Paste #11792: Denizen Debug Logs From 1.8 The Big Boy Update

Date: 2014/12/03 05:40:07 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_65
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-"ddfe270" (MC: 1.8)
Active Plugins (5): Citizens: 2.0.14-SNAPSHOT (build Unknown), Denizen: 0.9.6-SNAPSHOT (build 25), 
Essentials: TeamCity, dynmap: 2.0.0-1064, Depenizen: 0.2.1 (build 227)
Loaded Worlds (3): The Ultimate Permanent World, The Ultimate Permanent World_nether, The Ultimate Permanent World_the_end,
Online Players (1): KeangDavid(KeangDavid)

06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing outside scripts... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing unnamed script... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Thomas.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Ender.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Desktop.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Bank.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Computer.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO]  ERROR! There is more than one script named 'APPBANK'! 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Pages.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Computer/Heads.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/BaseScripts.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Admin.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Items.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Inventories/ComputerInv.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Scoreboard.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/yaml.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Denizen/EasyInventory.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Denizen/Commands.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Land.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Money.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [Denizen] Processing '/Trade.yml'... 
06:40:01 [INFO]  OKAY! All scripts loaded! 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADJUSTTASK as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script SPAWNSPAWN as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script EASYINVENTORY as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMINCOMMAND as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMINCUICOMMANDS as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script _UTIL_DTIME_COMMAND as 
                   type COMMAND 
06:40:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <&lt> with '<'. 
06:40:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <&gt> with '>'. 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script INVENTORY as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPIHEADS as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script GXP as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPBANK as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script STARTERKIT as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPIENDER as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script YAMLSAVE as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACESTATUS as 
                   type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script YAMLWORLD as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACEEFFECTS as 
                   type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script YAMLLOAD as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script HEADIMPORT as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script PAGESHOME as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script EASYINVENTORIES as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPHEADS as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script EXP as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script QUEUE as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script DSDB as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMIN as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKW1000 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COMPAGESL as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script WELCOME as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script PAGESNEXT as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script LOAD TESTER as type 
06:40:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <&lt> with '<'. 
06:40:01 [INFO]  Filled tag <&gt> with '>'. 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COMPUTERINV as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script PAGESPREV as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COMPAGES as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACECHAT as 
                   type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COMMANDSWORLD as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script TIMECONTROL as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script HEADSEDIT as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COINS as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPTEMPLATE as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPIDESKTOP as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACEINFO as 
                   type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKINV as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPDESKTOP as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script TIMETASK as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPENDER as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKW1 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANK as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script CLAIM as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script YAML as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COIN as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMINILEFT as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script OPENINV as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script _DEPEND GENERIC LOOP 
                   PROCESS as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script COMPUTER as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACELOCATIONS 
                   as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKW100 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script _UTIL_GL as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BASICSCOREBOARD as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script HEADSUPLOAD as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script HEADSDOWNLOAD as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script LOOP THROUGH as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script FIRSTJOIN as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script TRADE as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script SCOREBOARD as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script SCOREBOARDCOINS as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMININTERFACEFLAGS as 
                   type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BLOCK as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script APPHEADSL as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKD100 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKD1000 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script MONEY as type WORLD 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMINILOCATIONS as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BANKD1 as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script ADMINIRIGHT as type 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script BAR as type ITEM 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [ScriptRegistry] Adding script TITLE as type TASK 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [EventManager] Scanning 19 world scripts... 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [AsyncChatSma...] Loaded Async Chat SmartEvent. 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [EntitySpawnS...] Loaded Entity Spawn SmartEvent. 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [EntityDamage...] Loaded Entity Damage SmartEvent. 
06:40:01 [INFO] +> [CommandSmart...] Loaded Command SmartEvent.