Paste #5368: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/06/18 08:05:34 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Does sanety checks and then chooses a target and walks to it.
# Sets <npc.flag[Pathfind.Status]> when thinking and walking.
# Use on npc flag change event as needed.
# Sets <npc.flag[Pathfind.Status]> to Lost when there is no destination.
# Sets <npc.flag[Pathfind.Status]> to Arriving when walking to destination.
# Sets <npc.flag[Pathfind.Status]> to Walking after s@PathfindChooseTarget
#   successfully completes.
# Use on npc flag change event as needed.
  type: task
    - ^if !<npc.is_spawned> queue clear
    - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Thinking
    - inject s@PathfindLoadData instantly
    - ^if <def[destination].is[==].to[null]> {
      - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Lost
      - queue <>_PathfindWalkPath_Queue clear
    - ^if <def[destinationDistance][OR_LESS].than[%maxPathFindRadius%]> {
      - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Arriving
      - walkto <def[destination]> speed:<def[pathWalkSpeed]>
      - queue clear
    - inject s@PathfindChooseTarget instantly
    - flag npc Pathfind.Status:Walking
    - walkto <def[pathTarget]> speed:<def[pathWalkSpeed]> radius:<def[pathWalkRadius]>