Paste #13765: Untitled Paste

Date: 2015/02/09 09:32:51 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment 
  Interact Scripts: 
  - 1 BearClan1
  - 2 BearClan2

  type: interact 
        click trigger: 
            - if <player.in_group[bearlvl1].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are already a Bjorn member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl2].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl2].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl3].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl4].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl5].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl6].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel1].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel2].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel3].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel4].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel5].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel6].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl1].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl2].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl3].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl4].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl5].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl6].world[factions]> {
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!"
                } else {
                - chat "Hello <>! Would you like to join the Bear Clan?"
                - wait 1
                - chat "You will gain access to axes and equipment of great power!"
                - wait 1
                - narrate "[<&o>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f><&o> or <&b><&o>No<&7>]"

                - zap 2
        chat trigger:
                trigger: /Yes/, I will join!
                - chat "Are you sure?"
                - wait 1
                - narrate "[<&o>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f><&o> or <&b><&o>No<&7>]"
                - zap 3
                trigger: /No/, I will not join!
                - chat "be gone then!"
        chat trigger:
                trigger: /Yes/, I am sure!
                - chat "Very well, you have joined the Bear Clan and are now a Bjorn!"
                - execute as_server "pex user <> group add bearlvl1 factions"
                - flag player TitleKillCounter
                - flag player TitleKillCounter:0
                - zap 1
                trigger: /No/, I will reconsider!
                - chat "be gone then!"
                - zap 1

  type: interact  
        click trigger:  
                - if <player.in_group[bearlvl2].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are already a Malice Striker member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl3].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl4].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl5].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl6].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You have progressed past this level in the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel1].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel2].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel3].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel4].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel5].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[wolflevel6].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl1].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl2].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl3].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl4].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl5].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[ravenlvl6].world[factions]> { 
                - chat "You are not a member of the Bear clan!" 
                } else if <player.in_group[bearlvl1].world[factions]> { 
                - if <player.flag[TitleKillCounter]> < 75 { 
                    - chat "In order to be promoted to a Blood Axe member, you need to have 75 player kills!" 
                    - chat "you have  <75-player.flag[TitleKillCounter].as_int> more kills to go!" 
                    } else if <> < 20000> { 
                    - chat "In order to be promoted to a Blood Axe member, you need to have 20,000 money!"
                    - chat "You need <>  more!" 
                    } else if <player.flag[TitleKillCounter] => 75 && <> => 20000> { 
                    - chat "Hello <>!Would you like to be promoted to Blood Axe?" 
                    - wait 1 
                    - narrate "[<&o>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f><&o> or <&b><&o>No<&7>]" 
                    - zap 2 
        chat trigger: 
                trigger: /Yes/, I will join! 
                - chat "Are you sure?" 
                - wait 1 
                - narrate "[<&o>Type <&b><&o>Yes<&f><&o> or <&b><&o>No<&7>]" 
                - zap 3 
                trigger: /No/, I will not join! 
                - chat "be gone then!" 
        chat trigger: 
                trigger: /Yes/, I am sure! 
                - chat "Very well, you have been promoted to Blood Axe!" 
                - execute as_server "pex user <> group remove bearlvl1 factions" 
                - execute as_server "pex user <> group add bearlvl2 factions" 
                - execute as_server "eco take <> 20000" 
                - zap 1 
                trigger: /No/, I will reconsider! 
                - chat "be gone then!" 
                - zap 1

        type: world
            on player kills player:
            - if !<player.has_flag[TitleKillCounter]> queue clear
            - flag player TitleKillCounter:++
            - narrate "You have killed: <player.flag[TitleKillCounter].as_int> players!"