Paste #59569: Player Ping Command v1

Date: 2019/11/03 15:47:21 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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### Player Ping Command
# by Mwthorn (Discord: Mwthorn#2843) (Mail:
# Ask for help at any time on the Official Denizen Script Discord:
# Displays a player's current ping. This is mainly just an example on how to make a command with Denizen.
# It has the following commands included:
# /ping - Check your own ping
# /ping (player) - Checks another player's ping

## Instructions:
# - Place the script in your script folder.
# - Restart server or reload scripts
# - Done! Now you can use /ping (player)

    type: command
    name: ping
    description: "Checks a player's ping from Denizen"
    usage: "/ping (player)"
    debug: false
    - if <context.args.size> > 0:
        - define target:<server.match_player[<context.args.get[1]>]||null>
        - if <[target]> == null:
            - narrate "<&7><context.args.get[1]> is not online."
            - stop
    - else:
        - if <context.server>:
            - stop
        - define target:<player>
    - define ping:<[target].ping||null>
    - if <def[ping]> == null:
        # Very rare case, but can happen.
        - narrate "<&e><[target].name>s' ping was not found"
    - else
        - narrate "<&e><[target].name>'s ping is <&a><[ping]>"