Paste #38180: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/12/06 15:02:50 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      Main Configuration                         | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Adjust settings for the scoreboard ingame ( Right Middle section of screen )

# This included the Survivor Toolkit: ( TRUE = display enviroment board. FALSE = hide enviroment board. )
EnviromentBoardScriptPlayers: TRUE
# This included the Admin Toolkit: ( Note: This will only be visable for operators )
EnviromentBoardScriptAdmins: TRUE

# FALSE = turn off the dungeon protection system.
# The dungeon script protects the dungeon from grieving before the BOSS chest has been opened. 
# I HIGHLY recommend you leave this on TRUE since it gives an extra feature which MOST players WILL like!
DungeonProtection: TRUE

# DO not change this setting:
Version: 1.1

# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                            Mob Configuration                                   | #
# |                                Bloodmoon                                       | #
# +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #

############################ ADVICE ###################################
#   This script will increase the difficulty during certain periods   #
#          And is a recreation of the plugin: Bloodmoon.              #
#   Check it out here:    #
#    And here:     #

# BloodmoonScript: FALSE will turn off 'Mob Configuration Sections' TRUE will turn it on.
# AlwaysOn: Do you want the plugin to be always on for this world?
# Chance: What is the chance for a bloodmoon to occur per night?
bloodmoonscript: false
  always-on: false
  chance: 15

    # Chat-Message-Enabled: FALSE will turn off the chat message.
    # Start-Message: Always KEEP the quotes: '' Or weird things will happen.
    # End-message: Always KEEP the quotes: '' Or weird things will happen.
      enabled: true
      start-Message: '&cThere is a Bloodmoon Rising! Run for your life!'
      end-message: '&cSafety has arrived, the Bloodmoon is gone!'

    # This section controls server commands that are executed when a bloodmoon starts and ends, 
    # allowing for customisation with other plugins and server features. The commands.start and commands.end sections 
    # list the commands that are executed if this feature is enabled.
    enabled: false
      - toggledownfall
      - time set 0
      - op Notch
      - toggledownfall
      - time set 12000
      - deop Notch

    # If this feature is enabled a sound will be played when the blood moon starts. The sound option controls which sound is 
    # played and the pitch and volume options modify the pitch and volume of the sound. 
    # sound: Here's a list of valid entries:
      enabled: true
      sound: WITHER_SPAWN
      pitch: 1.0
      volume: 1.0

    # This section controls the rate at which skeletons will shoot arrows during a bloodmoon the 
    # multiplier option controls how fast arrows will be fired. WARNING: Setting multiplier to a value above 20 will cause a divide by zero error.
      enabled: true
      multiplier: 3

    # This section controls if the arrows that skeletons shoot should be set alight or not, 
    # the ignite-target option controls if they should set the blocks they hit alight too.
      enabled: true
      Chance: 80
      Ignite-Target: true

    # This section controls if zombies should spawn with weapons in their hand, the chance is how likely 
    # it is that a zombie will have a weapon and drop-chance is how likely they are to drop it when they are killed. 
    # The name of any item can be used in the weapons list, an entry is picked from here at random.
    # Weapons: Here is an valid item list:
      enabled: true
      chance: 60
      drop-chance: 7
      ignore-spawners: false
      - GOLD_SWORD
      - IRON_SWORD

    # This section controls if zombies should spawn wearing armor, the chance is how likely it is that a zombie will have armor and drop-chance is 
    # how likely they are to drop a single part of it when they are killed. The type of armor is picked at random from the armor list.
    # armor: Here's a valid item list:
        enabled: true
        chance: 60
        drop-chance: 7
        ignore-spawners: false
        - DIAMOND
        - GOLD
        - IRON

    # This section controls how much further mobs will target players from, 
    # the mobs list controls which mobs this will affect. Setting the multiplier 
    # to a high value will cause a significant drop in performance.
    # valid entity list: 
      enabled: true
      multiplier: 2.0
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER

    # This section controls how much faster mobs should move. Setting the multiplier option to 1.0 will 
    # leave the mobs at their normal speed, the default of 1.35 make zombies move slightly faster than spiders do by default. 
    # fast-chance is the percentage chance that the mob will move at the fast-multiplier instead of the previous one.
      enabled: true
      multiplier: 0.2
      fast-chance: 10
      fast-multiplier: 1.3
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON

    # This section allows you to configure which mobs are able to break the blocks they are facing as well as which blocks can be broken.
    # The mobs section is the same as for the above double-health section except that it controls which mobs can break the blocks.
    # If the realistic-drop option is set to true the blocks will drop the same items as they would if broken by a player, 
    # if not (the default) they will drop their block type. For example, a glowstone block will drop glowstone dust with realistic-drop 
    # set to true and a glowstone block with it set to false, if stop-items is set to false no items will drop at all (useful for large servers). 
    # Finally the blocks section controls which blocks can be broken, their names should be used and as with the mob lists they must be in upper-case.
    # valid entity list: 
      enabled: false
      drop-items: true
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN
      - WOOD
      - LOG
      - GLASS

    # This section controls which mobs should have their health increased, 
    # the mobs setting should contain a list of mob names to apply this feature
    # to and the multiplier option controls how much higher the health should be.
      enabled: true
      multiplier: 1.0
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN

    # This section allows you to control how many more mobs than usual should spawn, 
    # the multiplier controls how many more should spawn. The mobs list controls which mobs this should affect.
      enabled: true
      multiplier: 20
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN

    # This section controls how much more experience orbs should be dropped when a player kills a mob. 
    # The ignore-spawners option makes this not affect mobs that came form spawners and the multiplier controls how much more XP should be dropped.
      enabled: true
      ignore-spawners: false
      multiplier: 2

    # This section controls how many more items should be dropped when a player kills a mob. 
    # The ignore-spawners option makes this not affect mobs that came form spawners and the multiplier controls how many more items should be dropped.
      enabled: false
      ignore-spawners: false
      multiplier: 2

    # This section allows you to configure the random large damage that can be done to weapons when attacking mobs. 
    # The mobs section controls which mobs this should work for, as above this needs to be a list of their names in upper-case. 
    # The chance option controls the percentage chance that a weapon will receive large damage with every strike of one of the mobs on the list.
      enabled: true
      chance: 10
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN

    # This section controls the modification of creeper explosions, with this enabled the explosions will cause 
    # fires to start on the destroyed blocks. The power setting controls the size of the explosion, the default of 
    # 4.0 is the same as a TNT explosion, there is no limit imposed on this value so be sensible. 
    # The fire setting controls if the explosions should start fires or not.
      enabled: false
      power: 4.0
      fire: true
      lightning: true

    # This controls if a mob should be spawned when a player kills a mob. 
    # The spawn section is the same as for spawn-on-sleep it should contains a list of mobs that might spawn. 
    # The mobs section controls which mobs this applies to, and the chance option controls the percentage chance that a 
    # mob will spawn. There is no limit imposed on the chance but setting it to anything close to 100 will be very irritating.
      enabled: true
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN
      chance: 10
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN

    # This controls if a mob should be spawned if a player tries to sleep during a blood moon. 
    # The spawn section should specify a list of mobs, one mob from this list will be randomly picked and spawned if a player tries to use a bed.
      enabled: true
      - ZOMBIE

    # This section allows you to modify the mobs that will spawn during a bloodmoon, only the entities names in the spawn list will appear. 
    # You can add mobs that do not naturally spawn in the overworld.
      enabled: true
      - ZOMBIE
      - SKELETON
      - SPIDER
      - CREEPER
      - ENDERMAN
      - PIG_ZOMBIE
      - BLAZE
      - MAGMA_CUBE
      - WITHER

    # If this is set to false the player will not be allowed to leave the world they are in until the bloodmoon has ended. 
    # New players will still be able to enter so this may be seen as a little unfair.
      enabled: false

    # This feature will cause the night to repeat if the required number of mobs have not been killed. 
    # The night will stop repeating after min-kills mobs have been killed or it has already reset max-resets times.
      enabled: true
      min-kills: 10
      max-resets: 6

    # This section allows you to control the weather during a blood moon, setting rain to true will
    # make it rain until the event is over and thunder will make it thunder until the event is over.
      enabled: true
      thunder: true
      rain: false
      chance: 100

    # This feature allows you to deny commands during a blood moon from start to end.
      enabled: false
      - spawn
      - home