Paste #11161: The result of 11160 on an actual script

Date: 2014/11/10 22:01:47 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
  debug: false
  default constants:
    npctype: PassportAgent
  interact scripts:
  - 10 PassportAgentDialogue
    on assignment:
    - run "script:PassportAgentInit" instantly
    on spawn:
    - run "script:PassportAgentInit" instantly
    on exit proximity:
    - zap s@PassportAgentDialogue step:InitiateDialogue
    - queue clear
    on enter proximity:
    - if <player.has_permission[denizen.train]> queue clear else narrate "<&4>[<&a><&l><Passport Agent><&r><&4>]<&e> <&co> Right Click on me to get your passport!"
  type: task
  debug: false
  - trigger name:chat toggle:false radius:7
  - trigger name:click toggle:true radius:7
  - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:5
  - trigger name:damage toggle:true
  - lookclose true range:10 realistic
  - equip hand:0 chest:0 boots:0 head:0 legs:0
  type: interact
  debug: false
      click trigger:
        - |-
          if <player.has_permission[denizen.train]> { - ^cooldown 75s - ^define file voiceovers.welcome1 - ^define maxVol 2 - ^define minVol 1 - ^execute as_server 'playsound %file% <> 0 0 0 %maxVol% 1 %minVol%' - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&4>[<&a><&l><Passport Agent><&r><&4>]<&e> <&co> <&b>I talk if you have the Resource Pack installed!" - ^narrate "" - zap InitiateDialogue - queue clear }
          else if !<player.has_permission[denizen.train]> { - ^cooldown 5s - ^define file voiceovers.welcome1 - ^define maxVol 4 - ^define minVol 2 - ^execute as_server 'playsound %file% <> 0 0 0 %maxVol% 1 %minVol%' - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&9><&l>┏<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>►   <&e><&l>W<&6><&l>elcome <&e><&l>T<&6><&l>o <&e><&l>M<&6><&l>ine<&e><&l>C<&6><&l>onomy   <&b><&l>◄<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>┓" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&4>[<&a><&l><Passport Agent><&r><&4>]<&e> <&co>" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&b>Hi! Welcome to the MineConomy Network and thank you for joining our community." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&b>The MineConomy Network was created so that minecraftians of all kinds could have a place to call home. We want everyone to enjoy their time here." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&b>Please, be a part of that enjoyment by adhering to a few simple rules." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&c>1. <&f>Keep chat clean and local. No one enjoys having their message drowned out by people arguing." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&c>2. <&f>Don't be a troll. If you're here to cause trouble or make people upset just move on." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&c>3. <&f>Don't feed the trolls. Ignore the ignorant people. Trolls only stick around if they<&sq>re being fed." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&c>4. <&f>Make some friends. The best part of any multiplayer game is the community. Stick around for a while, chat and explore with other players, encourage other minecraftians to spend some time with you here. The game is what you make of it." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&c>5. <&f>Give us your feedback. Your opinion matters to us! You can chat with staff members in the help channels and you can also post to the forums." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&b>Thank you again for joining our community. Enjoy your stay and happy crafting." - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&9><&l>┗<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>►   <&e><&l>T<&6><&l>hank <&e><&l>Y<&6><&l>ou <&e><&l>F<&6><&l>or <&e><&l>R<&6><&l>eading   <&b><&l>◄<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>━<&b><&l>━<&9><&l>┛" - ^narrate "" - ^narrate "<&4>[<&a><&l><Passport Agent><&r><&4>]<&e> <&co> <&b>Right Click on me to continue." - ^narrate "" - zap ClickToContinue }
      proximity trigger:
          - zap InitiateDialogue
          - queue clear
      click trigger:
        - if !<player.has_permission[denizen.train]> { - run s@GivePassport - wait 60s - zap InitiateDialogue - queue clear } else { - chat "You shouldn't see this message <>. Tell Nilsentience." - zap InitiateDialogue - queue clear }
  type: task
  debug: false
  - ^playsound <player> level_up
  - ^give 'item:i@PassportItem'
  - execute as_op "perm player <> setgroup member"
  - run s@SetMemberChatChan
  - ^narrate ""
  - ^narrate "<&4>[<&a><&l><Passport Agent><&r><&4>]<&e> <&co> <&b>The <&6>Fair Grounds Amusement Park<&b> is currently closed for renovations."
  - ^narrate ""
  - ^narrate "<&b>You can visit the <&6>Ticket Agents <&b>to get a train ticket to any of our servers. <&e>/help travel <&b>for more information."
  - ^narrate ""
  - wait 1s
  - ^narrate "<&b>Remember that each server in the MineConomy Network offers a unique game play and that each has its own set of rules and help. <&e>/help places <&b> to learn about each of the games."
  - wait 1s
  - ^narrate ""
  - ^narrate "<&b>Be sure to check the <&e>/help<&b> if you have any other questions."
  - ^narrate "<&b>Enjoy your stay, and happy crafting!"
  - ^narrate ""
  - ^narrate ""
  - ^narrate ""
  type: item
  material: 339
  display name: Passport
  - This passport certifies that
  - you earned the right to
  - travel in our network.
  debug: 'true'