Chat_Events: type: world debug: false events: on player chats: - if { - determine cancelled passively - execute as_player "team " - flag player Teams_Player_Menu_Respond:! - queue clear } - if { - if _Leaders].contains[]> { - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_InTeam_leader" } else { - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_InTeam" } } - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_Normal" # Element to change the message. # "FORMAT:" + dScript to set the format script the message should use. # "RECIPIENTS:" + dList(dPlayer) to set the list of players that will receive the message. # returns the player's message as an Element. # returns the chat message's format. # returns a list of all players that will receive the chat. Chat_F_Normal: type: format format: " <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r>" Chat_F_InTeam: type: format format: "_Rank]>].parse_color> <&r> <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r>" Chat_F_InTeam_leader: type: format format: "_Rank]>].parse_color>* <&r> <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r>"