLAG 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO ComparedTo='Element(fire)' --> OUTCOME='false' 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Comparable='Element(null)', Operator='EQUALS', 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Filled definition %bender_type% with 'null'. 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@g221 ---------+ 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "}" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "<%particles%.get[2]>" "-" "animate" "<npc>" "ARM_SWING" "}" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "<entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities>" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "<%particles%.get[1]>" "-" "playeffect" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "<entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities>" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO ]> 100 0 0 1" "-" "playeffect" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO <entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities.location.simple.replace[,].with[ 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO reddust 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "animate" "<npc>" "SNEAK" "-" "execute" "as_server" "particle 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "%bender_type%" "==" "fire" "{" "-" "repeat" "5" "{" "-" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO Queue 'BENDERBLOCKS_LaceFortyPreviews' Executing: IF 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +---------------------+ 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "destination:<%npc%.location.block.add[0,5,0]>" "speed:0.1") 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO "<entry[%location%_block].spawned_entities>" 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO +> [Denizen] (Attempted: PUSH 
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] WARN java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
03.07 18:54:40 [Server] INFO thrown!