Paste #32219: Edit of P#31971 Message Constructor Library

Date: 2016/04/01 22:50:12 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#                                                                              #
#                    M e s s a g e   C o n s t r u c t o r                     #
#                              L I B R A R Y                                   #
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #
#   Authors: |Anthony|                                                         #
#   Version: 0.2                                                               #
#   dScript Version: 0.9.8-DEV_b548                                            #
#                                                                              #
#  A set of utilities to make displaying text pretty, uniform, and easy.       #
#                                                                              #
#  This library will be a dependency for nearly all of my scripts. Mainly so   #
#  I don't have to duplicate the code so much, but also because it makes       #
#  development and maintenance easier.                                         #
#                                                                              #
#  Other scripters are free to implement this library in their own scripts.    #
#  Just make sure you credit the author. If you are releasing a script that    #
#  uses this library, be sure to tell your users to install it from here.      #
#  Do not include this library, or parts of it, directly in your public        #
#  scripts.                                                                    #
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #
#  Message Prefixer
# - Pop-Up on hover shows your script title and 'Click for Help'
# - Clicking the prefix runs /%title% help
# - Long messages are automatically linewrapped
#  Usage:
#    - run s@msgPrefixed 'def:%yourScriptTitle%|<&c>%yourMessageHere%'
  type: item
  debug: false
  speed: 0
  definitions: title|msg
  material: i@human_skull
  display name: "<&4>     [<&6>---<&4>]"
  - <&5>Click for Help
    - ^define text '<&4>[<&6>%title%<&4>]'
    - ^if !<player.is_player||false> {
      - announce to_console "%text%  %msg%"
      - goto 'end'

    - ^define icon 'i@human_skull[display_name=<proc[msgCentered].context[19|%title%]>]'
    - ^adjust %icon% 'lore:<&sp>|<&5> Click for Help' save:item
    - ^define hover '{<entry[item].result.json>}'
    - ^define click '/%title% help'
    - ^define button '"text":"%text%","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"%click%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_item","value":"%hover%"}'
    - ^define spacer '"text":"  "'
    - ^foreach '<proc[lineWrap].context[<def[msg]>|70]>' {
      - ^execute as_server 'tellraw <> {"text":"","extra":[{%button%},{%spacer%},{"text":"%value%"}]}'
    - mark 'end'
#  END msgPrefixed
#  Boxed Message
# - Encapsulate your messages in a neat and tidy box format
#   Messages sent through will be linewrapped and given a header and footer
# - Header displays specified script title, page title, and page number(s)
# - Footer can display clickable buttons for your script authors
#   - You must have a valid author item script named %scriptname%_Author_%authorname%
#  Usage:
#    - run s@msgBoxed 'def:%script%|%title%|%subTitle%|%page%|%pageWidth%|%pageHeight%|%paragraphs%'
  type: task
  debug: false
  speed: 0
  definitions: script|title|subTitle|page|pageWidth|pageHeight
    - ^define paragraphs 'li@'
    - ^foreach '<queue.definitions.exclude[script|title|subTitle|page|pageWidth|pageHeight|paragraphs].alphanumeric>' {
      - define paragraphs '<def[paragraphs].include[<def[%value%]>]>'
    - ^define pageInfo '<proc[pagination].context[<def[page]||1>|<def[pageHeight]||10>|<def[paragraphs].separated_by[|]>]>'
    - ^define lines '<def[pageInfo].get[3].to[<def[pageInfo].size>]>'
    - ^define pagesInfo '<&7><&o>Page <&f><&o><def[pageInfo].get[1]> <&7><&o>of <def[pageInfo].get[2]>'

    - ^inject locally msgsHeader
    - ^inject locally msgsBody
    - ^inject locally msgsFooter

    - ^define heading '<def[title].pad_right[<def[pageWidth].mul[0.15].round>].with[ ]>  <def[subTitle]>'
    - ^define pad '<def[pageWidth].sub[<def[heading].strip_color.length>].sub[<def[pagesInfo].strip_color.length>].mul[1.6].round>'
    - ^narrate "<&5>|<&pipe.pad_left[<def[pageWidth]>].with[-]>"
    - ^narrate "<&5>|<&sp><&sp><&sp><&6><def[heading]> <&7.pad_right[%pad%].with[ ]><def[pagesInfo]>"
    - ^narrate "<&5>|<&f>"

    - ^foreach <def[lines]> {
      - narrate "<&5>|<&f><&sp><&sp><def[value].unescaped>"
    - ^narrate "<&5>|"

    - ^define authors '<server.list_scripts.filter[starts_with[s@%script%_Author_]]||li@>'
    - ^if <def[authors].is_empty> {
      - goto 'end'
    - ^define list 'li@'
    - ^define spacer '"text":"  "'
    - ^define prefix '"text":"<&5>|  <&f>Authors<&co>  "'
    - ^foreach %authors% {
      - define text '<def[value].yaml_key[text_name].escaped>'
      - define url '<def[value].yaml_key[url].escaped>'
      - define entry '"text":"<&7>%text%","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"%url%"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_item","value":"{<def[value].name.as_item.json>}"}'
      - if %loop_index% == <def[authors].size> {
        - define list '<def[list].include[<&lc><def[entry]><&rc>]>'
        else {
        - define list '<def[list].include[<&lc><def[entry]><&rc>|<&lc><def[spacer]><&rc>]>'
    - ^if <player.is_player||false> {
      - execute as_server 'tellraw <> {"text":"","extra":[{%prefix%},<def[list].separated_by[,].unescaped>]}'
      else {
      - announce to_console "<&5>|  <&f>Authors:  <&7><def[authors].parse[.yaml_key[text_name]].split_by[<&sp><&sp><&7>]>"
    - ^mark 'end'
    - ^define scroll '<&d>S<&5>-<&d>c<&5>-<&d>r<&5>-<&d>o<&5>-<&d>l<&5>-<&d>l<&5>---<&d>U<&5>-<&d>p<&5>'
    - ^define pad '<def[pageWidth].sub[<def[scroll].strip_color.length>].div[2].round_up>'
    - ^narrate "<&5><&pipe.pad_right[%pad%].with[-]>-%scroll%<&pipe.pad_left[%pad%].with[-]>"
#  END msgBoxed
#  Line Wrapping utility
# - Turn a long string into a list of smaller strings
#   Treats the <&nl> symbol as intended
#  Usage: <proc[lineWrap].context[string|targetLen]>
  type: procedure
  definitions: string|targetLen
  speed: 0
  debug: false

    - define stringLen '<def[string].length>'
    - define c '<def[string].last_color||<&f>>'
    - if <def[stringLen].is[MORE].than[%targetLen%]> {
      - define lines 'li@'
      - while <def[stringLen].is[MORE].than[0]> {
        - define low '<def[increment].add[1].as_int||1>'
        - define hi '<def[increment].add[<def[targetLen].add[1]>].as_int||%targetLen%>'
        - define pass '<def[string].substring[%low%,%hi%]>'
        - if <def[pass][==].to[%stringLen%]> {
          - define lines '<def[lines].include[%c%%pass%]||<def[lines]>>'
          - while stop
          else {
          - define brake '<t[<def[pass].contains[<&nl>]>]:<def[pass].index_of[<&nl>]>||<def[pass].last_index_of[<&sp>]>>'
          - define increment '<def[increment].add[%brake%]||%brake%>'
          - define passtrim '<def[pass].substring[1,<t[<def[brake].is[MORE].than[0]>]:%brake%||<def[pass].length>>]>'
          - define lines '<def[lines].include[%c%%passtrim%]||<def[lines]>>'
          - define stringLen '<def[stringLen].sub[%brake%]>'
        - if <def[loop_index].is[MORE].than[10]> {
          - while stop
      - determine '<def[lines].as_list>'
      else {
      - determine '<def[string].as_list>'
#  END lineWrap
#  Pagination utility
#  - Retrun a list of entries for display on a specific page
#    Pagination simply takes a list of entries, the desired page number, and the
#    desired page size and returns only those entries.
#  Usage: <proc[pagination].context[page|pageSize|list|...]>
  type: procedure
  definitions: page|pageSize
  speed: 0
  debug: false

    - define entries 'li@'
    - foreach '<queue.definitions.exclude[entries|page|pageSize].alphanumeric>' {
      - define entries '<def[entries].include[<def[%value%]>]>'
    - if <def[page].is[MATCHES].to[number].not> {
      - define page '1'
      else {
      - define page '<def[page].abs.round>'
    - define pages '<def[entries].size.div[<def[pageSize]||5>].round_up||1>'
    - if <def[page].is[MORE].than[%pages%]> {
      - define page '%pages%'
    - define highNumber '<def[page].mul[<def[pageSize]||5>].as_int>'
    - define lowNumber '<def[highNumber].sub[<def[pageSize].sub[1]||4>].as_int>'
    - determine 'li@%page%|%pages%|<def[entries].get[%lowNumber%].to[%highNumber%].separated_by[|]||li@>'
#  END pagination
#  Paragraph utility
#  Turns a list of entries into a list of lines limited in length.
#  - Useful if you want to limit total page size not just entries per page.
#  Usage: <proc[paragraph].context[lineLen|list|...]>
  type: procedure
  definitions: lineLen
  speed: 0
  debug: false

    - define paragraphs 'li@'
    - foreach '<queue.definitions.exclude[paragraphs|lineLen].alphanumeric>' {
      - define paragraphs '<def[paragraphs].include[<def[%value%]>]>'
    - define lineLen '<t[<def[lineLen].is[matches].to[number].and[<def[lineLen].is[MORE].than[0]>]>]:%lineLen%||44>'
    - define result 'li@'
    - foreach '<def[paragraphs]>' {
      - define lines '<proc[lineWrap].context[<def[value]>|<def[lineLen]||44>]>'
      - foreach '<def[lines]>' {
        - define result '<def[result].include[<def[value]>]>'
    - determine '<def[result]>'
# Put this inside the second foreach just before it closes to automatically
# insert a newline at the end of paragraphs.
#      - define result '<def[result].include[<&sp>]>'
#  END paragraph
#  Center Justified Utility
#  Returns your text center justified based on target line length
#  Usage: <proc[msgCentered].context[lineLen|string]>
  type: procedure
  definitions: lineLen|string
  speed: 0
  debug: false

    - define pad '<el@val[%lineLen%].sub[<def[string].length>].div[2].as_int>'
    - determine '<&6.pad_right[%pad%].with[<&sp>]><def[string]><&6.pad_right[%pad%].with[<&sp>]>'
#  END msgCentered