Paste #38176: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/12/06 13:30:06 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----# Verry Important #----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#
#                                                                                                           #
# This config works with entries in a certain order. like: SOMETHING: SOME1|SOME2|SOME3|SOME4               #
# If you remove the second entry ( SOME2 ) it will count SOME3 as the second entry.                         #
# Therefor it is verry important that you DO NOT REMOVE any entry.                                          #
# In this config file you will find entries with SOMETHING: SOME1|SOME2|SOME3|SOME4                         #                                                               #                                                                                                      #
#                                                                                                           #
# You can define the amount of mobs spawning in a group in the original biome file. Not in this file!       #
#                                                                                                           #
# Hope you enjoy it! and if you do, please leave a review on                   #
#                                                                                                           #
#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----# Verry Important #----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#----#

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 Main Biome Configuration                        | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                     QuickSand Script Configuration                               | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

######### ADVICE #########
# For Use In Hot Biomes  #

# Turn the QuicksandScript on/off for this biome ( TRUE = on FALSE = off )
QuickSandScript: FALSE

# Chance for Quicksand to occur in the biome: ( Per player )
QuicksandChance: 85

# The block a player needs to be on for the script to start.
QuicksandBlock: red_sand

# The messages a player will get when he's slowely gaining freedom.
QuickSandEscape1: "You start getting some grip..."
QuickSandEscape2: "Almosth there..."
QuickSandEscape3: "Freedom!"

# The message a player recieves when the quicksandscript starts:
QuickSandStart: "The ground below your feet started sinking away."

# The message a player recieves when he/she starts taking damage:
QuickSandHurt: "The quicksand presses your lungs together... ( Spam Sneak To Escape! )"

# Adjust the below Death Messages to your likings! use <> for the player name. ( DO NOT REMOVE THE QUOTES )
QuickSandOnDeathMessage1: "<> thought he could swim in quicksand."
QuickSandOnDeathMessage2: "<> suffocated in quicksand."
QuickSandOnDeathMessage3: "<> thought he could walk over quicksand"

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                     EarthQuake Script Configuration                              | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

######### ADVICE #########
# For Use In Hot Biomes  #

# Turn the Earthquakescript on/off for this biome ( TRUE = on FALSE = off )
Earthquakescript: FALSE

# Chance for EarthQuakes to occur in the biome: ( Per player )
EarthQuakeChance: 85

# Adjust the below Death Messages to your likings! use <> for the player name. ( DO NOT REMOVE THE QUOTES )
EarthQuakeOnDeathMessage1: "<> did not saw that earthquake coming."
EarthQuakeOnDeathMessage2: "<> thought he could outrun the earthquake."
EarthQuakeOnDeathMessage3: "<> died due to an earthquake."

# The message that will display when a player gets hit by an earthquake.
EarthQuakeHitMessage: "<&l>You got hit by an earthquake!"

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                      Wasteland Script Configuration                              | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

######### ADVICE #########
# For Use In Hot Biomes  #

# Turn the WasteLandScript on/off for this biome ( TRUE = on FALSE = off )
WasteLandScript: FALSE

# Include the Mob Spawner Flame Effects for when the script takes effect.
IncludeParticleEffects: TRUE

# Include the villager & flying sound when a player is affected by the script.
IncludeSoundEffects: TRUE

# The message that will appear when a player is overheating: ( NOTE: Simply delete the line if you dont want any message to display )
HeatStrokeMessage: "<&l>The Blistering sun cooks your skin, find shadow!"
# The message that will appear when a player is confortable during broad daylight:
HeatStrokeOver: "<&l>As the temperature drops you start to feel better again."
# The message that will appear when a player is Freezing:
FreezingMessage: "<&l>Hypothermia kicks in, find shelter!"
# The message that will appear when a player is confortable during the night:
FreezingOver: "<&l>As the temperature increases you start to feel better again."

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                                     SnakeBiteScript Configuration                                | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

########### ADVICE ###########
#  For Use In Jungle Biomes  #

# This script adds an event that will check if an player is on a certain block ( Configurable as SnakeBiteBlock ) Then executes an script based on a
# configurable percentage. This script will cause a snake bite effect for the player in question. You will need to put SnakeBiteScript: FALSE to TRUE though.

# CustomBiomeScript: FALSE will turn the SnakeBiteScript off TRUE will turn it on.
SnakeBiteScript: FALSE
# Define the block you want snakebites to happen upon in this biome:
# List: ( NOTE: The SnakeBiteBlock does not requires the full material entry.
# leaves is a great example as it contains oak_leaves, birch_leaves and so on. Same goes for Oak_Log, simply type log to include all logs )
SnakeBiteBlock: leaves
# SnakeBiteChance: Chance for a snake to bite you on the snakebiteblock. ( 100 = a whole lot of annoying times. 1 = verry rare. )
SnakeBiteChance: 85
# SnakeBiteMessage: What message should a player get when he gets bitten by an snake?
SnakeBiteMessage: "You have been bitten by an snake!"