Paste #57387: NPC Skin Save/Load

Date: 2019/08/26 22:12:30 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# +-------------------
# |
# | NPC Skin Save/Load
# |
# | A drop-in helper for saving/loading skins for reuse.
# |
# +----------------------
# @author mcmonkey
# @date 2019/08/26
# @denizen-build REL-1682
# @script-version 1.0
# Installation:
# Just put the script in your scripts folder and reload.
# Usage:
# Select an NPC and use command "/saveskin" or "/loadskin"
# You can do:
# /saveskin [name]       - Saves the NPC's skin to the name you specify.
# /loadskin [name]       - Gives the NPC the skin saved for the name you used.
# Uses permission "denizen.saveskin"
# ---------------------------- END HEADER ----------------------------

    type: command
    debug: false
    name: saveskin
    usage: /saveskin [name]
    description: Saves ye skin
    permission: denizen.saveskin
    - inject npc_saveskin_command_validate
    - flag server npc_skins.<context.args.get[1].escaped>:<player.selected_npc.skin_blob>;<>
    - narrate "<green>Skin saved."

    type: command
    debug: false
    name: loadskin
    usage: /loadskin [name]
    description: Loads ye skin
    permission: denizen.saveskin
    - inject npc_saveskin_command_validate
    - if !<server.has_flag[npc_skins.<context.args.get[1].escaped>]>:
      - narrate "<red>No skin found for the name specified."
      - stop
    - adjust <player.selected_npc> skin_blob:<server.flag[npc_skins.<context.args.get[1].escaped>]>
    - narrate "<green>Skin loaded!"

    type: task
    debug: false
    - if !<player.has_permission[denizen.saveskin]||<<player.is_op||context.server>>>:
      - narrate "<red>Nope! You don't have permission to do that."
      - stop
    - if <context.args.size> == 0:
      - narrate "<red>Must specify a skin name."
      - stop
    - if <player.selected_npc||null> == null:
      - narrate "<red>Must select an NPC!"
      - stop