Paste #30624: Diff note for paste #30623

Date: 2016/02/22 04:10:21 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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-# Created by Mwthorn
-# 11-02-2016
-# This scripts is basically used along with my other scripts, 
-# it may not work if the other scripts are not installed
-# Current Script Supports:
-# - Teams (By Mwthorn)
     type: world
     debug: false
         on player chats:
         - if <player.has_flag[Teams_Player_Menu_Respond]> {
             - determine cancelled passively
             - execute as_player "team <player.flag[Teams_Player_Menu_Respond]> <context.message>"
+            - flag player Teams_Player_Menu_Respond:!
             - queue clear
-            - flag player Teams_Player_Menu_Respond:!
         - if <player.has_flag[Teams_Player_Group]> {
-            - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_InTeam_<server.flag[Teams_Group_<player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]>_Rank]>"
+            - if <server.flag[Teams_Group_<player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]>_Leaders].contains[<player>]> {
+                - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_InTeam_leader"
+            }
+            else {
+                - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_InTeam"
+            }
-        - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_Normal" 
+        - determine "FORMAT:Chat_F_Normal"
+        # Element to change the message. 
+        # "FORMAT:" + dScript to set the format script the message should use. 
+        # "RECIPIENTS:" + dList(dPlayer) to set the list of players that will receive the message. 
+        # <context.message> returns the player's message as an Element. 
+        # <context.format> returns the chat message's format. 
+        # <context.recipients> returns a list of all players that will receive the chat. 
     type: format
-    format: "<> <&8> <&r><text>"
+    format: "<> <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r><text>"
+    type: format
+    format: "<s@Teams_Data.yaml_key[config.ranks.colors.<server.flag[Teams_Group_<player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]>_Rank]>].parse_color><player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]> <&r><> <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r><text>"
     type: format
-    format: "<&7><player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]> <&r><> <&r><text>"
+    format: "<s@Teams_Data.yaml_key[config.ranks.colors.<server.flag[Teams_Group_<player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]>_Rank]>].parse_color>*<player.flag[Teams_Player_Group]> <&r><> <&8><&chr[00BB]> <&r><text>"