Paste #10503: Diff note for paste #10502

Date: 2014/10/15 18:55:41 UTC-07:00
Type: Diff Report

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   type: format
   format: "<&f>-[<&b>Jewel<&f>]- <&b><text><&f>"
   type: command
   name: moon
+  description: Command to tell you the moon's phase
+  usage: just do /moon
   - narrate format:moon target:<> '<server.flag[moon_text]>'
   type: world
     on player enters bed:
     - random 3
     - narrate format:moon target:<> "That's right, a nice cosy bed is the best place to be at night ;-)"
     - narrate format:moon target:<> "Dreaming about adventures is better than having them right?"
     - narrate format:moon target:<> "Beds are for lovers and the old, what are you doing in one?"
     on time 0 in frozen_spring:
     - announce format:moon "It's Midnight! Are you somewhere safe..."
     - announce format:moon to_flagged:moon_warriors "...or out having an exciting adventure?"
     on time 5 in frozen_spring:
     - announce format:moon "It's 5am in Jewelcraft World, dawn is breaking."
     - announce format:moon to_flagged:moon_warriors "Did you survive the night?"
     on time 6 in frozen_spring:
     - define moon '<w@frozen_spring.moon_phase>'
     - ^if %moon% == 5 flag server "moon_text: It will be a New Moon tonight, extra dark!"
     - ^if %moon% == 6 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be a Waxing Crescent tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 7 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be showing its First Quarter tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 8 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be a Waxing Gibbous tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 1 flag server "moon_text: It will be a Full Moon tonight, you'd better stay inside!"
     - ^if %moon% == 2 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be a Waning Gibbous tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 3 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be showing its Last Quarter tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 4 flag server "moon_text: The Moon will be a Waning Crescent tonight."
     on time 12 in frozen_spring:
     - announce format:moon "It's Midday in Jewelcraft World."
     - announce format:moon to_flagged:moon_warriors "Where will you be when night falls?" 
     on time 18 in frozen_spring:
     - announce format:moon "It's 6pm in Jewelcraft World, night is drawing in."
     - announce format:moon to_flagged:moon_warriors '<server.flag[moon_text]>'
     on time 19 in frozen_spring:
     - announce format:moon "Darkness has fallen, and monsters are out to 'play'..."
     - define moon '<w@frozen_spring.moon_phase>'
     - ^if %moon% == 5 flag server "moon_text: It is New Moon tonight, though it looks familiar to some..."
     - ^if %moon% == 6 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is a Waxing Crescent tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 7 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is showing its First Quarter tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 8 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is a Waxing Gibbous tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 1 flag server "moon_text: It is a Full Moon tonight. What is that? You hear howling?"
     - ^if %moon% == 2 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is a Waning Gibbous tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 3 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is showing its Last Quarter tonight."
     - ^if %moon% == 4 flag server "moon_text: The Moon is a Waning Crescent tonight."