Paste #4896: Ocelot Scripts

Date: 2014/05/29 13:05:33 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# +Quest: Skeleton Slayer (multi stage)
     Location: -218 67 287
     NPC: "Sadrius"
     Repeatable: 1 times a day
     Task 1: Kill 30 skeletons
     Reward: $100, 100 XP
     Task 2: Deliver 20 bones
     Reward: $800, 2500 XP
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Quest: Creeper Killer
     Repeatable: NO
     NPC: "OldFarmerMD"
     Task 1: Kill 10 creepers
     Reward: $300, 1000 XP
     Task 2: break 10 logs
     Reward: $100, 300 XP
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Quest: Farm_Helper (multi stage) PitchFork Ranch
     Repeatable: 1 times a day
     NPC: "Buck_Tweed"
     Location: (56 69 461)
     Task 1: Gather 10 seeds, plant 10 wheat, Harvest 10 wheat. return to NPC "Buck_Tweed"
     Reward: 3 cake, 2000 XP
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Quest: Farm_Hand (multi stage) PitchFork Ranch
     Repeatable: 1 times a day
     NPC: "LucyLancer"
     Location: (78 68 444)
     Task 1: Acquire leash, bring cow to NPC (must have leash to start quest)
     Reward: 5 cooked steak, 500 XP
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Quest: Fight Death Knight "TheDeathKnight7" (multi stage)
     Where: From NPC "Wirexia" complaining in the Elvein Daqgger Inn in Merstone. (-82 67 177) Bob suggests that being in a group will help
     Repeatable: 1 times a day
     Group: Player can try alone or band together with a group
     Task: Travel to Belkax Castle. If accepted Warp them to BelKax. After task complete warp back to Merstone (I really like this multistage script, although it doesn't work, needs to be fixed) and fight the boss "TheDeathKnight7". BOSS SPAWN LOCATION (27 105 2515)
     Duration: Can only run once at a time, if left not completed reset after 60 seconds of inactivity. Players need to respawn in the castle to keep battling
# + STATUS: Complex, to-be-done later...

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# +Woodlanders
     NPC: "Woodlander"
     Location of shop: -140 67 290
     Ask players do you want to buy something or do you want to do some work and earn building supplies? If buy something: open woodlander_shop.yml
     if work for supplies:
          Repeatable: 1 times a day
          Task 1: Deliver 64 Spruce Wood to NPC Loaf AT Loafs eats, Woodlander gives Wood to Player to Deliver
          Reward: 1 Iron Axe 250 XP
          Task 2: Deliver 30 sticks to  "fisherman770" (-275 69 380 )Woodlander gives sticks to Player to Deliver
          Reward: a fishging pole, from Tom
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Loafs Eats (Multi select)
     Location of shop: -164 68 278
     NPC Name "Loaf"
     Ask players do you want to buy something or do you want to do some work and earn your food? If buy something: Like Woodlanders, but will open - execute as_player "chc open loafs.yml <>"
     if work for food:
          Repeatable: 2 times a day
          Task 1: Gather Milk and sugar 1 Milk 3 Sugar Return to Loaf
          Reward: a dozen cookies and 300 XP
          Task 2: Deliver Librarian "zombooka" (-37 65 143) a cake. Loaf gives cake to Player to Deliver
          Reward: a golden Apple from zombooka, return to Loaf for more work
          Task 3: Deliver basket of fruit and vegstables to NPC Wirexia at the Dagger Inn , Loaf gives player 3 apples, 3 carrots.
          Reward: 3 carrot seeds, 3 potato seeds 1000 XP
    QUESTION: Instead of a pop up menu I can make, could you make a selectable list of items for sale such as the Following: 
    1. Divine Chocolate Cake 'When enchant with health boost' cost 75
    2. PoisonBerry Cake 'When eaten will poison you for half your health. Could be given to people you want to kill or hurt' Cost 200
    3. Carmel Dipped Apples 'golden apple with custom name' cost 50
    4. A dozen Sugar Cookies '12 cookies'  50 
    5. A gallon of Milk 6. '1 milk' 25 
# + STATUS: Partial: shop is script-functional though 'loafs.yml' is invalid?, quest is not - gives too many unrestricted items, need to limit somehow

# +Elvin Dagger Inn
     NPC " BarkeepNPC"
     Location of shop: -82 67 177
# + STATUS: Delayed: Needs description

# +Ye Old Books
     Shop: Librarian "zombooka" offering quests also takes delivery from Loafs Quest
     NPC: "zombooka"
     Location of shop: 37 65 143
# + STATUS: Delayed: Needs description

# +Rusty Sheild
     Shop: Players can have weapons fixed for cost:
     Location of shop: -92 63 299
# + STATUS: Functional

# +Beast Masters
     Shop: Players can buy/sell animals
     NPC: "xXBeastMasterXx"
     Location of shop: 28 67 237
          Horses (saddled) are $300, Pig (Saddled) are $200, Cow $50.00, Chicken $15.00, Sheep $75.00

# +BodyGuard Shop
     Shop: Buy a BodyGuard
     NPC: "macauleytough"
     Location of shop: -99 65 202   Players go to NPC "macauleytough" and they can buy a bodyguard. If purchased the NPC creates and assigns a bodyguard to the player. I like the script I posted but you can do as you thik is best.
     Cost: $2000 (No more than 1 BG on a player at a time)
     Duration: Until Bodyguard is killed. No respawn
     Bodyguard: Should; Attack anything within 15 blocks of player that is a hostile mob. Should be vunerable, player can equip BG with weapons. PLayer can kill BG, if they attack him/her the BG will fight back.
# + STATUS: Extremely complex, to do later...

# +Travelers Shop (Need one in Merstone, Flotsam and Stone Rose)
     Location of shop: -221 68 157 
     NPC: "AgentTran" 
     Shop: Warp Shop wheer players can purchase a TP to different far off towns that are not fesable to hit by foot.
     Cost: Each warp is $100 one way
     Repeatable: Unlimited
     warp to: "Merstone, StoneRose, Solace, Flotsam"
# + STATUS: Delayed. Need location for /all/ the shops, not just the one...

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# +Random NPCs:
     Wandering NPCs saying hello to players as they walk by and tell them some random txt.
     Could we have a random txt script that I can go in and fill out the lines of random narration? And all NPCs that are randome walk arounds will draw from that chat script?
     I want to reward a few players who signed up pre-release with an in game NPC. I had wanted the NPC to wonder around in the town 
     talking when people go by. I read that the effort of allowing them to move around is problematic for now. Also the fact that they must 
     actually be disguised as the mob the player is. An Ocelot. 
     We could just make a standing NPC for now with their names and have the random regional chat run as people interact with them. They would # + be story tellers basically.
# + STATUS: Too vague to properly build yet.

# +NPC server Greeter:
     NPC: "Buckius"
     Welcome guests, and tell them basics about Questing and using protection stones to protect their homes. Also point out that they have a server guidebook in their inventory to help them as well
# + STATUS: Functional, awaiting improved dialogue