Paste #11743: Repo Script MOTD Manager

Date: 2014/12/02 06:49:41 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#                                                                              |
#                                                                              |
#                            M O T D   M a n a g e r                           |
#                                                                              |
#                       A system for serving custom MOTDs                      |
#                                                                              |
#                                                                              |
#   Author: |Anthony|                                                          |
#   Version: 0.1                                                               |
#   dScript Version: 0.9.5-b1522                                               |
#                                                                              |
#   Dependencies:                                                              |
#   - ConfigFileGenerator:       | 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#   MOTD Manager stores the IP address of players that connect to your server.
# It will then use this list of IP:player to check the player for a permission
# and send them a random message from the appropriate category when they view
# their server list in their client.
#  - Edit the messages.yml file that is generated on first run
#    - Edit the messages for the existing categories
#    - Create new categories if needed
#    - You can use denizen tags inside the messages to display dynamic content
#      to the viewer.
#    - After editing the messages.yml file you must reload the config files
#      /motd reload
#  - Assign players the desired motd.<category> permission node.
#  - Reset the config file
# TODO - Future Feature Fluff:
#    - Add better command support
#      - Ability to list/view/edit/create/delete categories and messages
#    - Maybe make it not write to the IPlist.yml if the info is the same

  type: world
  debug: false

    # What happens when a player (or bot) pings the server
    on server list ping:
    - inject locally ping instantly

    on player joins:
    - run locally join instantly

    on server start:
    - run locally loadYaml instantly delay:2s

    on motd command:
    - if !<context.server> {
      - if !<player.has_permission[motd.admin]> queue stop
    - if <c.args.get[1].is[==].to[reload]> {
      - determine passively FULFILLED
      - run locally loadYaml instantly delay:2s
      - narrate "Configs reloaded!"
      - queue stop
    - if <c.args.get[1].is[==].to[save]> {
      - determine passively FULFILLED
      - run locally save instantly def:ipList
      - run locally save instantly def:messages
      - narrate "Configs saved!"
      - queue stop
    - if <c.args.get[1].is[==].to[--reset]> {
      - determine passively FULFILLED
      - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:true
      - run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:MOTDManager|messages|false|true|true instantly
      - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:!
      - run locally loadYaml instantly delay:2s
      - queue stop

    - define address '<context.address.replace[.].with[-]>'
    - define maxPlayers '<context.max_players>'
    # Do we know this IP?
    - if !<yaml[MOTDManager_ipList].contains[%address%]> {
      - define message '<parse:<yaml[MOTDManager_messages].read[messages.messages.unknown].random>>'
      - determine <def[message]>
      - queue stop
    # Ok, we know this IP
    - define player '<yaml[MOTDManager_ipList].read[%address%].as_player>'
    # Is this person in the minecraft ban file?
    - if <def[player].is_banned> {
      - define message '<parse:<yaml[MOTDManager_messages].read[messages.messages.banned].random>>'
      - determine <def[message]>
      - queue stop
    # Build a list of message types based on the contents of the messages.yml file
    - define messageTypes '<yaml[MOTDManager_messages].list_keys[messages.messages].exclude[unknown|banned]>'
    # Determine which category to pull a message from, then get a random message from that category.
    #  Default to unknown if they don't fit in a category
    # BUG: Stops on first success. Would rather gather all cats and rando from
    - foreach %messageTypes% {
      - if <def[player].has_permission[motd.%value%].global> {
        - define message '<parse:<yaml[MOTDManager_messages].read[messages.messages.%value%].random>>'
        - foreach stop
        else {
        - define message '<parse:<yaml[MOTDManager_messages].read[messages.messages.unknown].random>>'
    - determine <def[message]>

    # Add the player IP as a key with the player object as the value.
    # Using the IP as the key gives us known info on server ping event BUT has
    #  the potential to have stale data since player IP is dynamic (generally).
    # This always writes, even if the node exists. If multiple people connect
    #  from the same IP, it will store the last player to connect.
    - yaml 'write:<player.ip.address.replace[.].with[-].before[<&co>]>' 'value:<player>' id:MOTDManager_ipList
    - run locally save instantly def:ipList

    # Loads the yaml files and generates default files if they don't exist.
    - announce "<&b>Loading MOTD Manager config files..." to_console
    - if !<server.has_file[MOTDManager/messages.yml]> {
      - if <player> != null {
        - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:true
        - run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:MOTDManager|messages|false|true|false instantly
        - flag <player> ConfigFileGeneratorNotify:!
        else run s@ConfigFileGeneratorHelper def:MOTDManager|messages instantly
      else {
      - if <yaml.list.contains[MOTDManager_messages]> yaml unload 'id:MOTDManager_messages'
    - yaml 'load:MOTDManager/messages.yml' 'id:MOTDManager_messages'

    - if !<server.has_file[MOTDManager/ipList.yml]> {
      - yaml create 'id:MOTDManager_ipList'
      - yaml 'write:description' 'value:This file stores a list of IP addresses and the last known player UUID' id:MOTDManager_ipList
      - yaml 'savefile:MOTDManager/ipList.yml' 'id:MOTDManager_ipList'
      else {
      - if <yaml.list.contains[MOTDManager_ipList]> yaml unload 'id:MOTDManager_ipList'
    - yaml 'load:MOTDManager/ipList.yml' 'id:MOTDManager_ipList'
    - announce "<&b>MOTD Manager config files Loaded!" to_console

    - yaml 'savefile:MOTDManager/%1%.yml' 'id:MOTDManager_%1%'
    - yaml unload 'id:MOTDManager_%1%'
    - yaml 'load:MOTDManager/%1%.yml' 'id:MOTDManager_%1%'

#                                                                              #
# Messages                                                                     #
#                                                                              #
# These are the default messages. They will be used to build the messages.yml  #
#  file. You can add additional messages and categories to that file after it  #
#  has been generated.                                                         #
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #

  type: yaml data
  debug: false

# Just add new messages and permissions to check.
# The banned and unknown sections are checked outside the other types.

        - 'Custom MOTD system'
        - 'Display a custom MOTD to players based on a permission.'
        - 'MOTD for Staff groups, player groups, or individual players.'
        - 'This file holds all the messages for the server ping event.'
        - 'Add/change the messages in the categories below as needed.'
        - 'We can use denizen tags to add almost any information to the custom'
        - 'messages such as last login time, how much econ money they have, etc.'
        - 'Make sure players have the appropriate permission (listed below).'
        - 'You can create new categories by simply creating a new node under the'
        - 'messages node and assigning players the corresponding permission.'
        - 'motd.trial'
        - 'motd.member'
        - 'motd.expired'
        - 'motd.customNode'
        - '<&6>We<&sq>ve never met!<&nl><&e>Here<&sq>s a Second Line!'
        - '<&c>You have been Banned <&6><def[player].name>!<&nl><&b>Appeal your ban on the forum!'
        - '<&6>Your membership has expired <def[player].name>!<&nl><&e>Go to the forum to renew today!'
        - '<&6>We hope you<&sq>re enjoying yourself <&a><def[player].name>!<&nl><&e>You first joined <def[player].first_played.formatted> ago.'
        - '<&6>Welcome back <&a><def[player].name>!<&nl><&e>We<&sq>re glad to see you!'
        - '<&6>Hey, you<&sq>re special <&a><def[player].name>!<&nl><&e>C<&sq>mon in, the coffee is fresh!'