Paste #66515: Edit of P#52952 - Discord Chat Relay Config

Date: 2020/03/25 23:13:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# ████████████████████████████████████████████████████
# ██ [           dDiscord Chat Relay              ] ██
# ██ [                                            ] ██
# ██ [   1] your bot token is placed in:          ] ██
# ██ [      [botToken: ]                          ] ██
# ██ [                                            ] ██
# ██ [   2] your channel ID is placed in:         ] ██
# ██ [      [mainchat: ]                          ] ██
# ██ [                                            ] ██
# ██ [   3] your discord link is placed in:       ] ██
# ██ [      [discordlink: ]                       ] ██
# ██ [                                            ] ██
# ██ [   4] your paypal/bank account information  ] ██
# ██ [      is placed in:                         ] ██
# ██ [      [the link through DonateLink]         ] ██
# ██ [                                            ] ██
# ████████████████████████████████████████████████████
    botToken: '69.69.666.This.Is.Your.Bot.Token.666.69.69'
     # Keep the main relay chat as "mainchat"
      mainchat: '123456789012345678'
     #YourChannelHere: `123456789012345678'
    discordlink: ''
    DonateLink: ''