silver_blazefury: type: item debug: false material: iron_sword enchantments: - FIRE_ASPECT:1 display name: Silver Blazefury lore: - <&a>Fire forged blade - <&a>deals fire damage - <&a>to mobs and players recipe: - i@iron_sword|i@blaze_rod|i@air - i@sulphur|i@air|i@air - i@air|i@air|i@air skeletal_cleaver: type: item debug: false material: gold_sword enchantments: - LOOT_BONUS_MOBS:3 display name: Skeletal Cleaver lore: - <&a>Forged from a - <&a>nercomancers bones. - <&a>Skeletons do not - <&a>target holder recipe: - i@gold_ingot|i@bone|i@gold_ingot - i@bone|i@emerald|i@bone - i@gold_ingot|i@bone|i@gold_ingot silver_blazefury_type: type: task debug: false script: - if == i@silver_blazefury { - flag player "s_blazefury:true" } else if == i@skeletal_cleaver { - flag player "s_cleaver:true" } silver_blazefury_world: type: world debug: false events: on player picks up i@silver_blazefury: - if ! { - narrate "<&2>! You picked up <&9>Silver Blazefury" - playsound sound:fire } on player picks up i@skeletal_cleaver: - if ! { - narrate "<&2>! You picked up <&9>Skeletal Cleaver" - playsound sound:wither_idle pitch:0.1 } on skeleton targets: - if == i@skeletal_cleaver determine cancelled on skeleton damages player: - - if { - - == i@skeletal_cleaver determine cancelled + #- + - attack target:cancelled - } ##The last line will correctly make a skeleton not target you. But, if you switch items in hand and back to the protected item, the skeleton will continue to target you as if you did not have the item.