Paste #13381: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/01/26 08:00:32 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# This thing handles the oracle after the boss in the water temple
# It was written by Wahrheit and you better believe it
# @author Wahrheit
# @version 1.0
# @last-updated January 19 2015

"Oracle of Water":
    type: assignment
    interact scripts:
    - 10 Water Savior
        on assignment:
        - run 'script:Water Redemption' instant

"Water Redemption":
    type: task
    - teleport npc 'location:<anchor:wtoracle>'
    - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:3

"Water Oracle Format":
    type: format
    format: "<red>Oracle of Water<white><&co> <text>"

"Water Temple Complete":
    type: task
    - narrate "Challenger flag read as <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>"
    - give money qty:2500
    - narrate "<yellow>You have received 2500 gold."
    - give item:373,8259 qty:10
    - give "item:Water Temple Depth Strider book" qty:1
    - give item:384 qty:64
    - give item:384 qty:64
    - random 4
    - give "item:Drenched Helm" qty:1
    - give "item:Drenched Chestplate" qty:1
    - give "item:Drenched Leggings" qty:1
    - give "item:Drenched Boots" qty:1
    - execute as_server "cast teach <> explode"
    - flag npcid:184 npc watertemple-challenger:!
    - announce "<red><> has successfully conquered the Water Temple! The Gods smile upon them."
    - flag player watertemplewins:++
    - flag player watertemplecomplete:0
    - flag npcid:184 npc watertempleclear:1
    - queue resume

"Drenched Helm":
    type: item
    material: diamond_helmet
    - This soaked helm was
    - obtained from the
    - Water Temple by
    - <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>.
    display name: "Drenched Helm"
    - oxygen:3
    - water_worker:1
    - protection_explosions:4
    - protection_environmental:4
    - thorns:3
    - durability:1

"Drenched Chestplate":
    type: item
    material: diamond_chestplate
    - This soaked plate was
    - obtained from the
    - Water Temple by
    - <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>.
    display name: "Drenched Chestplate"
    - protection_explosions:4
    - protection_environmental:4
    - thorns:3
    - durability:1

"Drenched Leggings":
    type: item
    material: diamond_leggings
    - These soaked leggings were
    - obtained from the
    - Water Temple by
    - <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>.
    display name: "Drenched Leggings"
    - protection_explosions:4
    - protection_environmental:4
    - thorns:3
    - durability:1

"Drenched Boots":
    type: item
    material: diamond_boots
    - These soaked boots were
    - obtained from the
    - Water Temple by
    - <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>.
    display name: "Drenched Boots"
    - depth_strider:3
    - protection_explosions:4
    - protection_environmental:4
    - thorns:3
    - durability:1    

"Water Temple Depth Strider Book":
    type: item
    material: enchanted_book
    - This book of magic
    - was obtained from the
    - Water Temple by
    - <n@184.flag[watertemple-challenger]>.
    display name: "Drenched Book of Depth Strider"
    - depth_strider:3    

"Water Savior":
    type: interact
        'Before Fight*':
            click trigger:
                - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "You shouldn't be able to see this, it's a debug message!"

            proximity trigger:
                    radius: 3
                    - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "You have defeated the corrupted Emira Ivese, congratulations, <>!"
                    - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "When you are ready to return to Prosperus, right click me."
                    - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "I will bestow your rewards upon you and return you to the Altar of Water."
            click trigger:
                - if <player.flag[watertemplecomplete]> == 1 {
                  - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "Okay, here are your rewards."
                  - run "script:Water Temple Complete"
                  - queue pause
                  - narrate "Format:Water Oracle Format" "Best of luck on your future travels!"
                  - execute as_npc "warp <> wateraltar"
                  else {
                  - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "It looks like I've already rewarded you."
                  - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "Best of luck on your future travels!"
                  - execute as_npc "warp <> wateraltar"

        'After Warp':
            click trigger:
                - narrate "format:Water Oracle Format" "This is a debug message that you shouldn't be seeing!"