NVG: type: item material: i@chainmail_helmet display name: 'Night Vision' lore: - '<&e>Inscribed on the side is <&4>4<&e>e<&2>2<&9>9<&e>' - '<&e>Legendary Item Rewarded To All Master Builders' bound: true recipe: - i@ink_sack,15|i@redstone_block|i@ink_sack,1 - i@glass|i@chainmail_helmet|i@glass - i@ink_sack,2|i@quartz|i@ink_sack,4 NVG_Listen: type: world debug: true events: on player equips helmet: - define armor - if == i@NVG { - narrate ' and ' - cast night_vision duration:23h hide_particles } NVG_OFF_LISTEN: type: world debug: true events: on player unequips helmet: - define armor_off - if == i@NVG { - adjust remove_effects } NVG_Craft_listen: type: world debug: true events: on i@NVG crafted: - if ! { - narrate 'You must be a Builder for that item, pal.' - determine cancelled }