Paste #11917: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/12/08 15:57:23 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
    on assignment:
    - trigger name:damage state:true
    - trigger name:proximity state:true radius:15
    - trigger name:click state:true
    - vulnerable state:true
    - wait 1t
    - health 150 state:true
    on spawn:
    - announce "<&6>Strah has been reset!"
    on enter proximity:
    - narrate "<&4>Fear can be a powerful enemy..."
    - wait 1s
    - narrate "<&4>Let's see how well you handle it."
    - wait 1s
    - cast CONFUSION duration:10s power:5 <player>
    - if <> <= 100 {
        - narrate "<&4>Gah! I need more health!"
        - cast WITHER duration:10s power:5 <player>
    - if <> <= 50 {
        - narrate "<&4>I have run out of patience..."
        - wait 1s
        - narrate "<&4>Let's see how well you fight without your eyes!"
        - cast BLINDNESS duration:7s <player>
    on death:
    - cast CONFUSION remove
    - cast WITHER remove
    - cast BLINDNESS remove
    - give i@gems qty:10
    - wait 1t
    - give i@VladsPick 
    - wait 1t
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:red
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:orange
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:yellow
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:green
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:blue
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:purple
    - firework <npc> <trail> primary:magenta
    - announce "<&6>Strah has fallen!" 
    on move proximity:
    - look <npc> <player.location>
    - walk <npc> <player.location> speed:5
    - attack <npc> target: <player>