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Date: 2014/12/11 16:41:54 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
      on death by <player>:
      - zap script:BanditLord_death step:1
      on assignment:
      - trigger name:chat toggle:true
      - trigger name:click toggle:true

    interact scripts:
    - BanditLord_interact

  type: interact
          click trigger:
              - if <player.has_flag[TownDungeonStarted]> {
                - chat "Stand still, traveler."
                - wait 1
                - chat "What business have you with our organization?"
                - wait 1
                - narrate "[YOU]: I wish to know the reason for your organization being here."
                - wait 1
                - narrate "[YOU]: Who are you people?"
                - wait 1
                - chat "We are bandits, theives, criminals."
                - wait 1
                - chat "We are everyone who has ever been banished by the city."
                - wait 1
                - chat "We are the ones they fear. The ones they sent away from their false reality of invulnerability."
                - wait 1
                - chat "We are the darkness of this city."
                - wait 1
                - narrate "<YELLOW>*CHOOSE WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY*"
                - zap step:2
                - wait 1
                - narrate "[1]: Are you proud of this?"
                - narrate "[2]: As of now, you are no longer welcome here. <YELLOW>[ATTACK]"
                - narrate "[3]: I am a fellow criminal. How can I join you?"
              else {
                - chat "You need to leave this place..."
           chat trigger:
                   trigger: /1/
                   - chat "We are a proud people, yes."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "These labels given to us by the city..."
                   - wait 1 
                   - chat "They are given to keep us down."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "To keep the city against us."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "They know we are a threat."
                   - wait 1
                   - narrate "[YOU]: Why would you want to be a threat to the city that offers protection?"
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "Ah, this protection they promise."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "What does it truly mean?"
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "It is an empty promise."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "A promise given to ensure a sense of peace among the people."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "The people of the city are never truly protected."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "They are constantly in danger by the very people who promise their safety."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "<YELLOW><><GREEN>, join us in the fight to free the people."
                   - wait 1
                   - narrate "Would you like to join them?"
                   - zap step:3
                   trigger: /2/
                   - chat "Very well. It didn't have to be this way."
                   - wait 2
                   - attack target:player
                   - vulnerable state:true
                   - flag <player> "enemyOfBandit"
                   - zap step:1
                   trigger: /3/
                   - chat "Fight with us, <YELLOW><><GREEN>."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "Rise against those who offer false protection."
                   - wait 1
                   - chat "Become the hidden, <YELLOW><><GREEN>."
                   - flag <player> "isTheif"
                   - zap step:1