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 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
 #                                                                              |
 #                                                                              |
 #                     C o n f i g F i l e G e n e r a t o r                    |
 #                                                                              |
 #         A system for extracting default config files for your scripts        |
 #                                                                              |
 #                                                                              |
 #   Author: |Anthony|                                                          |
-#   Version: 0.1                                                               |
+#   Version: 0.2                                                               |
 #   dScript Version: 0.9.5-b1518                                               |
 #                                                                              |
 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
 #       Use the ConfigFileGenerator for any scripts that use config files or 
 #     YAML file storage. It will generate any default files for you based on
 #     what you define in the Configurations Script Container.
 # -------------
 #   - Build your Configurations Script Container file as needed following the
 #     examples shown here.
 #   - Run the ConfigFileGeneratorHelper to generate the files defined in the
 #     Configurations Script Container.
 #     - run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:%readID%|%basePath%
 #--- Configurations Script Container:
 #     The Configurations Script Container is the house for your default files.
 #     It will be referenced when building your default files.
 #     You are able to store any data needed inside this file. It can handle
 #     recursive lists too.
 #   Naming the Container
 #   * This is important!
 #     This script container should follow the naming convention:
 #       YourScript_Configurations
 #         %readID%_%basePath%
 #     We will refer to this later as %readID%_%basePath%
 #--- Example:
 #     There is an example Configurations Script Container at the end of this
 #   file that you can use to see how the ConfigFileGenerator works.
 #   There is also a command script supplied to make it easy to test. Assign
 #   youself the denizen.cfg permission node to use the command:  /cfg
 #   This will create 3 files inside /plugins/denizen/ConfigFileGeneratorTest
 #   You can also specify the any or all of 3 options for the /cfg command.
 #     /cfg --dryrun --verbose --force 
 # Config File Generator Helper
 # This script tells the s@ConfigFileGenerator which files to generate based
 # on the script container you reference.
 # Bare minimum usage:
 #   - run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:%readID%|%basePath%|%dryrun%|%verbose%|%forcewrite% instantly
 #  - I want to update this so you can specify a single file to build from any
 #    config container. Currently it tries to build every file but will not
 #    overwrite existing files by default (you CAN specify the --force option)
   type: task
   debug: false
     - ^define readID '<def[readID]||%1%>'
     - ^define basePath '<def[basePath]||%readID%_%2%>'
     - ^define scriptPath '<s@<def[basePath]>.relative_filename||null>'
     - ^define dryrun '<def[dryrun]||<def[3]||false>>'
     - ^define verbose '<def[verbose]||<def[4]||false>>'
     - ^define forcewrite '<def[forcewrite]||<def[5]||false>>'
     - ^if <def[scriptPath].is[==].to[null]> {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&c><def[readID]> is not a valid readID." to_console
       - queue stop
     - ^if <server.has_file[%scriptPath%]> {
       - yaml 'load:<def[scriptPath]>' 'id:%readID%'
       else {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&c>%scriptPath% does not exist!" to_console
       - queue stop
     - ^define keylist '<yaml[%readID%].list_keys[%basePath%].exclude[type|debug|scriptPath]>'
     - ^if <def[keylist].is_empty> {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&c>The default <def[readID]> config file is emtpy!" to_console
       - yaml unload 'id:%readID%'
       - queue stop
     - ^foreach <def[keylist]> {
       - define node <def[value]>
       - inject s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper p:buildFile
     - ^announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> has Completed!" to_console
     - ^announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> has Completed!" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
     - ^yaml unload 'id:%readID%'
     - if !<server.has_file[%readID%/%node%.yml]> || <def[forcewrite]> {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&3>Generating default <def[readID]> %node%.yml file..." to_console
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&3>Generating default <def[readID]> %node%.yml file..." to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
-      - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> " to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
+      - announce "<&b>" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
       - define writePath '%node%'
       - define writeID '%readID%_%node%'
       - yaml create 'id:%writeID%'
       - run s@ConfigFileGenerator def:<def[readID]>|<def[writeID]>|<def[basePath]>|<def[writePath]>|<def[dryrun]>|<def[verbose]>|<def[forcewrite]> instantly
       - if !<def[dryrun]> {
         - yaml 'savefile:%readID%/%node%.yml' 'id:%writeID%'
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml Save Complete!" to_console
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml Save Complete!" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
-        - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> " to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
+        - announce "" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
         - yaml unload 'id:%writeID%'
         else {
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml Dryrun Complete!" to_console
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml Dryrun Complete!" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
-        - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> " to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
+        - announce "" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
         - yaml unload 'id:%writeID%'
       else {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml already exists!" to_console
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a><def[readID]> %node%.yml already exists!" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
 # Configuration File Generator
 # This script generates default config files based on the definitions passed to
 # it. It should be flexible enough to handle any script.
 # You shouldn't ever really need to call this script directly. Just use the
 # ConfigFileGeneratorHelper to make your life easier!
 #   - run s@ConfigFileGenerator def:%readID%|%writeID%|%basePath%|%writePath%|%dryrun%|%verbose%|%forcewrite% instantly
   type: task
   debug: false
   definitions: readID|writeID|basePath|writePath|dryrun|verbose|forcewrite
     - ^define keylist '<yaml[<def[readID]>].list_keys[<def[basePath]>.<def[writePath]>]>'
     - ^if <def[keylist]> != null {
       - inject s@ConfigFileGenerator p:foreachKeylist instantly
       else {
       - define entry '<yaml[<def[readID]>].read[<def[basePath]>.<def[writePath]>]>'
       - if <def[dryrun]> || <def[verbose]> {
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a>Next Path<&co> <&b><def[basePath]>.<def[writePath]>" to_console
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&a>Next Path<&co> <&b><def[basePath]>.<def[writePath]>" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
       - if <yaml[<def[readID]>].is_list[<def[basePath]>.<def[writePath]>]> {
         - inject s@ConfigFileGenerator p:foreachEntrylist instantly
         else {
         - inject s@ConfigFileGenerator p:singleEntry instantly
     - foreach <def[keylist]> {
       - define key '<def[value]>'
       - define oldWritePath '<def[writePath]>'
       - define writePath '%writePath%.%key%'
       - run s@ConfigFileGenerator def:<def[readID]>|<def[writeID]>|<def[basePath]>|<def[writePath]>|<def[dryrun]>|<def[verbose]>|<def[forcewrite]> instantly
       - define writePath '%oldWritePath%'
     - yaml 'write:%writePath%' 'id:%writeID%'
     - foreach <def[entry]> {
       - if !<def[dryrun]> {
         - yaml set <def[writePath]>:->:<def[value]> 'id:<def[writeID]>'
       - if <def[dryrun]> || <def[verbose]> {
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&9>%writePath%<&co> <&2>%value%" to_console
         - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&9>%writePath%<&co> <&2>%value%" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
     - if <def[dryrun]> || <def[verbose]> {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&3>*-----*" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
-      - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> " to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
+      - announce "" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
     - if <def[dryrun].is[==].to[false]> {
       - yaml 'write:<def[writePath]>' 'value:<def[entry]>' 'id:<def[writeID]>'
     - if <def[dryrun].is[==].to[true]> || <def[verbose].is[==].to[true]> {
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&c>%writePath%<&co> <&e>%entry%" to_console
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&c>%writePath%<&co> <&e>%entry%" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> <&4>*-----*" to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
       - announce "<&b>ConfigFileGenerator<&co> " to_flagged:ConfigFileGeneratorNotify
 # Configuration File Generator Command
 #  Use this to build the example config files. You /could/ use it to build files
 # for other scripts, but use at your own risk!
 # I suppose you could add something like this to accept container names...
 #    - if <c.args.find[-b].is[MORE].than[0]> {
 #      - define file <c.args.get[<c.args.find[-b].add[1].as_int>]>
 #      }
 #      else {
 #      - narrate "<&4>You must specify the basePath!"
 #      }
 #    - if <c.args.find[-i].is[MORE].than[0]> {
 #      - define readID <c.args.get[<c.args.find[-i].add[1].as_int>]>
 #      - narrate "%readID%"
 #      }
 #      else {
 #      - narrate "<&4>You must specify the readID!"
 #      }
   type: world
   debug: false
     on cfg command:
     - if !<player.has_permission[denizen.cfg]> queue stop
     - determine passively fulfilled
     - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:true
     - define dryrun '<tern[<c.args.contains[--dryrun]>]:true || false>'
     - define verbose '<tern[<c.args.contains[--verbose]>]:true || false>'
     - define forcewrite '<tern[<c.args.contains[--force]>]:true || false>'
     - run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:ConfigFileGeneratorTest|Configurations|%dryrun%|%verbose%|%forcewrite% instantly
     - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:!
 #                                                                              #
 # Example Configurations Script Container                                      #
 #                                                                              #
 # This is how a Configurations Script Container should be structured.          #
 #                                                                              #
 # Each parent node under the script container defines a file name to generate. #
 # The child nodes that follow are the entries for that individual file.        #
 #                                                                              #
 # In this example, 3 files are generated in denizen/ConfigFileGeneratorTest/   #
 #                                                                              #
 # Although the examples are a bit robotic, they clearly illustrate a range of  #
 # usage scenarios.                                                             #
 #                                                                              #
 #                                                                              #
   type: task
   debug: false
 # ------ Single Value file container ------ #
     keyA: 1
     keyB: 0.1
     keyC: -1
     keyD: NaN
     keyE: This is a StRiNg!
 # ------ Single Lists file container ------ #
       - 1
       - 0.1
       - -1
       - NaN
       - This is a StRiNg!
       - 2
       - 0.2
       - -2
       - nAn
       - This is a sTrInG!
 # ------ Recursive Lists file container ------ #
           key1A1A: 1
             - 1
             - 2
             key1A2A1: 1
               - 1
               - 2
         - 1
         - 2
         key2A1: 1
           - 1
           - 2
         key2B1: 1
           - 1
           - 2
         key2C1: 1
           - 1
           - 2