Paste #36195: Diff note for paste #36194

Date: 2016/09/16 14:31:50 UTC-07:00
Type: Diff Report

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     type: command
     name: dtodo
     permission: dtodo
     permission message: <&c>Sorry <>, you don't have the permission for using this command.
     usage: /dtodo <&lt>add/check<&gt>
     description: A to-do list powered by Denizen.
     allowed help:
     - determine <player.has_permission[dtodo]>||<player.is_op>||<context.server>
     - todo
     - task
     - choose <c.args.get[1]||null>:
       - case add:
         - if <c.args.get[2].to[99999].trim.length||0> == 0 {
           - narrate "<&c>[dTO-DO] Please specify a name for the task you want to add."
           - queue clear
         - flag player "dtodo:->:<c.args.as_list.get[2].to[9999].space_separated>"
         - narrate "<&d>[dTO-DO] The task have been added to your to-do list. You now have <player.flag[dtodo].as_list.size.round> to-do task listed."
       - case check:
         - if <c.args.get[2].trim.length||0> == 0 {
           - narrate "<&c>[dTO-DO] Please specify the number of the task you want to check."
           - queue clear
         - if <player.has_flag[dtodo].not> {
           - narrat "<&c>You don't have any task in your dtodo list right now. You can add them with <context.alias> add."
           - queue clear
         - if !<player.flag[dtodo].as_list.size> >= <c.args.get[2]> {
           - narrate "<&c>You don't have task at the line number <c.args.get[2]>. Right now, you have <pl.flag[dtodo].as_list.size.round> task in your to-do list. You can add more with <context.alias> add."
           - queue clear
         - flag player dtodo[<c.args.get[2]>]:<-:
         - if <pl.has_flag[dtodo].not> {
           - narrate "<&d>[dTO-DO] Great! Your to-do list is now empty. Create new task with '<context.alias> add'!"
           - queue clear
         - narrate "<&d>[dTO-DO] The task have been checked. You still have <pl.flag[dtodo].as_list.size.round> tasks to-do. Get back to work!"
       - case null:
         - if <player.has_flag[dtodo].not> {
           - narrate "<&d>[dTO-DO] Your to-do list is empty right now. You can add tasks to it with <context.alias> add."
           - narrate "<&d>[dTO-DO] When you will want to remove task from it, do <context.alias> check [task_number]."
           - queue clear
         - narrate "<&a>###### YOUR dTO-DO LIST ######"
         - foreach <player.flag[dtodo].as_list> {
           - narrate "<yellow>- [%loop_index%] %value%"
     type: world
       on system time hourly:
-      on system time hourly:
       - webget ""